In Contingent Election PENCE Pickls the Slates of EC Delegates, Not Piglosi


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is getting richer and richer all the time.

law professors are arguing the U.S. Constitution's 12th Amendment could empower Vice President Mike Pence to reject contested electors and pave the way for the U.S. House to re-elect President Trump under what's known as a contingent election.
In an October 19 essay at "The American Mind," John Yoo, a law professor at the University of California-Berkeley, and Robert J. Delahunty, a law professor at St. Thomas University, argue that Pence, as presiding officer of the joint congressional session on electors, can refuse to "count" the electoral votes from disputed states.
However, this legal analysis empowering the Vice President faces headwinds as states continue to certify results for Joe Biden over President Trump.
The scholars argue that while the Electoral Count Act of 1887 appears to create "safe harbors" for a state's report of its Electoral College votes, the Act itself might be unconstitutional, because under the 12th Amendment, "the President of the Senate [i.e., the Vice President] shall, in the Presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates [of the electoral votes of the states] and the votes shall then be counted."
Yoo and Delahunty say that "unclear is who is to 'count' the electors' votes and how their validity is to be determined. Over the decades, political figures and legal scholars have offered different answers to these constitutional questions. We suggest that the Vice President's role is not the merely ministerial one of opening the ballots and then handing them over (to whom?) to be counted. Though the 12th Amendment describes the counting in the passive voice, the language seems to envisage a single, continuous process in which the Vice President both opens and counts the votes."
This is getting richer and richer all the time.

law professors are arguing the U.S. Constitution's 12th Amendment could empower Vice President Mike Pence to reject contested electors and pave the way for the U.S. House to re-elect President Trump under what's known as a contingent election.
In an October 19 essay at "The American Mind," John Yoo, a law professor at the University of California-Berkeley, and Robert J. Delahunty, a law professor at St. Thomas University, argue that Pence, as presiding officer of the joint congressional session on electors, can refuse to "count" the electoral votes from disputed states.
However, this legal analysis empowering the Vice President faces headwinds as states continue to certify results for Joe Biden over President Trump.
The scholars argue that while the Electoral Count Act of 1887 appears to create "safe harbors" for a state's report of its Electoral College votes, the Act itself might be unconstitutional, because under the 12th Amendment, "the President of the Senate [i.e., the Vice President] shall, in the Presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates [of the electoral votes of the states] and the votes shall then be counted."
Yoo and Delahunty say that "unclear is who is to 'count' the electors' votes and how their validity is to be determined. Over the decades, political figures and legal scholars have offered different answers to these constitutional questions. We suggest that the Vice President's role is not the merely ministerial one of opening the ballots and then handing them over (to whom?) to be counted. Though the 12th Amendment describes the counting in the passive voice, the language seems to envisage a single, continuous process in which the Vice President both opens and counts the votes." He can't...and he won't. My guess is Pence wants a future in politics and in particular, as a Republican.
Pulling something like this would be the equivalent of a political death sentence.

Trump lost. Deal with it.
What's rich is the desperation of the Trumplicans to overturn the will of the voters and install a populist dictator.

No, what's rich is how you blissfully called Trump a puppet of pootin with ZERO evidence, and ignore the fact that Xiden is bought and paid for by the chinese communist party.....with ample evidence.
What's rich is the desperation of the Trumplicans to overturn the will of the voters and install a populist dictator.

No, what's rich is how you blissfully called Trump a puppet of pootin with ZERO evidence, and ignore the fact that Xiden is bought and paid for by the chinese communist party.....with ample evidence.

Who's bought and paid for?

President Donald Trump, who declared “I don’t make money from China” in Thursday night’s presidential debate, has in fact collected millions of dollars from government-owned entities in China since he took office. Forbes estimates that at least $5.4 million has flowed into the president’s business from a lease agreement involving a state-owned bank in Trump Tower.

What's rich is the desperation of the Trumplicans to overturn the will of the voters and install a populist dictator.

No, what's rich is how you blissfully called Trump a puppet of pootin with ZERO evidence, and ignore the fact that Xiden is bought and paid for by the chinese communist party.....with ample evidence.

Who's bought and paid for?

President Donald Trump, who declared “I don’t make money from China” in Thursday night’s presidential debate, has in fact collected millions of dollars from government-owned entities in China since he took office. Forbes estimates that at least $5.4 million has flowed into the president’s business from a lease agreement involving a state-owned bank in Trump Tower.


Every top level Democrat RECEIVES money from the chico's. Trump paid THEM to do business in China.

I know it's hard for you to admit you support shitbirds, but you do.
This is getting richer and richer all the time.

law professors are arguing the U.S. Constitution's 12th Amendment could empower Vice President Mike Pence to reject contested electors and pave the way for the U.S. House to re-elect President Trump under what's known as a contingent election.
In an October 19 essay at "The American Mind," John Yoo, a law professor at the University of California-Berkeley, and Robert J. Delahunty, a law professor at St. Thomas University, argue that Pence, as presiding officer of the joint congressional session on electors, can refuse to "count" the electoral votes from disputed states.
However, this legal analysis empowering the Vice President faces headwinds as states continue to certify results for Joe Biden over President Trump.
The scholars argue that while the Electoral Count Act of 1887 appears to create "safe harbors" for a state's report of its Electoral College votes, the Act itself might be unconstitutional, because under the 12th Amendment, "the President of the Senate [i.e., the Vice President] shall, in the Presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates [of the electoral votes of the states] and the votes shall then be counted."
Yoo and Delahunty say that "unclear is who is to 'count' the electors' votes and how their validity is to be determined. Over the decades, political figures and legal scholars have offered different answers to these constitutional questions. We suggest that the Vice President's role is not the merely ministerial one of opening the ballots and then handing them over (to whom?) to be counted. Though the 12th Amendment describes the counting in the passive voice, the language seems to envisage a single, continuous process in which the Vice President both opens and counts the votes."
The Trumpistas' rich fantasy life is varied, fascinating and ultimately disturbing. These people are really allowed to vote?!?!
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This is getting richer and richer all the time.

law professors are arguing the U.S. Constitution's 12th Amendment could empower Vice President Mike Pence to reject contested electors and pave the way for the U.S. House to re-elect President Trump under what's known as a contingent election.
In an October 19 essay at "The American Mind," John Yoo, a law professor at the University of California-Berkeley, and Robert J. Delahunty, a law professor at St. Thomas University, argue that Pence, as presiding officer of the joint congressional session on electors, can refuse to "count" the electoral votes from disputed states.
However, this legal analysis empowering the Vice President faces headwinds as states continue to certify results for Joe Biden over President Trump.
The scholars argue that while the Electoral Count Act of 1887 appears to create "safe harbors" for a state's report of its Electoral College votes, the Act itself might be unconstitutional, because under the 12th Amendment, "the President of the Senate [i.e., the Vice President] shall, in the Presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates [of the electoral votes of the states] and the votes shall then be counted."
Yoo and Delahunty say that "unclear is who is to 'count' the electors' votes and how their validity is to be determined. Over the decades, political figures and legal scholars have offered different answers to these constitutional questions. We suggest that the Vice President's role is not the merely ministerial one of opening the ballots and then handing them over (to whom?) to be counted. Though the 12th Amendment describes the counting in the passive voice, the language seems to envisage a single, continuous process in which the Vice President both opens and counts the votes."
Pence should count like he's a Dominion machine skewed for Trump
What's rich is the desperation of the Trumplicans to overturn the will of the voters and install a populist dictator.
You mean the will of dead voters, double voters, nonresident voters and fake voters?

OK, they should be 'overturned', and the instigators executed for treason.
What's rich is the desperation of the Trumplicans to overturn the will of the voters and install a populist dictator.
Yeah, the will of all those dead voters, and the ones who voted over and over and over.. Man you are just a fucking prog slave....Is dishonesty your first or second skill?

All talk, no evidence ... who's the slave? ...
As of right now, Biden will never be an legitimate president.
Not going to happen, the Democrats have the majority in the house, why would they go along with this nonsense?

The professors are full of baloney on this, Pence duties as the President of the Senate are clearly spelled out in the below, it based on the LAW!

Here is the LAW as shown here on how it is done:

"January 6, 2021: Joint Session of Congress to Count Electoral Votes and Declare Election Results Meets

On January 6, or another date set by law, the Senate and House of Representatives assemble at 1:00 p.m. in a joint session at the Capitol, in the House chamber, to count the electoral votes and declare the results(3 U.S.C. §15). The Vice President presides as President of the Senate. The Vice President opens the certificates and presents them to four tellers, two from each chamber. The tellers read and make a list of the returns. When the votes have been ascertained and counted, the tellers transmit them to the Vice President. If one of the tickets has received a majority of 270 or more electoral votes, the Vice President announces the results, which “shall be deemed a sufficient declaration of the persons, if any, elected President and Vice President.”

"Joint Session Challenges to Electoral Vote Returns

While the tellers announce the results, Members may object to the returns from any individual state as they are announced. Objections to individual state returns must be made in writing by at least one Member each of the Senate and House of Representatives. If an objection meets these requirements, the joint session recesses and the two houses separate and debate the question in their respective chambers for a maximum of two hours. The two houses then vote separately to accept or reject the objection. They then reassemble in joint session, and announce the results of their respective votes. An objection to a state’s electoral vote must be approved by both houses in order for any contested votes to be excluded. For additional information, see CRS Report RL32717, Counting Electoral Votes: An Overview of Procedures at the Joint Session, Including Objections by Members of Congress, coordinated by Elizabeth Rybicki and L. Paige Whitaker."


It is the CONGRESS who accepts the Electors, and deal with objections to any of states returns.

Pence has ZERO power to change them, these professors needs to kindly Fuck off with their speculative bullshit!
From post one link is this self inflicted stupidity since they forgot the appointed TELLERS who handles the Certificates

The scholars argue that while the Electoral Count Act of 1887 appears to create "safe harbors" for a state's report of its Electoral College votes, the Act itself might be unconstitutional, because under the 12th Amendment, "the President of the Senate [i.e., the Vice President] shall, in the Presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates [of the electoral votes of the states] and the votes shall then be counted."

Yoo and Delahunty say that "unclear is who is to 'count' the electors' votes and how their validity is to be determined. Over the decades, political figures and legal scholars have offered different answers to these constitutional questions. We suggest that the Vice President's role is not the merely ministerial one of opening the ballots and then handing them over (to whom?) to be counted. Though the 12th Amendment describes the counting in the passive voice, the language seems to envisage a single, continuous process in which the Vice President both opens and counts the votes."

red bolding mine


Here is the LAW on WHO does the counting:

"The Vice President opens the certificates and presents them to four tellers, two from each chamber. The tellers read and make a list of the returns. When the votes have been ascertained and counted, the tellers transmit them to the Vice President. "

bolding mine


These professors are making a fool of themselves, as their speculations are dead on arrival.
What's rich is the desperation of the Trumplicans to overturn the will of the voters and install a populist dictator.
You mean the will of dead voters, double voters, nonresident voters and fake voters?

OK, they should be 'overturned', and the instigators executed for treason.

I keep asking for names of all these dead voters who voted and no one seems able to provide them. Maybe you can.
What's rich is the desperation of the Trumplicans to overturn the will of the voters and install a populist dictator.

No, what's rich is how you blissfully called Trump a puppet of pootin with ZERO evidence, and ignore the fact that Xiden is bought and paid for by the chinese communist party.....with ample evidence.

Who's bought and paid for?

President Donald Trump, who declared “I don’t make money from China” in Thursday night’s presidential debate, has in fact collected millions of dollars from government-owned entities in China since he took office. Forbes estimates that at least $5.4 million has flowed into the president’s business from a lease agreement involving a state-owned bank in Trump Tower.


Every top level Democrat RECEIVES money from the chico's. Trump paid THEM to do business in China.

I know it's hard for you to admit you support shitbirds, but you do.

Got a link to show that?

How many top Republicans get money from China?

Let's try for a more comprehensive tally of shitbirds shall we? Starting with one of the biggest...

Trump got MILLIONS from China and owes millions TO China. ChiComTrump.
These professors are making a fool of themselves, as their speculations are dead on arrival.
Dude, welcome to my ignore list for that stupid ass post.

The TELLERS do not do the COUNTING, OMG.


Gee and I wasn't even replying to you......

Go ahead and try ignoring this portion of the law:

"The Vice President opens the certificates and presents them to four tellers, two from each chamber. The tellers read and make a list of the returns. When the votes have been ascertained and counted, the tellers transmit them to the Vice President. "

red and black bolding and large size mine

The evidence here doesn't agree with you, must the legalese language confusing you?
What's rich is the desperation of the Trumplicans to overturn the will of the voters and install a populist dictator.

No, what's rich is how you blissfully called Trump a puppet of pootin with ZERO evidence, and ignore the fact that Xiden is bought and paid for by the chinese communist party.....with ample evidence.

Who's bought and paid for?

President Donald Trump, who declared “I don’t make money from China” in Thursday night’s presidential debate, has in fact collected millions of dollars from government-owned entities in China since he took office. Forbes estimates that at least $5.4 million has flowed into the president’s business from a lease agreement involving a state-owned bank in Trump Tower.


Every top level Democrat RECEIVES money from the chico's. Trump paid THEM to do business in China.

I know it's hard for you to admit you support shitbirds, but you do.

Got a link to show that?

How many top Republicans get money from China?

Let's try for a more comprehensive tally of shitbirds shall we? Starting with one of the biggest...

Trump got MILLIONS from China and owes millions TO China. ChiComTrump.

Bunches of them. They are every bit as much enemies of this country as the Dems. And yes, but look for yourself. You will believe it more when you do it for yourself.

An easy metric is look at any politician of either Party who is working to improve china at our expense.

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