Immigration reform, what should it be

Nobody is defending illegal immigration. The argument is that your use of the word unnatural to describe it is a nonsensical and improper use of the term. You are conflating "unlawful" with "unnatural." Please take a basic English vocabulary class to understand why those two words are not synonyms.

He may be of the same ilk as that idiot with the hitler av who just 'decided' that the word "species" means whatever he needs it to. There is no hope for some morons.
here you go Billy plus any other interested parties . USA in 1970 was right at 200 million people in 1970 and life was great . Now the USA runs about 305 million people . That's the growth that I object to . Its not a concern about feeding or housing because that's easily done . --- 1970 United States Census - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia --- anyway , check it out !!
check out the growth which the article comments on from 1960 to 1970 just for perspective !!
Immigration reform: Block anyone from entering the US who is even REMOTELY linked to Uncle tard. We're full up on wankers as it is. :D
So it's just plain natural for most human beings to crash a nation's borders illegally? Really? I note that neither of you would touch the word unlawful of which it certainly is. What nation in the world would embrace the changing of their demographics in that manner?
It is not a question of natural or unnatural at all. The terms literally make absolutely no sense when describing illegal immigration. Obviously it isn't lawful...but lawful and natural are not synonyms.

If anything, immigration is natural. When faced with bad conditions, and seeing better conditions somewhere else, it is natural for people to immigrate. Legal barriers to that natural immigration making it illegal are more sensibly defined as unnatural than the immigration itself.

No, it is not natural for most humans to migrate to another country illegally. Most people respect the rule of law, a nation's borders and its citizens that live within it. If they are truly faced with bad conditions in their own countries then they would come as refugees providing they fit the description of a refugee. Just wanting a better life by economic gain does not make one a refugee. If that were the case we'd have 2 billion impoverished migrating here. Oh, joy!
The rule of law has nothing to do with nature. The philosophy the rule of law is based upon in the United States is that we need the law to overcome what the chaotic state of nature would be.

You cannot call illegal immigration natural or unnatural. That makes no sense whatsoever. It would be like calling illegal immigration purple. Totally illogical use of words.

Laws trump someone's so-called nature to violate them. If someone is pre-disposed to commit theft our laws trump that and you pay the consequences for doing so. It's the same thing with illegal immigration. And as I said, it isn't natural for most humans to violate those laws. So therefore illegal immigration is not natural. Nothing illogical about stating the truth and your purple analogy is quite laughable and desperate. Why do you continue to defend illegal immigration by trying to make it appear that it is normal?
Nobody is defending illegal immigration. The argument is that your use of the word unnatural to describe it is a nonsensical and improper use of the term. You are conflating "unlawful" with "unnatural." Please take a basic English vocabulary class to understand why those two words are not synonyms.

Please try some reading comprehension. It is not natural for most humans to break a nation's immigration laws and that type of demographic takeover is neither natural nor lawful and completely unacceptable. If you don't get that then I can't help you.
Unkatore thinks that he is an expert on numbers of people coming to the USA . He is pro immigration and illegal immigration is something he would fix by making illegal immigration legal .

Exactly, if one is pro-amnesty then they are pro-illegal immigration because they want to reward illegal aliens for breaking our immigration laws by allowing them to remain here. Their spin on this issue is so transparent.
It is not a question of natural or unnatural at all. The terms literally make absolutely no sense when describing illegal immigration. Obviously it isn't lawful...but lawful and natural are not synonyms.

If anything, immigration is natural. When faced with bad conditions, and seeing better conditions somewhere else, it is natural for people to immigrate. Legal barriers to that natural immigration making it illegal are more sensibly defined as unnatural than the immigration itself.

No, it is not natural for most humans to migrate to another country illegally. Most people respect the rule of law, a nation's borders and its citizens that live within it. If they are truly faced with bad conditions in their own countries then they would come as refugees providing they fit the description of a refugee. Just wanting a better life by economic gain does not make one a refugee. If that were the case we'd have 2 billion impoverished migrating here. Oh, joy!
The rule of law has nothing to do with nature. The philosophy the rule of law is based upon in the United States is that we need the law to overcome what the chaotic state of nature would be.

You cannot call illegal immigration natural or unnatural. That makes no sense whatsoever. It would be like calling illegal immigration purple. Totally illogical use of words.

Laws trump someone's so-called nature to violate them. If someone is pre-disposed to commit theft our laws trump that and you pay the consequences for doing so. It's the same thing with illegal immigration. And as I said, it isn't natural for most humans to violate those laws. So therefore illegal immigration is not natural. Nothing illogical about stating the truth and your purple analogy is quite laughable and desperate. Why do you continue to defend illegal immigration by trying to make it appear that it is normal?
Nobody is defending illegal immigration. The argument is that your use of the word unnatural to describe it is a nonsensical and improper use of the term. You are conflating "unlawful" with "unnatural." Please take a basic English vocabulary class to understand why those two words are not synonyms.

Please try some reading comprehension. It is not natural for most humans to break a nation's immigration laws and that type of demographic takeover is neither natural nor lawful and completely unacceptable. If you don't get that then I can't help you.
I can read just fine. But no matter how many times you post the same thing over and over, your conflation of "unnatural" and "unlawful" is simply incorrect.
USA in 1970 was right at 200 million people in 1970 and life was great .

And in 1950 it was about 150 million, and in 1920 it was about 100 million, etc., etc. At each point there have been whiny nobodies like you bitching and moaning about it.
and we'll keep pizzin and moanin Unkatore . You like the growing population of the USA , I do not . 200 million in 1970 is better than the 305 million that we have today in 2014 . And what will the population be in another 20 years . Will it be 330 million ??
you don't have to declare , you are pro immigration and that all by itself is bad enough Unkatore .
and we'll keep pizzin and moanin Unkatore . You like the growing population of the USA , I do not . 200 million in 1970 is better than the 305 million that we have today in 2014 . And what will the population be in another 20 years . Will it be 330 million ??

You'll like the shrinking population of the US even less.
and it shouldn't be PRO immigration Uncatore , USA should be neutral , restrictive and protective of the USA . There is no Right to immigrate to the USA !!
so , if no Right , stop the swell in population numbers in the USA . 200 million in 1970 and 305 million in 2014 , lots more if illegals are counted . Probably about 330 million in the USA right now !!
so , if no Right , stop the swell in population numbers in the USA . 200 million in 1970 and 305 million in 2014 , lots more if illegals are counted . Probably about 330 million in the USA right now !!

I've told you many times now that the future holds challenges for the US (and most other nations) in population decline, not "swelling." I've also told you many times that legal and illegal immigration are not the same thing.

If you want to stay in your little bunker with the shades drawn, that's fine. Just STFU about issues relating to the country at large.

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