Incompetent and corrupt Biden admin Petagon admits classfied document leak onto social media, including Ukraine war plans


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015


This must be Trump’s fault, right?

From the article:

“The Times, putting the leak into some perspective, quoted Mick Mulroy, a former senior Pentagon official. He categorized it as "a significant breach in security" that could hinder Ukrainian military planning.

He further said that because there were many photos of the actual documents, "it appears that it was a deliberate leak done by someone that wished to damage the Ukraine, U.S., and NATO efforts."

Hey our Pentagon may be complete fuck ups, but at least we have sexual deviants in top posts.


This must be Trump’s fault, right?

From the article:

“The Times, putting the leak into some perspective, quoted Mick Mulroy, a former senior Pentagon official. He categorized it as "a significant breach in security" that could hinder Ukrainian military planning.

He further said that because there were many photos of the actual documents, "it appears that it was a deliberate leak done by someone that wished to damage the Ukraine, U.S., and NATO efforts."

Hey our Pentagon may be complete fuck ups, but at least we have sexual deviants in top posts.

This administration is a clusterfuck inside of a Tijuana donkey show inside a bad kabuki theater, with some Ringling Brothers Circus clowns thrown in to keep you from crying out loud. Biden & Co. far outdoes the incompetency of the Jimmy Carter era, and raises dumbassery and faggotry to a whole new level.
This shit is serious. The Biden Pentagon is ridiculously incompetent.
No, it's not serious, it's been explained and defused by Ritter and Sputnik news has the whole story from Ritter. l
A nothing-burger, not in his words.
Find out if anybody gives a shit?
There's something here that makes no sense. This leak would be valuable only if no one in the US or Ukraine knew about it. Making this information public makes it strategically worthless.

Releasing the Ukraine’s warplans make the warplans worthless. Russia would love to see them.

Why are they classified if they have no secret value?
The ground conditions spell out how long it will be before any operations by either side is possible. Nothing heavy can move in 12' deep mud. And then after continuous sunshine for 24 hours a day, one side or the other can/will move.

And the whole world will know from satellite info where artillery and tanks are amassed and about to go forward.

Propaganda will then be moved to the back burner.
silly dembot the issue is how in the world did the xiden admin allow it to get leaked??? not the ties worthless now that they did
It's certainly an important question but I'm pretty sure you will not like the answer.
of course i don’t…it’s horrible we have demafasict traitors in the white house
The target very often gives away the motive if not the culprit. If something seems to serving the interests of American conservatives and Russia it's safe to assume it's one of them or both.
The target very often gives away the motive if not the culprit. If something seems to serving the interests of American conservatives and Russia it's safe to assume it's one of them or both.
hahah yeah there are a lot of Conservatives in the Xiden Admin i’m sure.

The target very often gives away the motive if not the culprit. If something seems to serving the interests of American conservatives and Russia it's safe to assume it's one of them or both.

I give as few fucks about Russia as I do Ukraine, or you for that matter.

Why don't yall get together in one big circle jerk and jack each other off? You can be the one in the center who get covered with jizz.

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