Indiana Jones? The last action hero? Has the left finished off one of the last real action heroes of the modern age?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The reviews for the Phoebe Waller-Bridge/Hellen Shaw and the Dial of Destiny.........errrrr....I mean Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny seem to be really, really.....horrible.....and it seems like this is another bait and switch movie, where they use a loved character to fill seats...then swap him out for a Mary Jane......the leftist superhero female.........

You will not be surprised to learn that Disney’s Lucasfilm chief, Kathleen Kennedy, was in charge of both productions. And so it appears that Kennedy, fresh off of driving Star Wars into the ground, will do to Indiana Jones what Nazis, supernatural cults, more Nazis, and space aliens never could: Murder the man with the hat.

Sad news. I was looking forward to another Indy romp through the pulps before Ford got too old to do any more. If some Woke bitch ruined it she should be deported.
I was afraid of this. The entire movie is devoted to insulting and denigrating Indiana Jones as an old, washed up, senile fool. I would rather see an Indy rerun than this squalor.
The reviews for the Phoebe Waller-Bridge/Hellen Shaw and the Dial of Destiny.........errrrr....I mean Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny seem to be really, really.....horrible.....and it seems like this is another bait and switch movie, where they use a loved character to fill seats...then swap him out for a Mary Jane......the leftist superhero female.........

You will not be surprised to learn that Disney’s Lucasfilm chief, Kathleen Kennedy, was in charge of both productions. And so it appears that Kennedy, fresh off of driving Star Wars into the ground, will do to Indiana Jones what Nazis, supernatural cults, more Nazis, and space aliens never could: Murder the man with the hat.

Keep the make-believe world separate from reality.
I had no interest in this to begin with. Everything Disney gets their hooks into they turn to complete shit anymore.

Raiders is one of my top 10 movies of all time.

Temple was really great, although I didn't like capshaw as I found her annoying but everything else was magic.

Crusade was great as well.

Kingdom had its moments where the real indy shined through.

But destiny? I don't even recognize it's existence really. There is too much in my life to do before I die to even bother giving it a chance because Disney is king Midas's evil twin where when they touch gold it turns to shit.
The reviews for the Phoebe Waller-Bridge/Hellen Shaw and the Dial of Destiny.........errrrr....I mean Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny seem to be really, really.....horrible.....and it seems like this is another bait and switch movie, where they use a loved character to fill seats...then swap him out for a Mary Jane......the leftist superhero female.........

You will not be surprised to learn that Disney’s Lucasfilm chief, Kathleen Kennedy, was in charge of both productions. And so it appears that Kennedy, fresh off of driving Star Wars into the ground, will do to Indiana Jones what Nazis, supernatural cults, more Nazis, and space aliens never could: Murder the man with the hat.

The Left has abandon focusing on entertainment in the entertainment industry, much like they have abandoned companies like Budweiser existing to merely make a profit.

Now everything is dedicated to Left wing propaganda 24/7.
The reviews for the Phoebe Waller-Bridge/Hellen Shaw and the Dial of Destiny.........errrrr....I mean Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny seem to be really, really.....horrible.....and it seems like this is another bait and switch movie, where they use a loved character to fill seats...then swap him out for a Mary Jane......the leftist superhero female.........

Then you shouldn't go by reviews.

I just saw it and I was entertained enough. And (Despite my avi) I'm not a fanatical fan where I think the Franchise can do no wrong. The one with the Flying Saucer was awful.

Of course, the same people who hated the Star Wars Sequels because they put a girl in as the hero, are going to hate this one that the main supporting character is a woman.

But unlike The Force Awakens, Dial of Destiny never has her upstage our hero. They never insult the fans.

This movie rises or falls on whether or not you are willing to accept a seventy-something Indiana Jones still doing Indy Stuff. If you are willing to go that level of suspension of disbelief, the movie works fine. Harrison Ford is at his best. (Again, unlike the Force Awakens when he was phoning it in and demanded Han Solo be killed off.)

In short, this has all the things that you would expect to see in an Indiana Jones movie. Quest to hunt down an ancient artifact? Check. Scene with creepy crawly animals. Check. Punchable Nazis? Check. Good reproduction of the time period it's set in. (Mostly 1969) Check.

The movie is fun, if you enjoy this Franchise, it's what you expect from the brand.
I got a free ticket to see this by eating at Applebee’s. We will see if I actually use it. As of right now I’m not inspired to do so.
Then you shouldn't go by reviews.

I just saw it and I was entertained enough. And (Despite my avi) I'm not a fanatical fan where I think the Franchise can do no wrong. The one with the Flying Saucer was awful.

Of course, the same people who hated the Star Wars Sequels because they put a girl in as the hero, are going to hate this one that the main supporting character is a woman.

But unlike The Force Awakens, Dial of Destiny never has her upstage our hero. They never insult the fans.

This movie rises or falls on whether or not you are willing to accept a seventy-something Indiana Jones still doing Indy Stuff. If you are willing to go that level of suspension of disbelief, the movie works fine. Harrison Ford is at his best. (Again, unlike the Force Awakens when he was phoning it in and demanded Han Solo be killed off.)

In short, this has all the things that you would expect to see in an Indiana Jones movie. Quest to hunt down an ancient artifact? Check. Scene with creepy crawly animals. Check. Punchable Nazis? Check. Good reproduction of the time period it's set in. (Mostly 1969) Check.

The movie is fun, if you enjoy this Franchise, it's what you expect from the brand.

They should do what they have done with Bond and rotate in a new actor.....dittos for Han Solo........
I had no interest in this to begin with. Everything Disney gets their hooks into they turn to complete shit anymore.

Raiders is one of my top 10 movies of all time.

Temple was really great, although I didn't like capshaw as I found her annoying but everything else was magic.

Crusade was great as well.

Kingdom had its moments where the real indy shined through.

But destiny? I don't even recognize it's existence really. There is too much in my life to do before I die to even bother giving it a chance because Disney is king Midas's evil twin where when they touch gold it turns to shit.

Raiders is in my top 25 best films .. the rest are garbage
The nazis were not Right

Then why did David Duke endorse Trump?

They should do what they have done with Bond and rotate in a new actor.....dittos for Han Solo........

Um, they did cast a new actor to play Han Solo. And it stank to high heaven, it was the only Star Wars movie to actually LOSE money. (Something the dreadful sequels didn't even accomplish.)

As far as Bond... um, Really, there aren't any good Bond Movies that don't star Sean Connery.
I had no interest in this to begin with. Everything Disney gets their hooks into they turn to complete shit anymore.

Raiders is one of my top 10 movies of all time.

Temple was really great, although I didn't like capshaw as I found her annoying but everything else was magic.

Crusade was great as well.

Kingdom had its moments where the real indy shined through.

But destiny? I don't even recognize it's existence really. There is too much in my life to do before I die to even bother giving it a chance because Disney is king Midas's evil twin where when they touch gold it turns to shit.

Raiders is a great movie. I actually rewatched it last night with my girlfriend (who is from China and wasn't familiar with the Franchise). (Unfortunately Disney Plus has not dubbed or provided Chinese Subtitles for the films, which they recently added to promote the new movie.)

Temple was a lot of fun, it's portrayal of people of color is somewhat problematic.

Crusade was a good movie, which was elevated by the presense of Sean Connery as Dr. Henry Jones, Sr.

Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was crap. Nuked the Fridge. That's all you really have to say about this film.

Honesty, Dial felt more like an Indiana Jones movie than Kingdom did. The only question is, will you accept a Septuagenarian Dr. Jones.
Then why did David Duke endorse Trump?

Um, they did cast a new actor to play Han Solo. And it stank to high heaven, it was the only Star Wars movie to actually LOSE money. (Something the dreadful sequels didn't even accomplish.)

As far as Bond... um, Really, there aren't any good Bond Movies that don't star Sean Connery.

Did Trump ask for or accept his endorsement......?


Now...your turn......

Why did obama and the congressional black caucus host racist and anti-semite louis farakhan with a dinner? Why did obama host al sharpton, racist and anti-semite to the White House over and over again.......? Why did obama attend the racist and anti-semite, Jeremiah Wright's, church for 20 years, allow him to marry him and michelle and baptize their daughters.....

So you have a racist who is not accepted or tolerated by any republican party member, in particular Trump....while obama and the congressional black caucus openly host an honest to goodness racist and anti-semite, and obama hosts an open and proud racist and anti-semite al sharpton, and attended the church of a racist and anti-semite for 20 years....jeremiah wright.....

Of the are again backing the racists....not me or mine...
Then why did David Duke endorse Trump?

Um, they did cast a new actor to play Han Solo. And it stank to high heaven, it was the only Star Wars movie to actually LOSE money. (Something the dreadful sequels didn't even accomplish.)

As far as Bond... um, Really, there aren't any good Bond Movies that don't star Sean Connery.

Because Kathleen Kennedy was in charge.........they need to do it over with new leadership.
Raiders is in my top 25 best films .. the rest are garbage

Yep......I didn't like any of the other ones.......the first Raiders was pure came out of left field at the time......a brand new hero, with an old school story........and it was just amazing...
Why did obama and the congressional black caucus host racist and anti-semite louis farakhan with a dinner? Why did obama host al sharpton, racist and anti-semite to the White House over and over again.......? Why did obama attend the racist and anti-semite, Jeremiah Wright's, church for 20 years, allow him to marry him and michelle and baptize their daughters.....

Dick Tiny, what does any of this have to do with Indiana Jones?

Because Kathleen Kennedy was in charge.........they need to do it over with new leadership.

Kathleen Kennedy isn't the problem.

Star Wars Fans are.

Nothing really makes those people happy.

They haven't been happy with Star Wars since the Empire Strikes back, really.

They didn't like Return of the Jedi.
They didn't like the Prequels
They didn't like the Sequels
They didn't like the two stand alone movies.

The real problem is, of course, is that after Jedi, that should have closed out the story. It really isn't Kennedy's fault, it's just that there was nowhere to take the story.
Yep......I didn't like any of the other ones.......the first Raiders was pure came out of left field at the time......a brand new hero, with an old school story........and it was just amazing...

Yes I love to rewatch it every 2 years or so.

The end of Part 3 was cool with the 3 trials

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