In Jerusalem, Israel now.

...the Jews admit that they have admixtures of genes from many converts and this led to a stronger race.

There are many different Jewish races.
Ashkenazi, Mizrahi, Ethipian Jews and Asian Jews are completely different groups that did not intermix till the creation of Israel.

Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews who lived in Europe had different communities, different Synagogues, and even different Cemeteries. They never intermixed.

And even in Israel these groups are separated. The white European Jews are hated by dark skinned Jews, and vice versa. They have segregated schools, and the black Jewish women were even treated with Depo-Provera against their will.

White Jewish doctors managed to reduce the fertility of black Jewish women to a minimum, meanwhile the fertility of white Jewish women increased in the last decades.

Is that not a crime, committed by white racists in Israel?


Israel's health ministry is investigating claims that Ethiopian women are being injected with a controversial contraceptive without their knowledge or consent.

Thousands of Ethiopian women are said to be receiving shots of Depo-Provera every three months in Israeli clinics. The contraceptive stops menstruation and has been linked to fertility problems and osteoporosis.

Ethiopian women in Israel given contraceptive without consent World news The Guardian
Art, why don't you admit that you are anti-Semite and be done with it? It will do you a world of good to get it off your chest. There are probably many Germans who have the same mind set as you do about the Jews, and that is one of the reasons anti-Semitism is rising in Europe. It's no use you pretending that you really care about the Arabs. All you are doing, which is obvious to anyone with brains, is playing "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" game.
and yes, you can become Jewish by converting.

Yes, of course!

Most Ashkenazi are descendants of Khazars and Slavs who converted to Judaism.

Is it not crazy that a group of people, who stem from converts, claims some land as their ancestral land, if this religious group (due to the mass conversion) has nothing to do with people who lived 2000 or 3000 years ago?

Is Zionism not a crazy ideology, that claims their right to a special land due to the supposed bloodline of converts to Judaism?

Just because YOU believe in the Khazar myth, doesn't make it true. There is no proof of a mass conversion. The Khazar myth is simply yet another attack on the Jewish people.

Read the jewish ency. Not the whole thing, just under Chazars.
Still don't know the difference between your and you're? Anyhow, if you want to fit into that Hamas hand made special edition suicide vest you asked Teddy to get you, you need to loose some weight, like about 200 LBS at least.

`I’m just..helpin’ there’s 72 more pages to see if you got it ().

Youre - it's just slang/short for = "You are." = "You're" ~~~~> ALWAYS means “YOU ARE.”

….Roudy, youre always dressed so snazzy….

you're -- the lazier way of saying: Roudy, you are always dressed so snazzy. <~~~~~ more proper. (without the apostrophe).

I can see youre the kind of person that speaks their mind !

(the quicker/faster WAY of saying: YOU ARE). "Roudy, you are the kind of person....etc..."

Your: a teacher will have to step in here, but:

Dude, you should get YOUR hair cut…. (“youre - which is ALWAYS “YOU ARE” ~~~~> Doesn’t fit)….because: your hair is YOUR possession.... (it ain't: dude, you should get YOU'RE hair cut........(youse understand, right)?

I bet youre thirsty now ? salute … ciao… andiamo....
Still don't know the difference between your and you're? Anyhow, if you want to fit into that Hamas hand made special edition suicide vest you asked Teddy to get you, you need to loose some weight, like about 200 LBS at least.

"meant the blacks you saw. But since your a traveler..."

...oh penelope pitstop....

sorry, there was no quote Roudy.... Your first sentence it made me think it was you....

now i get it, You're very capable of good-english - and then some ! hee
Still don't know the difference between your and you're? Anyhow, if you want to fit into that Hamas hand made special edition suicide vest you asked Teddy to get you, you need to loose some weight, like about 200 LBS at least.

"meant the blacks you saw. But since your a traveler..."

...oh penelope pitstop....

sorry, there was no quote Roudy.... Your first sentence it made me think it was you....

now i get it, You're very capable of good-english - and then some ! hee

Gotta love the propaganda, especially when you can visit and see for oneself the lies they contain.
Your OBSEQUIOUS Posts are starting to grate on this poster.........Jews even discriminate against each other.......let alone "Blacks" your description and Palestinians you fool..........Gotta LOVE YOUR PROPAGANDA. were they actually "Blacks or Ethiopian Jews" I don't reckon you'd know the difference.So you'll "LET US KNOW IF YOU FIND SOME UNHAPPY ARABS"(You mean Palestinians) Well that comment alone shows what a total Idiot you are.steve

Everything that does not support your mindless hate for Joooos grates on you, Princess. Get over it or ignore the thread. Problem solved.
I do not HATE Jews at all.....being a lot more educated that most of you,more open minded and travelling the world including Israel.....I have a grasp of reality and truth..............When posters like Teddy make the most ridiculous comments like "I will let you know if I find any UNHAPPY ARABS''.......firstly it's Palestinians....then these comment of mine should be made..........They are merely Teddy's inaccurate Opinion only......Your suggestion of me Hating Jews is too Banal to take seriously..........I more that anyone believe in an Israel and Palestine.........For you and other members of your DISCREDITED Possee,to make judgement on me is totally absurd........Being it is you Fuckers that HATE,Muslims and everyone else ....for that matter. f off HYPOCRITES

"For you and other members of your DISCREDITED Possee,to make judgement on me is totally absurd........Being it is you Fuckers that HATE Muslims and everyone else ....for that matter...."

I'm just saying - It's not/never/ever the 'human being' themselves (it's...'something else' - the culture in them/behind them/on them/with them...... -- it's complicated).


Scientists at Keck Measure Farthest Galaxy Ever
MAY 5, 2015 (Present Day)

"Maunakea, Hawaii – An international team of astronomers, led by Yale and the University of California, Santa Cruz, pushed back the cosmic frontier of galaxy exploration to a time when the Universe was only five percent of its present age. The team discovered an exceptionally luminous galaxy more than 13 billion years in the past and determined its exact distance from Earth using the powerful MOSFIRE instrument on the 10-meter Keck I telescope at the W. M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii. These observations confirmed it to be the most distant galaxy ever measured, setting a new record."

...back on planet earth:

there's a MILLION IMAGES OF all different kinds of......Brrrrrrrr. But at least (unlike them and them) - i don't want to hurt nobody, even though, i may not care for ....things. Certainly not HATE like ...these rotted (icehole, hamas, al queda, etc). souls.

you know what i mean? (yeah, this is normal).
Well this is day three for me here. I am waiting for the 8:00 siren for the beginning of independence day while here at my apartment on king George st.

Today while driving through the Jordan valley the siren sounded and the car behind me and I pulled over and got out of our vehicles. Many cars with green plates kept driving, one truck with green plates got very close to me making me feel like I had to scrunch up against my car. But I have a big gut. Then four other cars with yellow plates came from the other direction and stopped as well. Wee all stood, both looking at each other and looking down.

Awesome moment for me, I was glad to be a part if it.

Another thing I posted for is I have seen plenty of black people here and none of them seemed to be being discriminated against at all. In fact I saw a very happy black Israeli couple hiking down to the Meshushim pool the other day.

I'll let you know if I find some unhappy Arabs as well. The Arab owners of my hotel in Tiberius seem to be just fine.

Gotta love the propaganda, especially when you can visit and see for oneself the lies they contain.

Have a good time and pull some of those Israeli lookers just for me. Look out for monte he might be there as well trying to make a name for himself.
Your meaning of "Pull" is...????????.......because in Britain and Australia it means "TO HAVE SEXUAL INTERCOURSE".......what the hell are you fcuking talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well lets see if I an let you down easy

I am British and I don't use the term Pull for that, it is actually used to say that you met a young lady and asked her for a date.

In Oz you might get Pulled by the sheep or 'roos you are trying to mount, that is the only Pulling you will be engaged in.
Alright then British(is that,English,Irish,Welsh or Scottish) Ziomatic Shit ................Pull in Britain means "TO PULL A CHICK ie TO FIND A CHICK TO FCUK" don't know where you live..............but I reckon you tried to soften what you meant........It won't work because I know better....You Untruthful Whinging P.O.M.E....(Prisoner of Mother England)....LOL Oooo I'm British(Big Deal) and don't use that term for that....Well you'd be the ONLY ONE...LOL

"... Alright then British(is that,English,Irish,Welsh or Scottish) Ziomatic Shit ................Pull in Britain means "TO PULL A CHICK ie TO FIND A CHICK TO FCUK" don't know where you live..............but I reckon you tried to soften what you meant........It won't work because I know better..."

you should calm down with this....vulgarity. It's too raunchy.

plus - how about not being too -- snockered when u come by here.

PLUS...the friggen "monitor" - please. Shhhhhh.

don't you have a crocodile to wrestle or something.
Still don't know the difference between your and you're? Anyhow, if you want to fit into that Hamas hand made special edition suicide vest you asked Teddy to get you, you need to loose some weight, like about 200 LBS at least.

"meant the blacks you saw. But since your a traveler..."

...oh penelope pitstop....

sorry, there was no quote Roudy.... Your first sentence it made me think it was you....

now i get it, You're very capable of good-english - and then some ! hee

Got that on my safari trip to Tanzania. You like?
Pakistan and Iran are both called the 'Islamic Republic' . IS that also racist ?

So Israel is a theocratic country, like Pakistan or Iran?



Next time the controlled media tells us that Israel shares "our values", I will refer to your quote.


BTW, are Jews a religious group, like Muslims, or an ethnic/racial group?

Everybody can become a Muslim, but Zionists claim to have a "special ancestry" that gives them (due to their presumed bloodline) special right to "return" to a country after 2000 years, because they claim that their ancestors stem from this country, and they believe that they have the right to kick out the native population of this country.

It seems that Zionists do not care a lot about the religion, they care more about their supposed bloodline.

The Muslims do not care about their bloodline, everybody can become a Muslim.

So how can you compare Israel with theocratic Muslim states?

No they are islamonazi terrorist nations that should be eradicated.

Do so and be seen as an ignorant RACIST that hates the Jews

Both and also a culture. take away the violence and arrogance from islam and they would be the same. But you miss the whole point if Pakistan and Iran can be addressed as Islamic republics then why cant Israel be addressed as it legally is the Jewish nation. No racism or apartheid in that as this is what it was called by the UN in 1949, who changed their charter to reflect this
Jew is not a race. Christianity is not a race, nor is Muslim. They want it to be race as they want a jewish state, how racist is that. Since jews refer to themselves as Semites they are descendants of Shem.

We must never forget Stalin Jews:

And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name "Genrikh Yagoda," the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU's deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD.
Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin's collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system. After Stalin no longer viewed him favorably, Yagoda was demoted and executed, and was replaced as chief hangman in 1936 by Yezhov, the "bloodthirsty,7...342999,00.html
Pakistan and Iran are both called the 'Islamic Republic' . IS that also racist ?

You have a seriously demented obsession with Jews. WTF does Stalin's Jews have to do with anything?? Please tell your doctor you need new meds !

Look it up. I am a little tired of doing your homework for you.

Look what up ?? It was a rhetorical question ! :lol: :cuckoo:

Look up Stalin Jews. Or stay ignorant.

Yes but you don't, the muslims just kill them in cold blood. At least the Jews allow them to live

What Muslims?

Do you to tar all Muslims with the same brush?

If somebody would tar all Jews with the same brush, Zionists would cry and whine, and call this "Jew-Hate".

BTW, Muslims and Christians lived in piece for many centuries, till the Zionists started their support of radical Muslims, started their false flag operations to instigate hate between these religious groups.

There were and still are huge Christian communities in Egypt, Syria and other Muslim countries, and there are still about 40 000 Jews who live in Iran.

So your talk about Muslims killing Christians or Jews is just the usual Zionist Hasbara.


Only the ones that follow the commands in the Koran

You and your ilk do, and then hide it behind the RACISTS favourite word Zionists.

BTW muslims lorded it over every subjugated peoples they enslaved, and treated them as objects. The only peace was that enforced by Islamic sharia law. There have always been radical muslims, Mohamed the false prophet was the first of many. So as you can see terrorism, violence and blood lust are all part of islam and can not be removed because of the commands in the Koran. Any muslim that denies this is a LIAR

Try again as the Christians in Egypt are being ethnically cleansed and have lost 50% of the populating in recent years, Syrian Christians are down to 10% of their numbers of 2010. As for Iran the numbers of Jews is about 8,500 and is rapidly dwindling from a maximum of 100,000 prior to the Islamic revolution in 1979.

My factual data that shows Christians are being ethnically cleansed from the M.E. because the islamonazi's cant impose their mantra so have had to turn it around is based on facts and Christian testimony.

You lost the argument as soon as you used the RACIST NAZIS favourite phrase Zionist hasbara.
Yes but you don't, the muslims just kill them in cold blood. At least the Jews allow them to live

What Muslims?

Do you to tar all Muslims with the same brush?

If somebody would tar all Jews with the same brush, Zionists would cry and whine, and call this "Jew-Hate".

BTW, Muslims and Christians lived in piece for many centuries, till the Zionists started their support of radical Muslims, started their false flag operations to instigate hate between these religious groups.

There were and still are huge Christian communities in Egypt, Syria and other Muslim countries, and there are still about 40 000 Jews who live in Iran.

So your talk about Muslims killing Christians or Jews is just the usual Zionist Hasbara.


Only the ones that follow the commands in the Koran

You and your ilk do, and then hide it behind the RACISTS favourite word Zionists.

BTW muslims lorded it over every subjugated peoples they enslaved, and treated them as objects. The only peace was that enforced by Islamic sharia law. There have always been radical muslims, Mohamed the false prophet was the first of many. So as you can see terrorism, violence and blood lust are all part of islam and can not be removed because of the commands in the Koran. Any muslim that denies this is a LIAR

Try again as the Christians in Egypt are being ethnically cleansed and have lost 50% of the populating in recent years, Syrian Christians are down to 10% of their numbers of 2010. As for Iran the numbers of Jews is about 8,500 and is rapidly dwindling from a maximum of 100,000 prior to the Islamic revolution in 1979.

My factual data that shows Christians are being ethnically cleansed from the M.E. because the islamonazi's cant impose their mantra so have had to turn it around is based on facts and Christian testimony.

You lost the argument as soon as you used the RACIST NAZIS favourite phrase Zionist hasbara.
Because to call doubt on the evidence of them being Jews is anti Semitism

Nobody denies that they are Jews or Zionists.
But white Jews who hate the native Semites of Palestine, have to prove that they themselves are Semites, before calling real Semites "Anti-Semites".

Can you get my drift?
No they don't have to prove a thing. Marr, and then Hitler, did that for them.
and yes, you can become Jewish by converting.

Yes, of course!

Most Ashkenazi are descendants of Khazars and Slavs who converted to Judaism.

Is it not crazy that a group of people, who stem from converts, claims some land as their ancestral land, if this religious group (due to the mass conversion) has nothing to do with people who lived 2000 or 3000 years ago?

Is Zionism not a crazy ideology, that claims their right to a special land due to the supposed bloodline of converts to Judaism?

Just because YOU believe in the Khazar myth, doesn't make it true. There is no proof of a mass conversion. The Khazar myth is simply yet another attack on the Jewish people.
Yep. This discredited story is of no significance.
Well this is day three for me here. I am waiting for the 8:00 siren for the beginning of independence day while here at my apartment on king George st.

Today while driving through the Jordan valley the siren sounded and the car behind me and I pulled over and got out of our vehicles. Many cars with green plates kept driving, one truck with green plates got very close to me making me feel like I had to scrunch up against my car. But I have a big gut. Then four other cars with yellow plates came from the other direction and stopped as well. Wee all stood, both looking at each other and looking down.

Awesome moment for me, I was glad to be a part if it.

Another thing I posted for is I have seen plenty of black people here and none of them seemed to be being discriminated against at all. In fact I saw a very happy black Israeli couple hiking down to the Meshushim pool the other day.

I'll let you know if I find some unhappy Arabs as well. The Arab owners of my hotel in Tiberius seem to be just fine.

Gotta love the propaganda, especially when you can visit and see for oneself the lies they contain.

Enjoy your stay. I would HIGHLY advise going to the Wall it's amazing. Goto East Jerusalem also, but get a Arab guide just in case. I would HIGHLY recommend taking a trip to Mazada.
Yes the wall of demolished civilizations are so amazing. Lol. Weep jews for the evil you all have done in Yahweh's name for he will soon punish you all again for it. As usual.
Take a look a the current situation, and how it's been going on for the last 7 decades. Looks to me like it's the Palestinians who are being punished, while Israel thrives every day. Hahaha :lol:

What goes around, comes around...

Yep the Jews were knocked down for a while and now they are one of the most successful countries in the world. What goes around comes around!
...but the wheel of time/history never stops turning. In the future someone will doubtless post, "Yep the Palestinians were knocked down for a while and now they are one of the most successful countries in the world. What goes around comes around!"
Enjoy your stay. I would HIGHLY advise going to the Wall it's amazing. Goto East Jerusalem also, but get a Arab guide just in case. I would HIGHLY recommend taking a trip to Mazada.
Yes the wall of demolished civilizations are so amazing. Lol. Weep jews for the evil you all have done in Yahweh's name for he will soon punish you all again for it. As usual.
Take a look a the current situation, and how it's been going on for the last 7 decades. Looks to me like it's the Palestinians who are being punished, while Israel thrives every day. Hahaha :lol:

What goes around, comes around...

Yep the Jews were knocked down for a while and now they are one of the most successful countries in the world. What goes around comes around!
...but the wheel of time/history never stops turning. In the future someone will doubtless post, "Yep the Palestinians were knocked down for a while and now they are one of the most successful countries in the world. What goes around comes around!"

Somehow, I doubt that.
Yes the wall of demolished civilizations are so amazing. Lol. Weep jews for the evil you all have done in Yahweh's name for he will soon punish you all again for it. As usual.
Take a look a the current situation, and how it's been going on for the last 7 decades. Looks to me like it's the Palestinians who are being punished, while Israel thrives every day. Hahaha :lol:

What goes around, comes around...

Yep the Jews were knocked down for a while and now they are one of the most successful countries in the world. What goes around comes around!
...but the wheel of time/history never stops turning. In the future someone will doubtless post, "Yep the Palestinians were knocked down for a while and now they are one of the most successful countries in the world. What goes around comes around!"

Somehow, I doubt that.

I wonder if Romulus Augustulus thought the very same thing.

Two very 'informative' links Phoney...

Neither of which make any mention of Hitler being a communist!

Another big "Phat Phoney Phail"... :asshole:

WRONG as it shows that the Nazi party was left wing along the lines of communism, both links show this very clearly.

Was Adolf Hitler a Socialist Debunking a Historical Myth

What a load on rubbish, cant you do any better than one persons views to substantiate the LIES

The fact they claim national socialism is nothing more than fascist nazism shows they are clueless as Nazism is a slang terms for National socialism .

And you base your 'belief' based on one word "worker"...

Nazi Germany was a fascist totalitarian state... NOT COMMUNIST!

Nazism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Nazi Germany - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Was Adolf Hitler a Socialist Debunking a Historical Myth

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