In Minnesota, a Muslim Immigrant Explains Why She Is Supporting Trump


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Oct 26, 2011
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In Minnesota, a Muslim Immigrant Explains Why She Is Supporting Trump

Since earning an accounting degree from a community college in St. Paul in 2010, she said she had applied for more than 20 accounting positions and had not received a single offer. In her view, she has done her part to achieve the American dream, but America hasn’t upheld its end of the bargain.

“I feel cheated,” Ms. Yusuf said.

Instead, she’s working two part-time jobs — earning $11 an hour as a physical therapist assistant and $9 an hour working in child care — and pouring all of her income into rent. To cover other expenses, like diapers and wipes for her 15-month-old son, she’s borrowing on her mother’s credit card.

“It feels to me like: ‘You should be better than this. You shouldn’t be using your mom,’” she said.

Yet Ms. Yusuf is optimistic about the future. She said she trusted that Mr. Trump could create more good-paying jobs, bring some back from overseas and lower taxes so small-business owners could make additional hires. Then everything will start adding up again, she said, and life will be easier for her and her five children.

“We need to support Trump for a great America,” she said.
She feels lied to and cheated? Guess what honey, you aren't special just because you got off the boat. The people that have lived their whole lives also feel lied to and cheated because we have been for decades by politicians.
In Minnesota, a Muslim Immigrant Explains Why She Is Supporting Trump

Since earning an accounting degree from a community college in St. Paul in 2010, she said she had applied for more than 20 accounting positions and had not received a single offer. In her view, she has done her part to achieve the American dream, but America hasn’t upheld its end of the bargain.

“I feel cheated,” Ms. Yusuf said.

Instead, she’s working two part-time jobs — earning $11 an hour as a physical therapist assistant and $9 an hour working in child care — and pouring all of her income into rent. To cover other expenses, like diapers and wipes for her 15-month-old son, she’s borrowing on her mother’s credit card.

“It feels to me like: ‘You should be better than this. You shouldn’t be using your mom,’” she said.

Yet Ms. Yusuf is optimistic about the future. She said she trusted that Mr. Trump could create more good-paying jobs, bring some back from overseas and lower taxes so small-business owners could make additional hires. Then everything will start adding up again, she said, and life will be easier for her and her five children.

“We need to support Trump for a great America,” she said.
-------------------------------- seems to me that she shouldn't have 5 kids . And where is the 'daddy' ??
5 kids , where is the old man Doctor ??
no Sir , I'm just asking pertinent questions . 5 kids , where is the Father or numerous FATHERS Doctor ??
I mean , the woman probably shoulda stayed in her muslim hellhole where she would probably be doing much better ehh Doctor ??

This thread is amazing. Apparently xenophobia trumps Trump support.

Not giving gift packages to people who think they are entitled to some is NOT xenophobia.

I came here when I was 18 years old in 1957. At that time I saw my fellow immigrants working in the mines, cutting lumber in the forest, serving people in restaurants, painting houses, loading and unloading trains and trucks, sweating and freezing, laboring at menial jobs while having a degree in medicine, engineering, law or education under their belts.

That was a time of REAL xenophobia, with no government protection from it, unlike today.

Did any of my aforementioned and abused and undervalued compatriots write sob stories to editors of bleeding heart news papers? Or TV stations? Not to my knowledge.

Advice to immigrants who complain: Go back to where you came from or try a Muslim country.
In Minnesota, a Muslim Immigrant Explains Why She Is Supporting Trump

Since earning an accounting degree from a community college in St. Paul in 2010, she said she had applied for more than 20 accounting positions and had not received a single offer. In her view, she has done her part to achieve the American dream, but America hasn’t upheld its end of the bargain.

“I feel cheated,” Ms. Yusuf said.

Instead, she’s working two part-time jobs — earning $11 an hour as a physical therapist assistant and $9 an hour working in child care — and pouring all of her income into rent. To cover other expenses, like diapers and wipes for her 15-month-old son, she’s borrowing on her mother’s credit card.

“It feels to me like: ‘You should be better than this. You shouldn’t be using your mom,’” she said.

Yet Ms. Yusuf is optimistic about the future. She said she trusted that Mr. Trump could create more good-paying jobs, bring some back from overseas and lower taxes so small-business owners could make additional hires. Then everything will start adding up again, she said, and life will be easier for her and her five children.

“We need to support Trump for a great America,” she said.

She should have taken Trump's real estate course. She'd be rich by now.
yep , this woman and her 5 needy children for American taxpayers to raise shoulda stayed where they belonged !!
This woman is not only a complainer, she is also stupid.

Obviously she is looking for freebies and for that she picked the wrong party. She is a natural for either Hillary or Bernie.

But picking either of those worthies, she is still stupid
5 kids , where is the old man Doctor ??
Where does the article say she has 5 kids? I read she had a 15 month old child....

FYI- And the article says her husband was there, the only white man out of 300 people in the gathering....the Trump people ignored him....
didn't see that , I will have to reread but if the husband was there he oughta get a better job Careforall !!
This woman is not only a complainer, she is also stupid.

Obviously she is looking for freebies and for that she picked the wrong party. She is a natural for either Hillary or Bernie.

But picking either of those worthies, she is still stupid

Judge much? Sheesh!!!

Why in the WORLD are you saying she is obviously looking for freebies?

DO YOU EVER read the links supplied by ops?
This woman is not only a complainer, she is also stupid.

Obviously she is looking for freebies and for that she picked the wrong party. She is a natural for either Hillary or Bernie.

But picking either of those worthies, she is still stupid

Judge much? Sheesh!!!

Why in the WORLD are you saying she is obviously looking for freebies?

DO YOU EVER read the links supplied by ops?

I DID read the article.

I stopped when I read the word "hijab".

She should learn the meaning of the old saying: "When in Rome do as the Romans do".

The hijab has no more place in America than a woman's uncovered head does in Arab and/or Muslim countries.

A Muslim woman demanding Western style accommodations in a Western country should have no more reason to expect courtesy than a non-Muslim woman should expect in any Muslim country.

A Muslim taxi driver should have no legitimate reason to pick up a customer coming loaded to the hilt with booze.

Or taking a member of his family - a doggie - for a ride.

A Muslim in America has no right or at least should have no right to be obnoxious about the pedophile he worships.

If a Muslim does not like it in America, there is always Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, United Arab Emirates (where they no sewer systems in their sky scrapers), Morocco, Libya, Egypt, Afghanistan, Iraq, Bengla Dash or Indonesia.

This woman is not only a complainer, she is also stupid.

Obviously she is looking for freebies and for that she picked the wrong party. She is a natural for either Hillary or Bernie.

But picking either of those worthies, she is still stupid

Judge much? Sheesh!!!

Why in the WORLD are you saying she is obviously looking for freebies?

DO YOU EVER read the links supplied by ops?

I DID read the article.

I stopped when I read the word "hijab".

She should learn the meaning of the old saying: "When in Rome do as the Romans do".

The hijab has no more place in America than a woman's uncovered head does in Arab and/or Muslim countries.

A Muslim woman demanding Western style accommodations in a Western country should have no more reason to expect courtesy than a non-Muslim woman should expect in any Muslim country.

A Muslim taxi driver should have no legitimate reason to pick up a customer coming loaded to the hilt with booze.

Or taking a member of his family - a doggie - for a ride.

A Muslim in America has no right or at least should have no right to be obnoxious about the pedophile he worships.

If a Muslim does not like it in America, there is always Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, United Arab Emirates (where they no sewer systems in their sky scrapers), Morocco, Libya, Egypt, Afghanistan, Iraq, Bengla Dash or Indonesia.



She's got just as much of a right to live in America, complain about whatever she wants, and wear whatever clothing she likes as you do, clown - and if you don't like that, you can go fuck yourself.
I'm beginning to think the best way to defeat Trump is to get a whole bunch of Muslims to endorse him, and scare away all of Trump's hate crew followers.

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