Intel Dem: No reason for White House to defy subpoena unless Trump is 'guilty'


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
What other explanation is there?

Intel Dem: No reason for White House to defy subpoena unless Trump is 'guilty'
House Intelligence Committee member Rep. Denny Heck (D-Wash.) said Friday that there is no reason for the White House to defy a congressional subpoena for Ukraine-related documents unless President Trump is "guilty."

Asked what would happen if the White House doesn't comply with the subpoena, Heck told CNN, "Defiance of this act constitutes obstruction of a legitimate congressional inquiry in pursuit of impeachment, and as a consequence of that we will presume or infer that he is not innocent of whatever it is that we're out to verify with the documentation."

"There is no other reason for him to withhold it, to hide it, unless of course he's guilty," he added, referring to Trump.

Intel Dem: No reason for White House to defy subpoena unless Trump is 'guilty'
But of course, we already know he’s guilty because he confessed, then doubled down by asking China to do the same thing.

trump thinks if he commits crimes in broad daylight he’s not guilty. He thinks if he announces that he’s going to rob the bank ahead of time he can go in and clean the place out without consequences.
What other explanation is there?

Intel Dem: No reason for White House to defy subpoena unless Trump is 'guilty'
House Intelligence Committee member Rep. Denny Heck (D-Wash.) said Friday that there is no reason for the White House to defy a congressional subpoena for Ukraine-related documents unless President Trump is "guilty."

Asked what would happen if the White House doesn't comply with the subpoena, Heck told CNN, "Defiance of this act constitutes obstruction of a legitimate congressional inquiry in pursuit of impeachment, and as a consequence of that we will presume or infer that he is not innocent of whatever it is that we're out to verify with the documentation."

"There is no other reason for him to withhold it, to hide it, unless of course he's guilty," he added, referring to Trump.

Intel Dem: No reason for White House to defy subpoena unless Trump is 'guilty'

And there's no reason to object to police coming into your home without a warrant, and searching through all your stuff, unless you have something to hide, right?
What other explanation is there?

Intel Dem: No reason for White House to defy subpoena unless Trump is 'guilty'
House Intelligence Committee member Rep. Denny Heck (D-Wash.) said Friday that there is no reason for the White House to defy a congressional subpoena for Ukraine-related documents unless President Trump is "guilty."

Asked what would happen if the White House doesn't comply with the subpoena, Heck told CNN, "Defiance of this act constitutes obstruction of a legitimate congressional inquiry in pursuit of impeachment, and as a consequence of that we will presume or infer that he is not innocent of whatever it is that we're out to verify with the documentation."

"There is no other reason for him to withhold it, to hide it, unless of course he's guilty," he added, referring to Trump.

Intel Dem: No reason for White House to defy subpoena unless Trump is 'guilty'

And there's no reason to object to police coming into your home without a warrant, and searching through all your stuff, unless you have something to hide, right?
A subpoena is the warrant, dumbass.
And there's no reason to object to police coming into your home without a warrant, and searching through all your stuff, unless you have something to hide, right?
A subpoena is the warrant, dumbass.[/QUOTE]

The Witch hunting Dems have dragged Trump from DAY ONE through hell from "RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA" to "KAVANAUGH THE RAPIST" to this he should just trust those wonderful, trustworthy Dems are ONLY after facts and truth......

Synthaholic = Clueless put it VERY politely

Trump and the Right MUST stop playing nice. We're past that obviously.
What other explanation is there?

Intel Dem: No reason for White House to defy subpoena unless Trump is 'guilty'
House Intelligence Committee member Rep. Denny Heck (D-Wash.) said Friday that there is no reason for the White House to defy a congressional subpoena for Ukraine-related documents unless President Trump is "guilty."

Asked what would happen if the White House doesn't comply with the subpoena, Heck told CNN, "Defiance of this act constitutes obstruction of a legitimate congressional inquiry in pursuit of impeachment, and as a consequence of that we will presume or infer that he is not innocent of whatever it is that we're out to verify with the documentation."

"There is no other reason for him to withhold it, to hide it, unless of course he's guilty," he added, referring to Trump.

Intel Dem: No reason for White House to defy subpoena unless Trump is 'guilty'

And there's no reason to object to police coming into your home without a warrant, and searching through all your stuff, unless you have something to hide, right?
A subpoena is the warrant, dumbass.

if its a warrant then why do they call it a subpoena???
What other explanation is there?

Intel Dem: No reason for White House to defy subpoena unless Trump is 'guilty'
House Intelligence Committee member Rep. Denny Heck (D-Wash.) said Friday that there is no reason for the White House to defy a congressional subpoena for Ukraine-related documents unless President Trump is "guilty."

Asked what would happen if the White House doesn't comply with the subpoena, Heck told CNN, "Defiance of this act constitutes obstruction of a legitimate congressional inquiry in pursuit of impeachment, and as a consequence of that we will presume or infer that he is not innocent of whatever it is that we're out to verify with the documentation."

"There is no other reason for him to withhold it, to hide it, unless of course he's guilty," he added, referring to Trump.

Intel Dem: No reason for White House to defy subpoena unless Trump is 'guilty'

Yeah...other than that pesky "separation of powers" thing, Synth! You our government was set up so one branch of government couldn't bully the others?

There is a palpable stench coming from the offices of the leading Democrats in the House and Senate. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with Trump asking for an investigation into Biden's influence peddling in the Ukraine and in China! To claim it's an impeachable offense is laughable! What have you liberals done to Trump since he got the GOP's nomination almost three years ago? Why was it fine to demand THAT investigation but it isn't fine to ask for an investigation into Biden?
What other explanation is there?

Intel Dem: No reason for White House to defy subpoena unless Trump is 'guilty'
House Intelligence Committee member Rep. Denny Heck (D-Wash.) said Friday that there is no reason for the White House to defy a congressional subpoena for Ukraine-related documents unless President Trump is "guilty."

Asked what would happen if the White House doesn't comply with the subpoena, Heck told CNN, "Defiance of this act constitutes obstruction of a legitimate congressional inquiry in pursuit of impeachment, and as a consequence of that we will presume or infer that he is not innocent of whatever it is that we're out to verify with the documentation."

"There is no other reason for him to withhold it, to hide it, unless of course he's guilty," he added, referring to Trump.

Intel Dem: No reason for White House to defy subpoena unless Trump is 'guilty'
We know he’s guilty. He admitted it and did it again openly. I’m not sure what’s so confusing to imbecile vile trumpkins.
What other explanation is there?

Intel Dem: No reason for White House to defy subpoena unless Trump is 'guilty'
House Intelligence Committee member Rep. Denny Heck (D-Wash.) said Friday that there is no reason for the White House to defy a congressional subpoena for Ukraine-related documents unless President Trump is "guilty."

Asked what would happen if the White House doesn't comply with the subpoena, Heck told CNN, "Defiance of this act constitutes obstruction of a legitimate congressional inquiry in pursuit of impeachment, and as a consequence of that we will presume or infer that he is not innocent of whatever it is that we're out to verify with the documentation."

"There is no other reason for him to withhold it, to hide it, unless of course he's guilty," he added, referring to Trump.

Intel Dem: No reason for White House to defy subpoena unless Trump is 'guilty'
We know he’s guilty. He admitted it and did it again openly. I’m not sure what’s so confusing to imbecile vile trumpkins.

He admitted it openly because it wasn't wrong to do! How is asking for an investigation into a politician who used their authority to make millions for his son from foreign countries an impeachable offense? Because Joe Biden is running for President? Why don't you explain to all of us why we should WANT a President who's going to abuse his office like that? Why don't you explain why Barack Obama didn't stop the rampant corruption in his Administration? Am I "confused" over that? (eye roll)
What I'm "confused" about is what it is you progressives think you've GOT Trump on? He's calling for the investigation of an apparently corrupt politician. It wasn't done by Democrats. They protect their own! So we should elect Joe Biden and any investigation into his behavior with the Ukraine and China should be out of bounds? Why is that exactly? Why should Joe get the velvet glove treatment?
This is nothing less than political grandstanding. The WH is using obstruction as a justification for the HoR opening an pre impeachment inquiry.

There is no constitutional mandate required. Want proof, just ask Merrick Garland.
What other explanation is there?

Intel Dem: No reason for White House to defy subpoena unless Trump is 'guilty'
House Intelligence Committee member Rep. Denny Heck (D-Wash.) said Friday that there is no reason for the White House to defy a congressional subpoena for Ukraine-related documents unless President Trump is "guilty."

Asked what would happen if the White House doesn't comply with the subpoena, Heck told CNN, "Defiance of this act constitutes obstruction of a legitimate congressional inquiry in pursuit of impeachment, and as a consequence of that we will presume or infer that he is not innocent of whatever it is that we're out to verify with the documentation."

"There is no other reason for him to withhold it, to hide it, unless of course he's guilty," he added, referring to Trump.

Intel Dem: No reason for White House to defy subpoena unless Trump is 'guilty'
Ok tard.

In all the years of this nation how many Democrats have defied subpoenas or pled the 5th? I presume then you consider them all guilty?
What other explanation is there?

Intel Dem: No reason for White House to defy subpoena unless Trump is 'guilty'
House Intelligence Committee member Rep. Denny Heck (D-Wash.) said Friday that there is no reason for the White House to defy a congressional subpoena for Ukraine-related documents unless President Trump is "guilty."

Asked what would happen if the White House doesn't comply with the subpoena, Heck told CNN, "Defiance of this act constitutes obstruction of a legitimate congressional inquiry in pursuit of impeachment, and as a consequence of that we will presume or infer that he is not innocent of whatever it is that we're out to verify with the documentation."

"There is no other reason for him to withhold it, to hide it, unless of course he's guilty," he added, referring to Trump.

Intel Dem: No reason for White House to defy subpoena unless Trump is 'guilty'

And there's no reason to object to police coming into your home without a warrant, and searching through all your stuff, unless you have something to hide, right?
A subpoena is the warrant, dumbass.
No it isn’t. It’s not from a judge. Judicial hands out warrants
What other explanation is there?

Intel Dem: No reason for White House to defy subpoena unless Trump is 'guilty'
House Intelligence Committee member Rep. Denny Heck (D-Wash.) said Friday that there is no reason for the White House to defy a congressional subpoena for Ukraine-related documents unless President Trump is "guilty."

Asked what would happen if the White House doesn't comply with the subpoena, Heck told CNN, "Defiance of this act constitutes obstruction of a legitimate congressional inquiry in pursuit of impeachment, and as a consequence of that we will presume or infer that he is not innocent of whatever it is that we're out to verify with the documentation."

"There is no other reason for him to withhold it, to hide it, unless of course he's guilty," he added, referring to Trump.

Intel Dem: No reason for White House to defy subpoena unless Trump is 'guilty'
Then what’s Biden worried about? I mean, if he’s not guilty why worry? Right? Your logic
What other explanation is there?

Intel Dem: No reason for White House to defy subpoena unless Trump is 'guilty'
House Intelligence Committee member Rep. Denny Heck (D-Wash.) said Friday that there is no reason for the White House to defy a congressional subpoena for Ukraine-related documents unless President Trump is "guilty."

Asked what would happen if the White House doesn't comply with the subpoena, Heck told CNN, "Defiance of this act constitutes obstruction of a legitimate congressional inquiry in pursuit of impeachment, and as a consequence of that we will presume or infer that he is not innocent of whatever it is that we're out to verify with the documentation."

"There is no other reason for him to withhold it, to hide it, unless of course he's guilty," he added, referring to Trump.

Intel Dem: No reason for White House to defy subpoena unless Trump is 'guilty'
We know he’s guilty. He admitted it and did it again openly. I’m not sure what’s so confusing to imbecile vile trumpkins.

He admitted it openly because it wasn't wrong to do! How is asking for an investigation into a politician who used their authority to make millions for his son from foreign countries an impeachable offense? Because Joe Biden is running for President? Why don't you explain to all of us why we should WANT a President who's going to abuse his office like that? Why don't you explain why Barack Obama didn't stop the rampant corruption in his Administration? Am I "confused" over that? (eye roll)
And why is Biden worried? I mean if there’s nothing to hide prove it right? Funny how their own logic explodes in their faces
What other explanation is there?

Intel Dem: No reason for White House to defy subpoena unless Trump is 'guilty'
House Intelligence Committee member Rep. Denny Heck (D-Wash.) said Friday that there is no reason for the White House to defy a congressional subpoena for Ukraine-related documents unless President Trump is "guilty."

Asked what would happen if the White House doesn't comply with the subpoena, Heck told CNN, "Defiance of this act constitutes obstruction of a legitimate congressional inquiry in pursuit of impeachment, and as a consequence of that we will presume or infer that he is not innocent of whatever it is that we're out to verify with the documentation."

"There is no other reason for him to withhold it, to hide it, unless of course he's guilty," he added, referring to Trump.

Intel Dem: No reason for White House to defy subpoena unless Trump is 'guilty'
We know he’s guilty. He admitted it and did it again openly. I’m not sure what’s so confusing to imbecile vile trumpkins.

He admitted it openly because it wasn't wrong to do! How is asking for an investigation into a politician who used their authority to make millions for his son from foreign countries an impeachable offense? Because Joe Biden is running for President? Why don't you explain to all of us why we should WANT a President who's going to abuse his office like that? Why don't you explain why Barack Obama didn't stop the rampant corruption in his Administration? Am I "confused" over that? (eye roll)
Well then why didn’t that logic cover trump in 2016? They’d eat their own
What other explanation is there?

Intel Dem: No reason for White House to defy subpoena unless Trump is 'guilty'
House Intelligence Committee member Rep. Denny Heck (D-Wash.) said Friday that there is no reason for the White House to defy a congressional subpoena for Ukraine-related documents unless President Trump is "guilty."

Asked what would happen if the White House doesn't comply with the subpoena, Heck told CNN, "Defiance of this act constitutes obstruction of a legitimate congressional inquiry in pursuit of impeachment, and as a consequence of that we will presume or infer that he is not innocent of whatever it is that we're out to verify with the documentation."

"There is no other reason for him to withhold it, to hide it, unless of course he's guilty," he added, referring to Trump.

Intel Dem: No reason for White House to defy subpoena unless Trump is 'guilty'
Ok tard.

In all the years of this nation how many Democrats have defied subpoenas or pled the 5th? I presume then you consider them all guilty?
I don’t know. How many? Since you asked you must have a list handy. Post it, loser.

pleading the 5th is legit. Let these criminals all honor their lawful subpoenas, show up, then plead the 5th. Sound good?

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