In memoriam, a final look at Barack Hussein Obama's Real Legacy


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
feel free to chime in if you see anything I have left out...

10 TRILLION in new debt
Obamacare(if you like your doctor...)
Race-baiting (Cambridge Police, his son Trayvon, Ferguson, #BLM, etc)
Toxic racial rhetoric which sparked an epidemic of assassinations of law enforcement officers
Open borders
Iran deal ($150 Billion & Iran is on track to be nuclear capable)
Swapped 5 deadly terrorists for a deserter/traitor
Refugees from ME countries who can't be vetted
Islam apologist & radical Islamic extremism DENIER
Anti-Israel (worst relations w/Israel EVER)
Anti-Christian (The Crusades, Barry? Really, bro?)
Anti-white (how many lectures to us?)
Chose Al "Tawana Brawley" Sharpton as his chief adviser on race relations
Two terrible Attorneys General (First Holder, and even worse, Lynch)
Two terrible Secretaries of State (Clinton, Kerry)
Two terrible Supreme Court justices (Sotomayor, Kagan)
Labor Participation Rate worst ever (95 million not working)
Lowest home ownership rate in 51 years
Touting "McJobs" while ignoring the exodus of good jobs (Trump already fixing)
Apology Tours (Thank God we've seen the last of those)

Other than that, the community agitator did a great job!
Looks like this O/P is mostly a rant by a hater.

Get over it.

McCain and Romney were poor candidates and bad choices.
He should have been impeached for anyone of about a dozen of those heinous acts, but since the Rs are a bunch of corrupt pussies, he got away with it all.

Keep in mind Hussaine, who was clearly anti-White, had the establishment propping him up so Academia, Hollywood, the Fake News Networks, etc. would be falsely accusing Congress of being "racist" if they were to commence impeachment proceedings against Hussaine.
Yet 90 independent historians now rate him at #12 as greatest president.


he must have been really popular then, so much so that if he begged people to support the candidate that would extend his legacy then they would have turned out in droves to make it happen - right?
He should have been impeached for anyone of about a dozen of those heinous acts, but since the Rs are a bunch of corrupt pussies, he got away with it all.
Get real gipper. You can't impeach a black President without causing another civil war. Only White Presidents can be impeached. It is all about race!
feel free to chime in if you see anything I have left out...

10 TRILLION in new debt
Obamacare(if you like your doctor...)
Race-baiting (Cambridge Police, his son Trayvon, Ferguson, #BLM, etc)
Toxic racial rhetoric which sparked an epidemic of assassinations of law enforcement officers
Open borders
Iran deal ($150 Billion & Iran is on track to be nuclear capable)
Swapped 5 deadly terrorists for a deserter/traitor
Refugees from ME countries who can't be vetted
Islam apologist & radical Islamic extremism DENIER
Anti-Israel (worst relations w/Israel EVER)
Anti-Christian (The Crusades, Barry? Really, bro?)
Anti-white (how many lectures to us?)
Chose Al "Tawana Brawley" Sharpton as his chief adviser on race relations
Two terrible Attorneys General (First Holder, and even worse, Lynch)
Two terrible Secretaries of State (Clinton, Kerry)
Two terrible Supreme Court justices (Sotomayor, Kagan)
Labor Participation Rate worst ever (95 million not working)
Lowest home ownership rate in 51 years
Touting "McJobs" while ignoring the exodus of good jobs (Trump already fixing)
Apology Tours (Thank God we've seen the last of those)

Other than that, the community agitator did a great job!

Simple question . Is the USA better off than it was 8 years ago?

The honest answer .... yes!
He should have been impeached for anyone of about a dozen of those heinous acts, but since the Rs are a bunch of corrupt pussies, he got away with it all.
Get real gipper. You can't impeach a black President without causing another civil war. Only White Presidents can be impeached. It is all about race!

Impeach him for what !? Humiliating the GOP is not a crime .
Obama will always be remembered for Alepo:
  1. You can keep your doctor.
  2. $2,500 a year savings in healthcare costs.
  3. We did not pay a ransom to Iran.
  4. This deal will keep Iran from obtains nuclear weapons.
  5. Golfing during major crisis situations.
  6. Dividing America to historical level tensions.
  7. Starting wars with two sovereign nations without Congressional approval that posed no threat to US
  8. Letting ISIS start and mature into an international terrorist group.
  9. Routine Islamic terrorist attacks in America under his watch.
  10. Alienating all of our traditional allies.
  11. Losing Iraq and Afghanistan after he declared victory.
  12. The spiking of major crimes under his watch.
  13. The jobless and wage falling recovery that is longest in history.
  14. Forcing girls to accept men into their school bathrooms and showers.
  15. Inability to state who is conducting terrorism.
  16. Using the IRS as a political weapon.

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