Like it or not folks sooner or later our taxes are going to go up. Govt. is spending too much money and we're going to pay for it down the road.
But there are some things we could do to increase tax revenue that wouldn't hurt the working folks as much.
Step1: In an earlier thread I proposed that we should legalize drugs and prostitution. At the very least marijuana should be legalized because it is less harmful than alcohol. So you tax the shit out of these and now you're getting somewhere. Also much of our tax dollars is spent keeping drug trafficers in jail and getting them there in the first place. It's a waste of resources. As long as there are idiots there will be people that do drugs. The demand doesn't lessen by making it illegal to do so, so we might as well get something out of these people while we can. Legalizing drugs would also lead to a reduction in violent crime once again saving us money. There is a lot of money to be made here.
Step 2 : Tax churches. There is no reason they should have tax exempt status. There is a ton of money here as well.
The money has to come from somewhere folks and I'd rather the lowlifes and the bible beaters pick up the tab instead of the working man. That's just my take on it.
But there are some things we could do to increase tax revenue that wouldn't hurt the working folks as much.
Step1: In an earlier thread I proposed that we should legalize drugs and prostitution. At the very least marijuana should be legalized because it is less harmful than alcohol. So you tax the shit out of these and now you're getting somewhere. Also much of our tax dollars is spent keeping drug trafficers in jail and getting them there in the first place. It's a waste of resources. As long as there are idiots there will be people that do drugs. The demand doesn't lessen by making it illegal to do so, so we might as well get something out of these people while we can. Legalizing drugs would also lead to a reduction in violent crime once again saving us money. There is a lot of money to be made here.
Step 2 : Tax churches. There is no reason they should have tax exempt status. There is a ton of money here as well.
The money has to come from somewhere folks and I'd rather the lowlifes and the bible beaters pick up the tab instead of the working man. That's just my take on it.