Impeachment conspiracy.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
I’m a conspiracy junkie and I admit it. Whatever is being used to stupefy the American population whether it be radio frequencies or mass hypnosis, it apparently doesn’t work on me. I see what I see, and what I see isn’t pretty.

I recall Jesse Ventura being taken off the airwaves like it was yesterday. His show, Conspiracy Theory, was cancelled abruptly at the height of its popularity with no explanation. His last show investigated US Internment camps located in remote areas near railroad tracks. It might have been the thousands of plastic caskets he uncovered that did it; we’ll probably never know. Phone calls were made, and the show disappeared.

What we do know is that Ventura was an early prototype of our president, exposing a secretive and corrupt government. Trump exposed the odious malfeasance purely by mistake-he got elected. The strange part is that while his defeated opponent, Hillary Clinton, was destroying subpoenaed evidence like it was waste from a Chernobyl explosion, no one who voted for her seemed to care very much; It was like they were in a weird group trance.

The weird part is that a man purportedly too dumb to be president was able to outwit the FBI, DOJ, NSA, foreign intelligence agencies in the UK and Russia, and then trick sixty million people into voting for him; it gets weirder.

All the candidates lined up against Trump on the democratic side are like characters that wandered out of a cornfield in a Stephen King novel. Joe Biden, the leading contender, is a classic political crook with a brothel-hopping, crack-smoking son dating his dead brother’s widow like a proud resident of a low rent trailer park.

Bernie Sanders honeymooned in the Soviet Union and has a wife that scuttled a college and tried to defraud a bank with phony donations. Elizabeth Warren is an odd shape shifter that impersonated Native American heritage and used stolen Cherokee valor to pad her academic credentials. You can’t make this stuff up.

Some wonder if this impeachment conspiracy isn’t coming from outer space. They didn’t get Adam Shiff’s bug eyes right and Nancy Pelosi appears to have two sets of eyebrows. It’s probably too late to return them to the mothership.

Are the people really this stupid or are they under the influence of some evil alien conspiracy? Who knows? I’m voting for Trump; he’s the only normal one.


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