Immigration....Who To Invite In?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
.....and why?

“In all, nearly 60 percent of immigrants—legal and illegal—are on government assistance, compared with 39 percent of native households. Why would any country voluntarily bring in people who have to be supported by the taxpayer?”
Ann Coulter, ¡Adios, America!: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole

1. Here's the answer: the reason that the Democrats/Liberals encourage illegal immigration is for one reason and one reason only: illegals vote for the Democrats.

There is no other benefit to this nation.
Illegals keep wages low, and unemployment of Americans high; it costs billions in welfare services and police costs high.
It is only through the actions of Democrats and illegal aliens that the Left is able to claim a popular vote victory in the last election.
After all, Obama told illegal aliens to get out and vote.

2. Continuing on the theme, one of education for the deluded Democrat voters....

“The New York State Department of Corrections has collected information about the top ten nationalities in its prisons for years—.... Foreign inmates were 70 percent more likely to have committed a violent crime than American criminals. They were also twice as likely to have committed a class A felony, such as aggravated murder, kidnapping, and terrorism."
Data here:

But....what the heck.....they vote Democrat.

3. In 2010, the top ten countries of the foreign-born inmates in NY were:

Dominican Republic: 1,314

Jamaica: 849

Mexico: 523

Guyana: 289

El Salvador: 245

Cuba: 242

Trinidad and Tobago: 237

Haiti: 201

Ecuador: 189

Colombia: 168

BTW....between 1985 and 1999, the native-born in the prison population increased 99%.
During that time, the foreign-born in the prison population increased 251%.'s almost as if they were invited in......

4. Of course this is not the slant one gets from the house organ of the Democrat Party, the NYTimes.

"Most readers are agog at the number of Dominicans in New York prisons, having spent years reading New York Times articles about Dominicans’ “entrepreneurial zeal,”21 and “traditional immigrant virtues.” Even in an article about the Dominicans’ domination of the crack cocaine business, the Times praised their “savvy,” which had allowed them to become “highly successful” drug dealers, then hailed their drug-infested neighborhoods as the “embodiment of the American Dream—a vibrant, energetic urban melting pot.”
Ann Coulter, ¡Adios, America!: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole

Hence, the importance of re-education camps for Liberal simpletons: balance the truth about what Democrat policies have done, and who they have invited to a neighborhood near you.

There is an answer.....I'll get to it.
It could be as simple as the political and elite class needs lots of ignorant people dependent on big government, so that big government can continue to grow. Confiscating the wealth and rights of Americans.

What is even more sickening is many Americans are duped into believing our nation needs more poor ignorant people imported into the nation.
We definitely don't have enough poor, uneducated, dependent people. We need to import them to fill our shortages.
It could be as simple as the political and elite class needs lots of ignorant people dependent on big government, so that big government can continue to grow. Confiscating the wealth and rights of Americans.

What is even more sickening is many Americans are duped into believing our nation needs more poor ignorant people imported into the nation.

More Soros' pawns to keep voting Democrat. Without illegals votes Dems may not be ever elected again.
5. Facts about Mexico that you won't learn in government school:
In 2010, there were more Mexican nationals in New York state prisons, than there were inmates from the entire European continent.

6. An interesting conjecture, not illuminated in the New York stats, and interesting in light of Europe's immigration policies, one wonders how many of the 'Europeans' in our prisons, are Muslim.

And, along that line of query, there was this Englander:
"Shuhel Mahboob Ali: Brit gets 10 years for seeking child sex for incest fantasy A British man who traveled to Sanford so he could meet a teen girl, take her as his wife, have children and then raise an incest family was sentenced to 10 years in federal prison Monday.

Federal agents said Shuhel Mahboob Ali responded to an online ad placed last year by an undercover detective posing as the father of a 13-year-old girl..... telling him in graphic detail what he would like to do with his supposed teenage daughter.

Ali, 40, said he wanted to settle down with a girl, "breed" and raise a "daughters only" family.

Ali said if he got the teen pregnant, he wanted to start abusing their baby..." Shuhel Mahboob Ali: British man planned to have incest family

Don't forget.....they call this 7th century savage a "British" federal inmate.
Get it??? Wink...wink.
It could be as simple as the political and elite class needs lots of ignorant people dependent on big government, so that big government can continue to grow. Confiscating the wealth and rights of Americans.

What is even more sickening is many Americans are duped into believing our nation needs more poor ignorant people imported into the nation.

More Soros' pawns to keep voting Democrat. Without illegals votes Dems may not be ever elected again.

....and certainly wouldn't be able to offer the bogus claim that they won the popular vote.

"It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California
If you take California out of the popular vote equation, then Trump wins the rest of the country by 1.4 million votes.
.... if you look at every other measure, Trump was the clear and decisive winner in this election."
It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California
Until we get our freaking $20 trillion dollar debt under control I say we only let in millionaires.

I get the tongue-in-cheek, but the owner of the Mexican paper, the NYTimes, Carlos Slim, wouldn't be my first choice.

We have lots of home-grown Liberal millionaires already.

FACT: Over 80% of all illegals are on welfare, and over 70% of LEGAL immigrants are on welfare. Why the hell are we allowing so many losers into our country?
Until we get our freaking $20 trillion dollar debt under control I say we only let in millionaires.

I get the tongue-in-cheek, but the owner of the Mexican paper, the NYTimes, Carlos Slim, wouldn't be my first choice.

We have lots of home-grown Liberal millionaires already.

FACT: Over 80% of all illegals are on welfare, and over 70% of LEGAL immigrants are on welfare. Why the hell are we allowing so many losers into our country?

I believe you have the point of this thread.

But you left out the clear design for enticing illegal vote.

Which explains this......

"Obama USDA met 30 times with Mexican gov’t to promote food-stamp use among Mexican immigrants
Obama USDA met 30 times with Mexican gov’t to promote food-stamp use among Mexican immigrants

and this....

"The omnibus spending bill before Congress continues to fund U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) advertising programs for food stamps in foreign countries like Mexico, Breitbart News has learned."
Obama Free to Go on Advertising Food Stamps in Mexico
Until we get our freaking $20 trillion dollar debt under control I say we only let in millionaires.
I get the tongue-in-cheek, but the owner of the Mexican paper, the NYTimes, Carlos Slim, wouldn't be my first choice.
We have lots of home-grown Liberal millionaires already.
If NYT actually reported instead of trying to proselytize with the Vatican agenda they could be a credible source.

For instance this article about El Salvador gives some insight to why some people just want out of there.

This word press article gives us a better clue about why females are not safe in these high crime South American areas. If a police officers wife isn't safe who is? Aiding Central America's "Women on the Run" -
South American has nickle and dime extortionist along with the drug trafficking issues.
Now if we go back to prison gangs we can see some of the roots of the gang culture that has grown like weeds on American soil. Bleeding hearts would consider it too cruel to isolate anyone associated with a prison gang inside these prisons.
blood in blood out full movie - YouTube

Until we get our freaking $20 trillion dollar debt under control I say we only let in millionaires.

I get the tongue-in-cheek, but the owner of the Mexican paper, the NYTimes, Carlos Slim, wouldn't be my first choice.

We have lots of home-grown Liberal millionaires already.

FACT: Over 80% of all illegals are on welfare, and over 70% of LEGAL immigrants are on welfare. Why the hell are we allowing so many losers into our country?

I believe you have the point of this thread.

But you left out the clear design for enticing illegal vote.

Which explains this......

"Obama USDA met 30 times with Mexican gov’t to promote food-stamp use among Mexican immigrants
Obama USDA met 30 times with Mexican gov’t to promote food-stamp use among Mexican immigrants

and this....

"The omnibus spending bill before Congress continues to fund U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) advertising programs for food stamps in foreign countries like Mexico, Breitbart News has learned."
Obama Free to Go on Advertising Food Stamps in Mexico

Democrats dream is to gift millions of poor government dependent illegals citizenship and the right to vote. Democrats are conspiring with illegals and foreign governments to overthrow the votes of millions of American citizens. They can't convince American citizens to vote for them so import a bunch of poor people they can bribe with government handouts.
Until we get our freaking $20 trillion dollar debt under control I say we only let in millionaires.
I get the tongue-in-cheek, but the owner of the Mexican paper, the NYTimes, Carlos Slim, wouldn't be my first choice.
We have lots of home-grown Liberal millionaires already.
If NYT actually reported instead of trying to proselytize with the Vatican agenda they could be a credible source.

For instance this article about El Salvador gives some insight to why some people just want out of there.

This word press article gives us a better clue about why females are not safe in these high crime South American areas. If a police officers wife isn't safe who is? Aiding Central America's "Women on the Run" -
South American has nickle and dime extortionist along with the drug trafficking issues.
Now if we go back to prison gangs we can see some of the roots of the gang culture that has grown like weeds on American soil. Bleeding hearts would consider it too cruel to isolate anyone associated with a prison gang inside these prisons.
blood in blood out full movie - YouTube


I contend that the NYTimes is merely the tip of the's the cornerstone of Liberalism that, as Charles Murray points out, that one must never be judgmental with reference to any......any......culture.

In his best-seller, "Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010,"
Charles Murray points out the subterfuge, and demands, for the sake of society, that the elites point out the errors of poor life choices, and speak up!

"One change in societal attitude has been the “ecumenical niceness”…don’t fight, share toys, take turns….and never, ever be judgmental. As a result, the upper cultural class, which has stabilized by returning to more traditional ways, survives, yet these individuals will not criticize the behaviors which are destroying the lower cultural class."
Charles Murray

And this is based on, or incorporates the work of the anthropologist Franz Boas, who, in an effort to study exotic cultures without prejudice, found it useful to take the position that no culture is superior to any other. Thus was born the idea of cultural relativity.

The idea spread like wildfire through the universities, catapulted by the radical impetus of the sixties. ready and willing to reject "the universality of Western norms and principles."
Bawer, "The Victim's Revolution"

Leaving us with the savages you correctly pictured in your post.
Until we get our freaking $20 trillion dollar debt under control I say we only let in millionaires.

I get the tongue-in-cheek, but the owner of the Mexican paper, the NYTimes, Carlos Slim, wouldn't be my first choice.

We have lots of home-grown Liberal millionaires already.

FACT: Over 80% of all illegals are on welfare, and over 70% of LEGAL immigrants are on welfare. Why the hell are we allowing so many losers into our country?

I believe you have the point of this thread.

But you left out the clear design for enticing illegal vote.

Which explains this......

"Obama USDA met 30 times with Mexican gov’t to promote food-stamp use among Mexican immigrants
Obama USDA met 30 times with Mexican gov’t to promote food-stamp use among Mexican immigrants

and this....

"The omnibus spending bill before Congress continues to fund U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) advertising programs for food stamps in foreign countries like Mexico, Breitbart News has learned."
Obama Free to Go on Advertising Food Stamps in Mexico

Democrats dream is to gift millions of poor government dependent illegals citizenship and the right to vote. Democrats are conspiring with illegals and foreign governments to overthrow the votes of millions of American citizens. They can't convince American citizens to vote for them so import a bunch of poor people they can bribe with government handouts.

Seems to me that American Liberals should take that and make it the bumper-sticker on all of their Volvos...

"We'd rather destroy our own country than be called racist"

After all, it's what passes for 'thinking' from the government school grads......
7. “Piecing together state and federal reports, it appears that half the correctional population in California consists of illegal aliens. According to a state report, there were fewer than two hundred thousand inmates in the entire California prison population, including mental hospitals, in 2009. That year, 102,795 illegal aliens were incarcerated in California, costing the state more than $1 billion a year.”
Ann Coulter, ¡Adios, America!: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole

8. “Most Americans have no idea of the scale of Third World immigration pouring into the country. This is where numbers can make a difference. Sometimes quantity is quality. So it’s significant that Americans are being so aggressively lied to about the number of illegal immigrants in the country. Has it ever seemed strange that there have been exactly 11 million illegals here for the past decade? Did they stop coming? That’s hard to believe.

President Bush prosecuted border guards for getting too rough with illegals.
President Obama encouraged one hundred thousand illegals to surge across the border, then put them on buses to their new homes in the United States, courtesy of the taxpayer.

The reason we are angrily told there are 11 million illegals and you’re a racist if you say there is one more than that is that if Americans ever suspected there were 30 million illegal immigrants in the United States, our elected officials would find out what a “crisis” really is.”
Coulter, Op. Cit.

Who controls the majority of admitees????

THE VAST MAJORITY OF ALL LEGAL IMMIGRANTS—TWO-THIRDS—GET IN ON “family reunification” policies each year. In other words, America has no say about the single largest category of immigrants and we end up with gems like Octomom, the Boston Marathon bombers, and one hundred thousand Somalis in Minnesota.
Entire villages from Pakistan are dumped on the country, based not on their expertise in nuclear engineering, but because everyone in the village is related to the first guy who got in. If they’re not, in the strict sense, related, they’ll lie. "
Ann Coulter, Op. Cit.

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