In 2016 Jewish boy had NDE, predicted Obama would wage war against Israel


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
Shortly after the 30-minute mark he said that Obama was "Gog" from the bible and would make war against Israel.

He says several months?

Well. . . it's been, what? Five years?
Obama did make war on Israel; he handed billions in untraceable cash to a terrorist Iran and helped advance their nuclear weapons program. All Democrats have supported that. And, he's still active in the crime syndicate he runs.
Sheesh...religion eh...hopefully it never catches on.
Then get out of the thread.
Oh, they practice a religion. . . . they just aren't aware of what it is. . .
The important thing to remember is that it makes them feel special...
You don't need to remember. . . they will tell you.

You don't need to remember. . . they will tell you.
Yet it's the religious folks that need their own section of message boards. Because everyone got so sick of them bringing their magical hooha into every thread, they had to corral them.

And yet here you are, Mr. Hypocrite himself. Thanks for the laugh!
You don't need to remember. . . they will tell you.
Yet it's the religious folks that need their own section of message boards. Because everyone got so sick of them bringing their magical hooha into every thread, they had to corral them.
so what is different from libs worshipping mao and stalin
Shortly after the 30-minute mark he said that Obama was "Gog" from the bible and would make war against Israel.

Gog and Magog invaded long ago. Such nonsense.

[*]I think its important to know where this heresy came from and who promoted it.
[*]Against Christian Zionism - Wild Olive
"Hal Lindsey is the leader of the Christian Zionism movement" Hal Lindsey is undoubtedly the most influential of all Christian Zionists of the 20 th century. Although rarely quoted by others, he has nevertheless been described by Time as 'The Jeremiah for this Generation, and by the New York Times as 'the best selling author of the decade.
[*]Hal Lindsey : Father of Apocalyptic Christian Zionism
1. The Significance of Hal Lindsey to Christian Zionism Hal Lindsey is undoubtedly the most influential of all Christian Zionists of the 20th century.
Obama did make war on Israel; he handed billions in untraceable cash to a terrorist Iran and helped advance their nuclear weapons program. All Democrats have supported that. And, he's still active in the crime syndicate he runs.

Obama pledged another $50 billion to Israel. The Iranian money was theirs to begin with.

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