Incompetent and corrupt Biden admin Petagon admits classfied document leak onto social media, including Ukraine war plans


This must be Trump’s fault, right?

From the article:

“The Times, putting the leak into some perspective, quoted Mick Mulroy, a former senior Pentagon official. He categorized it as "a significant breach in security" that could hinder Ukrainian military planning.

He further said that because there were many photos of the actual documents, "it appears that it was a deliberate leak done by someone that wished to damage the Ukraine, U.S., and NATO efforts."

Hey our Pentagon may be complete fuck ups, but at least we have sexual deviants in top posts.

This is a serious problem now.

The damn brainless leftards are CLUELESS when it comes to security.

We see this across the board - Hillary's emails and blackberries, the election security issues, and now this - outright theft and leakage of classified military information.

Leftards are so stupid and clueless they're actually dangerous.
No, it's not serious, it's been explained and defused by Ritter and Sputnik news has the whole story from Ritter. l
A nothing-burger, not in his words.
Find out if anybody gives a shit?

Find out if anyone considers your post intelligible.
The target very often gives away the motive if not the culprit. If something seems to serving the interests of American conservatives and Russia it's safe to assume it's one of them or both.

Did you hear about the Mueller report from 4 fuckin' years ago?

If not, you have a lot o' research to do.

See: Turns out that whole "collusion" thing was BS. Holy shit, right?

And for a brief moment in time, just a passing snap shot of exquisite truth, even MSDNC admitted it:

What can I say?

Sometimes reality smacks ya square in the face.

Now back to your regularly scheduled brainwash.
No, it's not serious, it's been explained and defused by Ritter and Sputnik news has the whole story from Ritter. l
A nothing-burger, not in his words.
Find out if anybody gives a shit?
leaking classified material isn’t serious?

geez the levels of dipshittery you dembots will go to defend xiden is amazing
If you were trying to take down / remove the US as the greatest power in the world leaking these documents goes a long way to helping do this.

It solidifies / forges new partnerships between our enemies and further weakens trust our allies have in the US.

European nations already still have doubts about the US and the destru tion of the NS2 pipeline...

France's leader recently stated France may not ally itself with the US to protect Taiwan if China takes military action to take Taiwan
- Once an appeaser, always an apeaser

Xi has forged a pact with Putin and reportedly negotiated an alliance between Saudi and Iran

Several of these natioms and others are reportedly moving ahead with replacing the US dollar astbhe world's reserve currency

These Pentagon leaks are not the work of another 'Edward Snowden' but someone with far more sinister, damaging plans / intent.
The government and especially the pentagon is still full of republicans at every level.
It sounds like you would REALLY like to blame Republicans for this. Will you accept reality if it turns out to have nothing to do with them, or will you keep looking for any way possible to blame them?


This must be Trump’s fault, right?

From the article:

“The Times, putting the leak into some perspective, quoted Mick Mulroy, a former senior Pentagon official. He categorized it as "a significant breach in security" that could hinder Ukrainian military planning.

He further said that because there were many photos of the actual documents, "it appears that it was a deliberate leak done by someone that wished to damage the Ukraine, U.S., and NATO efforts."

Hey our Pentagon may be complete fuck ups, but at least we have sexual deviants in top posts.
Reuters reported the classified docs we're stolen by the Russians via 3 army officials. Lol
Never believe anything this administration tells you
Reuters reported the classified docs we're stolen by the Russians via 3 army officials. Lol
Never believe anything this administration tells you

Right. That changed quickly.

Any lefties want to explain how the narrative changed from RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA to Texeria?



This must be Trump’s fault, right?

From the article:

“The Times, putting the leak into some perspective, quoted Mick Mulroy, a former senior Pentagon official. He categorized it as "a significant breach in security" that could hinder Ukrainian military planning.

He further said that because there were many photos of the actual documents, "it appears that it was a deliberate leak done by someone that wished to damage the Ukraine, U.S., and NATO efforts."

Hey our Pentagon may be complete fuck ups, but at least we have sexual deviants in top posts.
Why would you let a 21 year old get this close to classified documents? I wouldn’t trust a 21 year old with my CVS coupons much less top secret material. There’s a big problem with our government. Complete incompetence!
Why would you let a 21 year old get this close to classified documents? I wouldn’t trust a 21 year old with my CVS coupons much less top secret material. There’s a big problem with our government. Complete incompetence!

But Reuters said it was Russia.

And the MSM wonders why no one trusts them. :rolleyes:

It was Russia, though….not Texeria.

Reuters said so!

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