Inflation Reduction Bill Has $93 Billion In Attacks Against Fossil Fuel & Energy Independence

Lol I think you’re butthurt democrats actually accomplish legislation while republicans are useless in comparison. You’re also clearly concerned about the upcoming election because of it.

Fuck the fossil fuel industry.

Just because they get something done doesn't mean it's a good thing. You can still get bad stuff done, and often it's much easier to get bad stuff done than good.

Taking America off gold and silver backing our dollar was easy, the patriot act was signed into action easily, Johnson easily escalated our involvement in Vietnam, bush easily invaded Iraq instead of going after alqueda, authorizing income tax was easily passed, the examples go on and on.

But we all know, if Democrats passed a law throwing anyone in prison for disagreeing with them you would say you love it because you're a contrarian. You don't actually support Democrats, you just support hating Republicans because every post you ever made is ripe with it. You live just to disagree with them and thus shows how closed minded you actually are.
Manchin and that Dem from AZ are probably headed to the unemployment line after their next election cycles.
The problem is that Progs keep moving us with their agendas. So, each cycle we are more to the left. Repubs spew their venom if they win and then do little but cosmetic pushbacks. They seem to be already having s split on some wanting to do more harsh stuff like Progs and the ones who do not.
So, the GQP claims Biden is a liar, but they believe that.

I don't believe that fossil fuel will never be eliminated, too much stuff depends on it.
As a fuel, it will be reduced, not eliminated.
Great, most of you ass-wipes lie through your fricken we shouldn't believe you either.

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