Indiana school on lock down

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A government is failing when our children are not safe!

only by surrendering to an all powerful government like they have in Cuba and Venezuela can we be safe under the loving guidance of a Fearless leader
Try the UK, Germany, Japan, Italy, Denmark.... heck any civilized country with strong gun control doesn’t have this problem...

What kind of "strong gun control" would you like to see ?
We should look at what other countries have done. Guns should be secured by parents. Guns for mass killing should be heavily regulated. All sales should require a background check.
I figure, at this point, if you are /truly/ worried about school shootings taking out your kids, then get them out of the "public shooting gallery" they've become.

It's like, there's a mall in town that has no security and people get mugged in broad daylight there - I won't go there because it ain't worth the risk. Home school, private school, whatever - it's clear that the left will not allow these kids to be protected like other "likely target" institutions.
A government is failing when our children are not safe!

only by surrendering to an all powerful government like they have in Cuba and Venezuela can we be safe under the loving guidance of a Fearless leader
Try the UK, Germany, Japan, Italy, Denmark.... heck any civilized country with strong gun control doesn’t have this problem...

What kind of "strong gun control" would you like to see ?
We should look at what other countries have done. Guns should be secured by parents. Guns for mass killing should be heavily regulated. All sales should require a background check.

Backgrounds are already checked in order to purchase a firearm.

What kind of guns should be " heavily regulated" ? Any semi-auto, and what do you mean by " heavily regulated " ?
To be serious for a second, the copy cat problem is really out of hand. We may have to put a lid on the media coverage and even the social media coverage of these school shootings in order to slow it down.

Another school shooting, another week goes by where no one asks why the schools aren't taking measures to prevent them! Another week where no one asks why public schools and not private schools, why not colleges and universities? Why not retail stores, supermarkets, bridal shops, car dealerships, no ----- ---- just public schools.

One almost wonders if on some level they WANT these shootings to happen so they can


If Exxon Mobil kept building oil refineries and they kept blowing up, would you blame the crude oil or Exxon?

In the 1980s when people started tampering with pills and putting poison in Tylenol killing its users, did they blame the pills or the person tampering with them?

Why then does the Crazy Left keep trying to flout this untenable "solution" of "sensible" gun controls as the fix to everything, when all but a total idiot realizes that guns are everywhere and the only way to make kids stop taking guns to school is to totally remove them from availability by taking them out of every home, every store. A total nationwide gun confiscation against the very founding laws of our nation who said to never ever give up your guns! And when you've taken away the 50 million or so firearms, you are still left with the BLACK MARKET which will just bring them right back in, except now, only to the criminal element with a now disarmed populace, and you are still left with the public school kids still wanting to kill, who will just switch to using something else.

Why is none of this considered, or the most obvious solution: TAKE EDUCATION OUT OF THE HANDS OF GOVERNMENT. The common denominator in all these government-run public school shootings is that they are government-related. How can anyone ignore this?


Get the Left out of indoctrinating our children. Do that and you would see an immediate near cessation of the school violence and killings.
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Another school shooting, another week goes by where no one asks why the schools aren't taking measures to prevent them! Another week where no one asks why public schools and not private schools, why not colleges and universities? Why not retail stores, supermarkets, bridal shops, car dealerships, no ----- ---- just public schools.

One almost wonders if on some level they WANT these shootings to happen so they can


If Exxon Mobil kept building oil refineries and they kept blowing up, would you blame the crude oil or Exxon?

In the 1980s when people started tampering with pills and putting poison in Tylenol killing its users, did they blame the pills or the person tampering with them?

Why then does the Crazy Left keep trying to flout this untenable "solution" of "sensible" gun controls as the fix to everything, when all but a total idiot realizes that guns are everywhere and the only way to make kids stop taking guns to school is to totally remove them from availability by taking them out of every home, every store. A total nationwide gun confiscation against the very founding laws of our nation who said to never ever give up your guns! And when you've taken away the 50 million or so firearms, you are still left with the BLACK MARKET which will just bring them right back in, except now, only to the criminal element with a now disarmed populace, and you are still left with the public school kids still wanting to kill, who will just switch to using something else.

Why is none of this considered, or the most obvious solution: TAKE EDUCATION OUT OF THE HANDS OF GOVERNMENT. The common denominator in all these government-run public school shootings is that they are government-related. How can anyone ignore this?


Get the Left out of indoctrinating our children. Do that and you would see an immediate near cessation of the school violence and killings.
Really? No Colleges or Universities? No Churches? No theaters? No businesses? No concerts?

Are you willingly blind?
Dollars to donuts, another kid on antidepressants
The same ones they use in lots of countries that don’t have this problem?

To not nearly the extent here? Yes

The same ones that Great Britain greatly restricted in the youth that showed a high risk of increased suicides and violent behavior? Again Yes.

You mean, those?
It is not "those", it is one drug: Effexor. So I don't think you have a point, here.
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