Immigration Overhaul


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2007
Charleston, SC
"Immigration overhaul," "Comprehensive immigration reform," what do they mean?

I do not profess to be knowledgeable in all the ins and outs of immigration law, in fact, I know very little about the laws. I know we have immigration laws. I know that, if followed and if enforced, the should work. I know we have laws dealing with illegal immigration. I know that, if followed and if enforced, they should work. I know that we have laws concerning the sovereignty of our nation's boarders, as does every other nation. I know that, if followed and enforced, these laws should work.

The issue of immigration and the reformation of the laws detailing the practice, if so important, should have been addressed thirty years ago, twenty years ago, ten years ago. Why now? Why the sudden urgency? Because Arizona has passed a law which, essentially, calls for the enforcement of federal law? That can't be the reason.

For years the issue has been ignored, to the peril of this nation as a whole, by both parties. To what end? In my opinion the answer is obvious. Votes. It seems to me this is also the reason for all this talk now about reform. It's not about what is good for the country, it's not about reform, it's about votes. Am I the only one who suspects that "Immigration Overhaul" and Comprehensive Immigration Reform" are simply code for "Amnesty?"

Rather than mucking up the laws even more, how about a different approach? Why not try "Comprehensive Enforcement of the Laws Currently on the Books?" Maybe "Comprehensive Enforcement of Our Nation's Boarders?" I am often dumbfounded when I hear people call for new, stronger laws to deal with laws not enforced. This is beginning to look like another instance of this practice.

Perhaps my view is simplistic, though I consider it to be common sense. What am I not seeing? I do not oppose legal immigration, I believe it is one elemnet that makes this country great.

Why now? Why the urgency? Why not use the laws already on the books?
Republicans = cheap labor

Democrats = cater to the minority vote via social programs and illegal immigration
Hi jimick:

"Immigration overhaul," "Comprehensive immigration reform," what do they mean?

1. We have been through ALL of this Illegal Amnesty Bullony before and the result was the Immigration Reform And Control Act of 1986 (Wiki) that gave up to 3 MILLION Illegal Aliens "Illegal Amnesty."

2. The trade off was that we NEVER do this kind of thing again! To hand out Illegal Amnesty in 1986, the legislation was given the statue saying that anyone working to assist an Illegal Alien obtain the appearance of legal working status is guilty of a five-year felony! However, that is exactly what every Congressman and Senator is doing by drafting 'new' Illegal Amnesty Legislation!

3. Nobody is ENFORCING the provisions against 'aiding and abetting' Illegal Aliens, harboring Illegal Aliens, hiring of Illegal Aliens, creating documentation for Illegal Aliens and assisting the transmission of Illegal Funds accumulated by Illegal Aliens, because both Houses of Congress are CORRUPT to the core.

If Congress is unwilling to provide 'Congressional Oversight' to the Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama Fascist Regimes, then they cannot be trusted to create 'new laws' that nobody is going to enforce.

States like Arizona and California and Nevada and Florida are ON THEIR OWN in 'enforcing' our Immigration and Employment Laws 'and' that goes even if the corrupt Congress and Obama Administration create 10,000 pages of new laws that nobody is going to enforce. The object of our corrupt Govt is to hand out Illegal Amnesty 'and' kick the back door wide open to the next batch of Illegal Aliens that will certainly come here Illegally to obtain 'their' Illegal Amnesty ...


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Immigration reform is the common term used in political discussions regarding changes to the current immigration policy of a country. In its strict definition "reform " means to change into an improved form or condition, by amending or removing faults or abuses[1]. In the political sense, immigration reform discussions can be general enough to include promoted, expanded, or open immigration as well as the aspect of reducing or eliminating immigration altogether.

This term is also widely used to describe proposals to increase legal immigration while decreasing illegal immigration, such as the guest worker proposal supported by George W. Bush.

In 1875, Congress barred the immigration of convicts and prostitutes and restricted Chinese immigration. From 1882 to 1943, Chinese laborers were not permitted to immigrate to the United States. In 1904, Japanese immigration was restricted.[2] In 1921, the Emergency Quota Act established immigration quotas by country of origin. Much of the immigration reform in the early 20th century was enacted to the changing demographic of immigrants entering the country during that time. This demographic change led to a change in the overall skill level of new immigrants and thus sparked movements for immigration reform.

Former Mexican president, Vicente Fox, writes that in 2001, President George W. Bush, and the leadership of both parties of Congress were about to pass significant immigration reform legislation benefiting Mexican emigration to the U.S., but then the terrorist attacks of 9/11 occurred, moving immigration reform to the back burner. [3]

The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 made it illegal to hire or recruit illegal immigrants.

In 2005, the U.S House of Representatives passed the Border Protection, Anti-terrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005, and in 2006 the U.S. Senate passed the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006. Neither bill became law because their differences could not be reconciled in conference committee. [4]

In 2009 the immigration reform became a hot topic, since the Barack Obama administration recently signaled interest in beginning a discussion on comprehensive immigration reform before year's end[5][6]. And in 2010 Obama took it off the table till at least after the 2012 elections[7].

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