Important New Paper: MASKS DO NOT WORK

The more important aspect is that very few people have been or are doing this- changing them every hour which is the recommended frequency to be effective. I am referencing individuals in congested areas- airports for instance could have short term benefit of blocking particles x size and greater, but germs cling onto cotton masks. Anytime a person touches a surface that has just been touched by a person with a cold virus and that person adjusts his or her mask, guess where the germs are now? On the mask until effective cleaning or disposing quickly to reduce odds of infection. Masks don’t work because of the size of the pores in the masks, the size of the smaller type of viral molecules that break down and primarily because we’re humans! We are not made to wear masks since they’re quite uncomfortable and we adjust them constantly!

Around the end of last flu season, it was reported that 2 entire strains of flu viruses were “wiped out” last year, and before learning otherwise, I assumed that masking and social distancing were the causal factors to that outcome. After learning that hospitals and nursing homes were counting deaths as Covid deaths when in fact they were due to some other cause, and by doing so they were given federal monies, the facts threw out the idea that these 2 strains of flu had been somehow wiped out. So, any way it pans out lies were in the mix to support the covid narrative.
Why are you so concern about what other people are doing? Worry about yourself and if you see somebody doing something wrong then help them. Be a good citizen
Why are you so concern about what other people are doing? Worry about yourself and if you see somebody doing something wrong then help them. Be a good citizen
Only facts matter to the informed and that’s what many like me provide. You? It’s a mystery what value your posts have on a scale from 1 to 10-10 being an excellent, unbiased poster. I’m going to give you a 1 before I check your past posts for accuracy. I am an honest poster though, so if I find I am wrong and say you’re really a 1.5, I will come back to correct it.

This: “
“Incorrect statements should be retracted and deleted. Don’t know why you’re saying that’s a bad thing.” Interesting you wrote that.
One of your posts about mistaking a poster for another might give that half point but I need to review more. Lol
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Only facts matter to the informed and that’s what many like me provide. You? It’s a mystery what value your posts have on a scale from 1 to 10-10 being an excellent, unbiased poster. I’m going to give you a 1 before I check your past posts for accuracy. I am an honest poster though, so if I find I am wrong and say you’re really a 1.5, I will come back to correct it.

This: “
“Incorrect statements should be retracted and deleted. Don’t know why you’re saying that’s a bad thing.” Interesting you wrote that.
One of your posts about mistaking a poster for another might give that half point but I need to review more. Lol
You’ll see that I lean more in the objective side of you look at my posts with objectivity ;)
The shots build immunity so people don’t get as sick. It’s not complicated. They have and are saving lives. If you don’t trust doctors and think you’re smarter then fine but that’s reckless in my opinion

That is not possible.
The shots have noting for the immune system to identify and trigger on, so can NOT possibly provide any long term immunity at all, in any way.
All the shots can do is to temporarily stimulate some antibody production.

I have not run into a single practicing doctor that thinks these shot can work at all.

They do work at reducing symptoms, just like taking monoclonal antibodies do.
But there is zero long term immunity.
There can't be.
There is no information the T-cells can store in their memory.
If you think the vaccines stimulate spike protein production and the immune system can then trigger on spike proteins, then you would be wrong because our own exosome have to have and use spike proteins for ACE2 receptor access.
You’ll see that I lean more in the objective side of you look at my posts with objectivity ;)

I have seen no objectivity yet.
For example, you claim these vaccinations have to work, when in reality no one in the field of epidemiology, medicine, or anything related, like them at all, or the fact they have not have sufficient testing.

So then you have no facts at all, and are just basing your opinions and statements on your own particular bias.
You are about the least objective poster I have run into, because you have shown a total lack of facts to base anything on.
You always see people lifting their mask for either one of these. Yeah, sure.

Yes, I have.
And in fact, if I have to cough or sneeze, I find myself reflexively lifting my mask as well, without thinking.
It is just a habit, that people do not want to cough or sneeze into something that will be on their face later.
It is not a good medical practice, but it is a habit that would likely be impossible to break at this point, and it makes masks useless.
In fact, masks have always been useless ever since we decided to not go with full quarantine.
When you decide to not go with full quarantine, then you actually want to spread infection faster, so that you have a quicker burn out of easy host, and totally end the whole epidemic entirely.
You’ll see that I lean more in the objective side of you look at my posts with objectivity ;)
Almost all people struggle with pure objectivity. Life lessons start before we can even walk when we don’t have a choice per se about our environment.

Here is a sad example from a real life story that depicts how early lessons are learned and become ingrained. A woman was on a plane flying back to the US from Russia about 15 years back. There were several infants on the flight who were orphans being adopted in the states. During the entire flight not one baby cried. She later had the chance to ask one of the infant caregivers about that and was told, “These babies are from a Russian orphanage and they learned nobody responded to their cries”. It is a natural instinct for a baby to cry when hungry, in pain or discomfort and the fact that these babies had learned to do so was to no avail so they just stopped crying altogether is heartbreaking. A very good example of how powerful early conditioning can turn out.

Those of us lucky enough to have had positive years of early influence should be absolutely grateful. It still doesn’t mean we can think outside of what we’ve learned. It takes awareness and effort.

For instance, there are numerous types of “good environments” but they’re all still very unique in conditions and outcomes. A person can grow up in a family full of Democrats or a family full of Republicans and can either choose to embrace the values or reject them fully. There are many types of “bad environments” as well that are just as influencing, with many of these “early lessons” being hard to shake off but still possible with great effort.

You claim to be an objective thinker. Subjectively speaking, I’m not sure that’s true lol I have to start paying more attention to your posts to know where you truly rank as far as being objective. What I can say is I’ve seen you post things that are false. Whether you know those statements are false is undetermined.
I’m simply following my doctors advice and not being a dumb Ass who gets my medical advice from the news media and internet

You means the doctors who last March said we should not wear masks?
Of do you mean the doctors who told people to wear masks for the Bubonic plague, even though it was transmitted by flea bites and not through the air?
How well did this "science" last in each of the Bubonic Plague Pandemics?

The science worked perfectly with the Bubonic plague.
The lethality of Bubonic plague is high, about 20%, so you do full quarantine.
To be extra sure, they picked 4 weeks as the isolation time period, and that is where the word "quarantine" came from.
Most cities quickly realized the rodents and fleas were the problem, and reduced the problem through sanitation and quarantine of travelers.
The science worked perfectly with the Bubonic plague.
The lethality of Bubonic plague is high, about 20%, so you do full quarantine.
To be extra sure, they picked 4 weeks as the isolation time period, and that is where the word "quarantine" came from.
Most cities quickly realized the rodents and fleas were the problem, and reduced the problem through sanitation and quarantine of travelers.

Where did you post only 20%? Are you a historian who studied pandemics, or a damn liar. You can't be both.
That is not possible.
The shots have noting for the immune system to identify and trigger on, so can NOT possibly provide any long term immunity at all, in any way.
All the shots can do is to temporarily stimulate some antibody production.

I have not run into a single practicing doctor that thinks these shot can work at all.

They do work at reducing symptoms, just like taking monoclonal antibodies do.
But there is zero long term immunity.
There can't be.
There is no information the T-cells can store in their memory.
If you think the vaccines stimulate spike protein production and the immune system can then trigger on spike proteins, then you would be wrong because our own exosome have to have and use spike proteins for ACE2 receptor access.
I noticed your qualifier “long term” how about short term? Can they develop antibodies to help protect people on a short term basis?
Almost all people struggle with pure objectivity. Life lessons start before we can even walk when we don’t have a choice per se about our environment.

Here is a sad example from a real life story that depicts how early lessons are learned and become ingrained. A woman was on a plane flying back to the US from Russia about 15 years back. There were several infants on the flight who were orphans being adopted in the states. During the entire flight not one baby cried. She later had the chance to ask one of the infant caregivers about that and was told, “These babies are from a Russian orphanage and they learned nobody responded to their cries”. It is a natural instinct for a baby to cry when hungry, in pain or discomfort and the fact that these babies had learned to do so was to no avail so they just stopped crying altogether is heartbreaking. A very good example of how powerful early conditioning can turn out.

Those of us lucky enough to have had positive years of early influence should be absolutely grateful. It still doesn’t mean we can think outside of what we’ve learned. It takes awareness and effort.

For instance, there are numerous types of “good environments” but they’re all still very unique in conditions and outcomes. A person can grow up in a family full of Democrats or a family full of Republicans and can either choose to embrace the values or reject them fully. There are many types of “bad environments” as well that are just as influencing, with many of these “early lessons” being hard to shake off but still possible with great effort.

You claim to be an objective thinker. Subjectively speaking, I’m not sure that’s true lol I have to start paying more attention to your posts to know where you truly rank as far as being objective. What I can say is I’ve seen you post things that are false. Whether you know those statements are false is undetermined.
I said that I lean on the objective side. Never claimed to be truly objective. I wouldn’t make that claim for reasons you stated

Where did you post only 20%? Are you a historian who studied pandemics, or a damn liar. You can't be both.

Sorry, you are correct that without antibiotics, the lethality is between 30 and 90%.
But the point is that I correctly labeled Bubonic plague as high lethality, so then full quarantine is the correct strategy.
It is easily controlled by quarantine and anti rodent and anti flea regimens.
I noticed your qualifier “long term” how about short term? Can they develop antibodies to help protect people on a short term basis?

Yes they can.
The antibodies stimulated by these mRNA injections reduce the symptoms and mortality by more than half.
But you can also just take in monoclonal antibodies directly, with the same effectiveness.
And the mRNA injections do not last any longer than the direct injections of monoclonal antibodies.
Yes they can.
The antibodies stimulated by these mRNA injections reduce the symptoms and mortality by more than half.
But you can also just take in monoclonal antibodies directly, with the same effectiveness.
And the mRNA injections do not last any longer than the direct injections of monoclonal antibodies.
That’s awesome… how’s the supply chain of monoclonal antibodies… can we distribute as quickly and with as much volume as the vaccines?
That’s awesome… how’s the supply chain of monoclonal antibodies… can we distribute as quickly and with as much volume as the vaccines?

The process of making monoclonal antibodies is no more difficult than making vaccines.
But you do not distribute them ahead of time.
That would be a waste.
You wait until after a person has tested positive.
The process of making monoclonal antibodies is no more difficult than making vaccines.
But you do not distribute them ahead of time.
That would be a waste.
You wait until after a person has tested positive.
Well perfect, the vax can be used for prevention and the MAs for treatment. We can call it the one two punch!
Sorry, you are correct that without antibiotics, the lethality is between 30 and 90%.
But the point is that I correctly labeled Bubonic plague as high lethality, so then full quarantine is the correct strategy.
It is easily controlled by quarantine and anti rodent and anti flea regimens.
The Plague was a bacterial infection, Covid and the flu are virus'. One can control the vermin, they can be shot, poisoned and trapped. Hard to shoot, poison or trap a virus; the latter can be controlled by a mask.
Hard to shoot, poison or trap a virus; the latter can be controlled by a mask.


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