Indy 5.? Come on Harrison


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
Man I have totally lost all respect for Harrison Ford.He has become another Stallone,he is as bad as him.I always thought stallone should have ended the Rocky movies with Rocky 3,just make a was the perfect way to end it all with him and appollo dancing around in the ring together.Now I was okay with Rocky Balboa but they should have just ended it with Rocky 3 and go straight to Rocky Balboa.I like to pretend 4 and 5 never happened. Same thing with the Rambo movies.this last one I liked,it was realistic how the police in Mexico are,they turn a blind eye to prostitution there.With Rambo he should have just made first blood and then gone straight to this last Rambo movie.none of those other stupid sequels in between.

Now with Ford,he has gotten ridiculous with the Indy movies,he also should have ended it as a trilogy and left it alone.when he made Indy 4 I wondered why Connery did not come back for one more round,he could have done a small part butthe fact that movie was so god awful it’s no wonder he didn’t want to come back at the time,he probably read the script and saw how stupid and horrible that movie was going to be and wisely said no way.forget it.

I still cannot believe Ford would do such a crapfest.He kept talking back then about if the script was right he would do another one yet that script was so fucking lame and horrible yet he went ahead,liar.It was bad enough he did not apologize to his fans for doing that monstrosity which would have gained my respect back to him but this is even far moreunforgivable making another one after making thst piece of shit trash.

I always dreamed about meeting him someday him being one of my favorite all time actors but fuck you Harry,you clearly do not care about being in quality movies anymore and just want to put out trash now and don’t give a shit what the fans think anymore.what an asshole. Had he just admitted making Indy 4 was a mistake and never made another Indy movie I would be cool with him but he has become a real asshole now.fuck that jerk.
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