Indiana couple w/ TDS run 2 teens off road


their welfare moms must be so proud of them
I'd say something but then I would have every racist on here calling me a racist as you cannot describe anything anymore without a load of BS to follow from snowflakes, bigots and racist.
They gotta go with what they're good at.
I told this story here a couple of years ago...I was leaving the store parking lot and when I started my truck Rush was on the radio...the old TDS couple parked next to me began screaming at me...they were old hippies so I laughed and drove off only to see them flying up behind me in their Prius...they were moving so fast that I could see they would have no way to stop before they hit me...I had to break for the red I braced myself for impact but they swerved and hit the center divider and rolled their Prius three times before landing upside down in the roadway.....I still laugh when I think about it....
I told this story here a couple of years ago...I was leaving the store parking lot and when I started my truck Rush was on the radio...the old TDS couple parked next to me began screaming at me...they were old hippies so I laughed and drove off only to see them flying up behind me in their Prius...they were moving so fast that I could see they would have no way to stop before they hit me...I had to break for the red I braced myself for impact but they swerved and hit the center divider and rolled their Prius three times before landing upside down in the roadway.....I still laugh when I think about it....
Raging TDS has made some of these people stark, raving lunatics. Thanks for re-posting this encounter.
Flags seem to bother American leftists. Strange

I agree.

But not only flags seem to bother the demRats but also Christianity, family values ..... these demons are bothered by tradition in general.

Very sickening to observe! :mad-61:
Flags seem to bother American leftists. Strange

I agree.

But not only flags seem to bother the demRats but also Christianity, family values ..... these demons are bothered by tradition in general.

Very sickening to observe! :mad-61:
Two people I have known came unglued over President Trump and defriended me. First one was a woman I bought eggs from before we got our own chickens and another an artist acquaintance.
They look like typical Bernie supporters wanting free stuff from people who work and contribute to society.

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