How about impeaching James Comey? The more the public learns about Mr. Straight Arrow the more they learn that Comey has always been a Clinton stooge?
Prohibition era gangsters like Al Capone had state and local law enforcement officials on their payrolls, while the Clintons have the entire law enforcement machinery in their pocket.
One has to wonder how many federal judges work for Bonnie & Clyde. Chief Justice John Roberts can fairly be defined as a shyster lawyer working for the Clintons regardless of who put him on the Supreme Court. Remember that Obamacare is Hillarycare; so Roberts actually did what Hillary wanted him to do. Had the ACA not been a major disaster you can bet that Hillary Clinton would take credit for it.
And guess what? James Comey is a lawyer. If you believe he is a police officer call him when a violent criminal comes at you instead of calling a cop. Ask front line police officers who get shot at what they think about lawyers before you are forced to call for help.
Incidentally, I understand good old-fashioned crooks. My fear is that embracing the Clinton worldview is a job requirement for ambitious crooks. Without a doubt Hillary’s worldview includes committing treason in the name of global government. This excerpt is from Corsi’s article:
The Chicago sewer rat kicking the war down the road for the next president to deal with is nothing compared to the people Donald Trump will inherit in the federal government. The tragedy is that Hillary Clinton is promising loyal gang members more positions of power.
NOTE: Trump will be stuck with Comey until 2023 unless he, Comey, is impeached by Congress —— the very people who confirmed him in the first place. The vote was 93 for and only 1 against. Senator Rand Paul cast the NO vote.
Finally, America would be crime-free if as many government crooks and murderers went to jail in real life as they do in fiction television shows.
Comey has long history of cases ending favorable to Clintons
Posted By Jerome R. Corsi On 07/07/2016 @ 8:54 pm
Comey has long history of cases ending favorable to Clintons
Posted By Jerome R. Corsi On 07/07/2016 @ 8:54 pm
Comey has long history of cases ending favorable to Clintons
Prohibition era gangsters like Al Capone had state and local law enforcement officials on their payrolls, while the Clintons have the entire law enforcement machinery in their pocket.
One has to wonder how many federal judges work for Bonnie & Clyde. Chief Justice John Roberts can fairly be defined as a shyster lawyer working for the Clintons regardless of who put him on the Supreme Court. Remember that Obamacare is Hillarycare; so Roberts actually did what Hillary wanted him to do. Had the ACA not been a major disaster you can bet that Hillary Clinton would take credit for it.
And guess what? James Comey is a lawyer. If you believe he is a police officer call him when a violent criminal comes at you instead of calling a cop. Ask front line police officers who get shot at what they think about lawyers before you are forced to call for help.
Incidentally, I understand good old-fashioned crooks. My fear is that embracing the Clinton worldview is a job requirement for ambitious crooks. Without a doubt Hillary’s worldview includes committing treason in the name of global government. This excerpt is from Corsi’s article:
In 2004, Comey, then serving as a deputy attorney general in the Justice Department, apparently limited the scope of the criminal investigation of Sandy Berger, which left out former Clinton administration officials who may have coordinated with Berger in his removal and destruction of classified records from the National Archives. The documents were relevant to accusations that the Clinton administration was negligent in the build-up to the 9/11 terrorist attack.
The Chicago sewer rat kicking the war down the road for the next president to deal with is nothing compared to the people Donald Trump will inherit in the federal government. The tragedy is that Hillary Clinton is promising loyal gang members more positions of power.
NOTE: Trump will be stuck with Comey until 2023 unless he, Comey, is impeached by Congress —— the very people who confirmed him in the first place. The vote was 93 for and only 1 against. Senator Rand Paul cast the NO vote.
Finally, America would be crime-free if as many government crooks and murderers went to jail in real life as they do in fiction television shows.