Inspirational young American

Good for her. When a teen gets pg this is exactly what I hope to see--that she will have the baby and finish school. (Even if she does not keep the baby, but gives the baby up for adoption.)

Another piece of good news: teen pg is at an all-time low in the US, partly due to reduced sexually-active rates and partly due to contraceptive rates.

Teen mothers and their infants are at increased risk for lifelong health problems and social and economic challenges.1 Today the U.S. teen birth rate is at an all-time low.2 Since 1991, the rates of teen pregnancy have dropped by half.3 In 2013, the CDC reported that birth rates for U.S. teens 15-19 years old dropped to a record low not seen since 1946.4 This decline in teen pregnancies crossed all races and ethnicities.5

Decreases in teen pregnancy rates are partially due to lower rates of sexual activity among young women.6 Also, more of those who are sexually active appear to be using birth control than in previous years.7

Several federal programs have made reducing teen pregnancy a high priority. One is the Title X Family Planning Program, which provides high-quality affordable family planning and reproductive health care for low-income teens.

Decrease in teen pregnancy |

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