Independant Barometer Shows Democratic Forecasts For 'Big Blue Wave' May Be Overstated


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
I've been hearing about the "Big Blue Wave' all over this forum. ---Talk of the Republicans and Trump sagging and support for him crumbling away. But what do REAL EVENTS actually tell us independent of the partisans? The indicators DO NOT support a mid-term crisis for the Republicans the likes of which as forecast by the Left.

Now, this thread crosses a bit over onto another thread or two, but I felt it really deserved its own special attention because of what it really tells us politically about the mood of the country. Where is this independent barometer? TELEVISION. Now, everyone knows that TV is driven first by money, second by politics. Television writing and production has long been an interest of mine. And I am seeing an interesting pattern developing here, in two steps:

The first step was the return of Roseanne. ABC put a feeler out there and commissioned 8 episodes as a trial. The premise of the new show is that Roseanne is, of all things, a Trump-supporter, at direct odds with her liberal sister. Now the people behind Rosanne WANT the show to succeed and chose this? I thought Trump was this deplorable guy who was the death-knell of everything connected to him. This was a risk for ABC (at many levels) and atypical of the major networks, especially in light of all the anti-Trump rhetoric that routinely flies about.

RESULT: the show has been a SCREAMING SUCCESS and is already renewed for next year. Interestingly, the show incorporates several things the Left says is exclusively their territory and values that Republicans are dead against. Apparently not.

Now enter TV show 'Last Man Standing.' I never watch the show but heard it was based on conservative Tim Allen and his right-wing views. Voila, despite apparent good TV ratings last year, ABC cancelled it. Someone told me about it and I watched it a few times. I'm not a big Tim Allen fan and can take or leave the show (like Tool Time), and didn't see anything looking like flagrant Trumpism, but it was OK. But in TV land, just not being outright hostile to the Right runs the risk of scorn and contempt. So the show was cancelled to heavy protests. Heavy, heavy cries to bring the show back. ABC didn't listen this time. Maybe they don't want to get labeled the "Trump Network."

When was the last time a left-learning show was cancelled to such heavy protests? Really, I don't know, if you do, tell me.

But apparently the calls for Last Man Standing have been hot and heavy, to no avail, but now, Fox picks up the show! YOU KNOW the show is going to come back now more popular than ever. When it does, I'll try to watch it just to help its ratings--- --- I may even grow to really like it, I mean, can it really be bad?

The move to revive the show came after outraged fans spoke out against the show’s cancellation. An initial bid to bring the show to CMT didn’t pan out. But after the success of Roseanne, which features a Trump-supporting main character, network executives thought about bringing back the show, which features Allen as an outspoken conservative, like he is in real life. “Last Man Standing ended too soon and the outcry from the fans has been deafening,” Gary Newman and Dana Walden, chairmen and CEOs of the Fox Television Group said.

NOW, MY POINT HERE: If all the doom and gloom over Trump floundering and his support crashing, if all the talk of some big blue wave this fall, WHY IS IT THAT two TV shows, one dead for 20 years, the other just cancelled, both carrying a mild to blatant right-wing flavor to them, why are these shows not only enjoying MASSIVE SUPPORT, but making HUGE COMEBACKS? Can it be that the Left is WRONG or has been lying to us?

How can that be if this country isn't enjoying a heavy support for right wing values, conservative views and solid Trump support? It just does not make any sense. Just what is in this "big blue wave" that the nation is supposedly looking to get away from to return back to this November? I'm just not seeing it.

‘Last Man Standing’ Has Officially Been Revived
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I've been hearing about the "Big Blue Wave' all over this forum. ---Talk of the Republicans and Trump sagging and support for him crumbling away. But what do REAL EVENTS actually tell us independent of the partisans? The indicators DO NOT support a mid-term crisis for the Republicans the likes of which as forecast by the Left.

Now, this thread crosses a bit over onto another thread or two, but I felt it really deserved its own special attention because of what it really tells us politically about the mood of the country. Where is this independent barometer? TELEVISION. Now, everyone knows that TV is driven first by money, second by politics. Television writing and production has long been an interest of mine. And I am seeing an interesting pattern developing here, in two steps:

The first step was the return of Rosanne. ABC put a feeler out there and commissioned 8 episodes as a trial. The premise of the new show is that Roseanne is, of all things, a Trump-supporter, at direct odds with her liberal sister. Now the people behind Rosanne WANT the show to succeed and chose this? I thought Trump was this deplorable guy who was the death-knell of everything connected to him. This was a risk for ABC (at many levels) and atypical of the major networks, especially in light of all the anti-Trump rhetoric that routinely flies about.

RESULT: the show has been a SCREAMING SUCCESS and is already renewed for next year. Interestingly, the show incorporates several things the Left says is exclusively their territory and values that Republicans are dead against. Apparently not.

Now enter TV show 'Last Man Standing.' I never watch the show but heard it was based on conservative Tim Allen and his right-wing views. Voila, despite apparent good TV ratings last year, ABC cancelled it. Someone told me about it and I watched it a few times. I'm not big Tim Allen fan and take or leave the show, and didn't see anything looking like flagrant Trumpism, but it was OK. But in TV land, just not being outright hostile to the Right runs the risk of scorn and contempt. So the show was cancelled to heavy protests. Heavy, heavy dries to bring the show back. ABC didn't listen this time. Maybe they don't want to get labeled the "Trump Network."

When was the last time a left-learning show was cancelled to such heavy protests? Really, I don't know, if you do, tell me.

But apparently the calls for Last Man Standing have been hot and heavy, to no avail, but now, Fox picks up the show! YOU KNOW the show is going to come back now more popular than ever.

The move to revive the show came after outraged fans spoke out against the show’s cancellation. An initial bid to bring the show to CMT didn’t pan out. But after the success of Roseanne, which features a Trump-supporting main character, network executives thought about bringing back the show, which features Allen as an outspoken conservative, like he is in real life. “Last Man Standing ended too soon and the outcry from the fans has been deafening,” Gary Newman and Dana Walden, chairmen and CEOs of the Fox Television Group said.

NOW, MY POINT HERE: If all the doom and gloom over Trump floundering and his support crashing, if all the talk of some big blue wave this fall, WHY IS IT THAT two TV shows, one dead for 20 years, the other just cancelled, both carrying a mild to blatant right-wing flavor to them, why are these shows not only enjoying MASSIVE SUPPORT, but making HUGE COMEBACKS? Can it be that the Left is WRONG or has been lying to us?

How can that be if this country isn't enjoying a heavy support for right wing values, conservative views and solid Trump support? It just does not make any sense. Just what is in this "big blue wave" that the nation is supposedly looking to get away from to return back to this November? I'm just not seeing it.

‘Last Man Standing’ Has Officially Been Revived
Who DO you talk too.?
No one I know forecast the rise of the Obama economy and that tax cuts wouldn't help
And there wouldn't be a blue wave.
Too many uneducated white farts to think we had the worst job growth in April in months and to worry about the deficit.
Too complicated for them.
As someone said, never underestimate the ignorance of the public.
A few rah rah America nazi rallies is all it needs.
A sad commentary on the country
Counterwise the gay marriage and thinly disguised attacks on conservatives and their issues have been dialed back a lot on "Supergirl".
No one I know forecast the rise of the Obama economy and that tax cuts wouldn't help

Maybe I'm reading you wrong (as you try to both insult me while calling conservatism a sad commentary akin to Nazism driven by "uneducated white farts." The "rise" of the "Obama Economy?" I must have blinked and missed it:
Obama's Dismal Economic Record Looks Even Worse When Compared To Reagan
The Awful Irony of Obama’s Economic Recovery

And no one thought tax cuts wouldn't help? What about this leader of the Democratic Party? Miss her too, smart boy?
Pelosi Throws Her Hands in The Air And Dramatically Calls GOP Tax Reform Bill: "Armageddon"
Republican Tax Bill -- Nancy Pelosi’s Apocalyptic Rhetoric Is Dishonest | National Review

Whenever I see someone dismiss all not in lockstep with THEIR views simply as the work of uneducated people who are simply too knuckle-dragging to know better, I both realize it is a waste of my breath to try to shout over such arrogance, and choose instead to just sit back and quietly watch them proven wrong over and over again. Like this November. So long as you always think yourself right even when you are wrong, you'll just keep fucking up one election after the next.
No one I know forecast the rise of the Obama economy and that tax cuts wouldn't help

Maybe I'm reading you wrong (as you try to both insult me while calling conservatism a sad commentary akin to Nazism driven by "uneducated white farts." The "rise" of the "Obama Economy?" I must have blinked and missed it:
Obama's Dismal Economic Record Looks Even Worse When Compared To Reagan
The Awful Irony of Obama’s Economic Recovery

And no one thought tax cuts wouldn't help? What about this leader of the Democratic Party? Miss her too, smart boy?
Pelosi Throws Her Hands in The Air And Dramatically Calls GOP Tax Reform Bill: "Armageddon"
Republican Tax Bill -- Nancy Pelosi’s Apocalyptic Rhetoric Is Dishonest | National Review

Whenever I see someone dismiss all not in lockstep with THEIR views simply as the work of uneducated people who are simply too knuckle-dragging to know better, I both realize it is a waste of my breath to try to shout over such arrogance, and choose instead to just sit back and quietly watch them proven wrong over and over again. Like this November. So long as you always think yourself right even when you are wrong, you'll just keep fucking up one election after the next.

No offense but smartening up a chump is not rewarding to anyone.

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