Imagine Being Raised By Fagin


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Who’s ya’ daddy? What sort of human being would you turn out to be if it were a character like Fagin, from Dickens.…..and how would his sort vote?

1.If you are a government school victim, you are probably unaware of the criminal teacher, Fagin, from Charles Dickens’s ‘Oliver Twist.’

“Fagin is an old man in London who teaches young homeless boys how to be pickpockets and then fences their stolen goods….At the novel’s end, Fagin is executed for complicity in a murder.”


He is both teacher and father to homeless boys, and “the misleader of young boys into criminal pursuits.”
Just like the Democrat Party.

2. While all of us have fathers, biologically, we also have fathers in terms of those who help form our character. Consider the character of those brought up by a Fagan, a criminal. What would we be? And who is that societal ‘father’ to many of us?

The view that government is our father....and under Hussein, our god, is a view straight from Rousseau.
“The State was the father, the patrie, and all its citizens were the children of the paternal orphanage.
It is true that the citizen-children, unlike Rousseau’s own babies, originally agree to submit to the State/ orphanage by freely contracting into it. They thus constitute, through their collective will, its legitimacy, and thereafter they have no right to feel constrained, since, having wanted the laws, they must love the obligations they impose.”
Johnson, “Intellectuals”

3. The authoritarianism of Bolsheviks, Nazis, Fascists, Democrats, was evident in the work of Hegel:

A clear path toward the Nazis: The Germans have a history of embracing authoritarian rule. As the German philosopher Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest” (Ralf Dahrendorf, Society and Democracy in Germany).
Who’s ya’ daddy???? Government?

“A popular song went: “Father is close, Mother is close, but neither is as close as Chairman Mao.” We were drilled to think that anyone, including our parents, who was not totally for Mao was our enemy. Many parents encouraged their children to grow up as conformists, as this would be safest for their future.”
Chang, “Wild Swans,” a memoire of growing up under Mao.

4. When Democrat Lyndon Johnson incentivized not having an actual dad in the home, he was continuing the pattern set in the French Revolution and voiced by Hegel. Government is the father that will take care of you. Government, god of the secularists, will take care of you, and it “works willingly for their happiness, but it wishes to be the only agent and the sole arbiter of that happiness. It provides for their security, foresees and supplies their needs, guides them in their principal affairs, directs their industry, regulates their testaments, divides their inheritances.” It is entirely proper to ask, as he asked, whether it can “relieve them entirely of the trouble of thinking and of the effort associated with living.”
Alexis de Tocqueville.

5. But there are disastrous result of not having a real father in the home. Actor Denzel Washington stressed the prison system was not to blame for crime in black communities, stressing the importance of properly raising children at home, ...
“It starts in the home,” the two-time Oscar-winner told The Grio. “If the father is not in the home, the boy will find a father in the streets. I saw it in my generation and every generation before me, and every one since.”
“If the streets raise you, then the judge becomes your mother and prison becomes your home,” 62-year-old Washington added.”

If you were raised by government, through government school and government media, and the sort of governance under Democrats, you were taught to have the sort of views about honesty and integrity that Fagin instituted in the little criminals he ‘raised.’

Hoaxes, lies, riots, stolen elections…..just don’t question ‘daddy’.
Who’s ya’ daddy? What sort of human being would you turn out to be if it were a character like Fagin, from Dickens.…..and how would his sort vote?

1.If you are a government school victim, you are probably unaware of the criminal teacher, Fagin, from Charles Dickens’s ‘Oliver Twist.’

“Fagin is an old man in London who teaches young homeless boys how to be pickpockets and then fences their stolen goods….At the novel’s end, Fagin is executed for complicity in a murder.”

View attachment 464126

He is both teacher and father to homeless boys, and “the misleader of young boys into criminal pursuits.”
Just like the Democrat Party.

2. While all of us have fathers, biologically, we also have fathers in terms of those who help form our character. Consider the character of those brought up by a Fagan, a criminal. What would we be? And who is that societal ‘father’ to many of us?

The view that government is our father....and under Hussein, our god, is a view straight from Rousseau.
“The State was the father, the patrie, and all its citizens were the children of the paternal orphanage.
It is true that the citizen-children, unlike Rousseau’s own babies, originally agree to submit to the State/ orphanage by freely contracting into it. They thus constitute, through their collective will, its legitimacy, and thereafter they have no right to feel constrained, since, having wanted the laws, they must love the obligations they impose.”
Johnson, “Intellectuals”

3. The authoritarianism of Bolsheviks, Nazis, Fascists, Democrats, was evident in the work of Hegel:

A clear path toward the Nazis: The Germans have a history of embracing authoritarian rule. As the German philosopher Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest” (Ralf Dahrendorf, Society and Democracy in Germany).
Who’s ya’ daddy???? Government?

“A popular song went: “Father is close, Mother is close, but neither is as close as Chairman Mao.” We were drilled to think that anyone, including our parents, who was not totally for Mao was our enemy. Many parents encouraged their children to grow up as conformists, as this would be safest for their future.”
Chang, “Wild Swans,” a memoire of growing up under Mao.

4. When Democrat Lyndon Johnson incentivized not having an actual dad in the home, he was continuing the pattern set in the French Revolution and voiced by Hegel. Government is the father that will take care of you. Government, god of the secularists, will take care of you, and it “works willingly for their happiness, but it wishes to be the only agent and the sole arbiter of that happiness. It provides for their security, foresees and supplies their needs, guides them in their principal affairs, directs their industry, regulates their testaments, divides their inheritances.” It is entirely proper to ask, as he asked, whether it can “relieve them entirely of the trouble of thinking and of the effort associated with living.”
Alexis de Tocqueville.

5. But there are disastrous result of not having a real father in the home. Actor Denzel Washington stressed the prison system was not to blame for crime in black communities, stressing the importance of properly raising children at home, ...
“It starts in the home,” the two-time Oscar-winner told The Grio. “If the father is not in the home, the boy will find a father in the streets. I saw it in my generation and every generation before me, and every one since.”
“If the streets raise you, then the judge becomes your mother and prison becomes your home,” 62-year-old Washington added.”

If you were raised by government, through government school and government media, and the sort of governance under Democrats, you were taught to have the sort of views about honesty and integrity that Fagin instituted in the little criminals he ‘raised.’

Hoaxes, lies, riots, stolen elections…..just don’t question ‘daddy’.

"The Party is Mother, the Party is Father, all loyalty to the party." - Bolshevik Mantra circa 1920
6. But doesn’t the adolescent wake up to the effects of being raised by a Fagin, or the equivalent? Not if his source of knowledge is government, via government schooling. Democrat Woodrow Wilson acknowledged the plan:

“The purpose of a university should be to make a son as unlike his father as possible. “The University's Part in Political Life” (13 March 1909) in PWW (The Papers of Woodrow Wilson) 19:99.

The role of government schooling is to make children less individuals and more collectivists. The man who had the greatest influence on America children admitted this: You can’t make Socialists out of individualists — children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society which is coming, where everyone is interdependent. John Dewey

7. The same John Dewey, communist, got the Socialist Party to change their name to Liberal, and the current usage of ‘Liberal’ is nothing more than Socialist. Democrats share their doctrines with Bolsheviks and Nazis…socialism.

"...[John] Dewey arguably did more than any other reformer to repackage progressive social theory in a way that obscured just how radically its principles departed from those of the American founding. Like Ely and many of his fellow progressive academics, Dewey initially embraced the term “socialism” to describe his social theory. Only after realizing how damaging the name was to the socialist cause did he, like other progressives, begin to avoid it. In the early 1930s, accordingly, Dewey begged the Socialist party, of which he was a longtime member, to change its name. “The greatest handicap from which special measures favored by the Socialists suffer,” Dewey declared, “is that they are advanced by the Socialist party as Socialism. The prejudice against the name may be a regrettable prejudice but its influence is so powerful that it is much more reasonable to imagine all but the most dogmatic Socialists joining a new party than to imagine any considerable part of the American people going over to them.” Dewey’s influential 1935 tract, Liberalism and Social Action, should be read in the light of this." The Refounding of America | National Review

If you grew up with Fagin….er, government school as your intellectual ‘father,’ you probably vote Democrat.
We "elected" Fagin president.

Fagin had more on the ball than this guy, and Biden wasn't elected, he was installed....

Here’s the ‘word salad’ President:

"...when they need to ...when they need to dis.....when they need to ah....when they ding the national guard.....we're gonna ....we're gonna depose....the.....we're gonna enforce the....excuse me, employ.....the reconfect act....go out there and dictate companies build and do....but if it waits, it takes a long time....."

Al Sharpton must be his elocution teacher.

BTW....the journalist asking the question then asked if she could pose the question to the vice-president elect so as to get a coherent answer......what does that tell you?

This is your man.
The man you Democrats put in office: says "I don't know what I'm signing.....' but signs it anyway.


8. But if you weren’t raised by the Fagin/Democrats….

The second Republican candidate for the presidency, Abraham Lincoln, explains conservative:

“But you say you are conservative - eminently conservative - while we are revolutionary, destructive, or something of the sort. What is conservatism? Is it not adherence to the old and tried, against the new and untried? We stick to, contend for, the identical old policy on the point in controversy which was adopted by "our fathers who framed the Government under which we live;" while you with one accord reject, and scout, and spit upon that old policy, and insist upon substituting something new. True, you disagree among yourselves as to what that substitute shall be. You are divided on new propositions and plans, but you are unanimous in rejecting and denouncing the old policy of the fathers. Abraham Lincoln's Cooper Union Address

Earlier American presidents, Republicans and Democrats alike, agreed on two basic goals: teach the newcomers English and make them Americans. The clear aim was to strengthen our national identity--to reinforce the unum in e pluribus unum--by assimilating the new arrivals into American civilization.

9. America, and Western Civilization itself, was based on the tenets of the two powers that produced the greatest human environment ever to form on this planet. Western civilization was built on two ideas:
God created every human in His image ......and human beings are able to investigate and make rational conclusions about the world. It is the reason for abolishing slavery.

These two ideas were born in Jerusalem and Athens, respectively.

This is no longer the case. The tenets on the ascendancy demand control of other human beings….Communism, Nazism, Fascism, the aims of the Democrat Party.
10. It is no accident that government school has replaced real education with something very different, indoctrination.
It has removed student’s ability to judge politics via an understanding of history, of literature, and even of language, and replaced it with social engineering designed to splinter the populace and keep grievances and victimology front and center. And what was most important for the secularists was the removal of any reference to morality and religion from government school. In 1962, Justice Hugo Black wrote the majority opinion in Engel v. Vitale, the landmark Establishment Clause Supreme Court decision that outlawed prayer in public schools.

Justice Black wrote:

"The petitioners contend among other things that the state laws requiring or permitting use of the Regents' prayer must be struck down as a violation of the Establishment Clause because that prayer was composed by governmental officials as a part of a governmental program to further religious beliefs. For this reason, petitioners argue, the State's use of the Regents' prayer in its public school system breaches the constitutional wall of separation between Church and State."

Of course, there is no such 'constitutional wall of separation between Church and State'...especially when prayer is voluntary. That was from KKKer Hugo Black.

This, from Founder John Adams:
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.

Of course, a criminal like Fagin wouldn't believe in morality.
11. If neither morality, nor the lessons of history vis-à-vis secularism, communism, can be taught, and the influence of a father and mother are now minimized, the victims of government schooling can be thought of this way: The Allegory of the Cave.

Plato realizes that the general run of humankind can think, and speak, etc., without (so far as they acknowledge) any awareness of his realm of Forms. ... In the allegory, Plato likens people untutored in the Theory of Forms to prisoners chained in a cave, unable to turn their heads.
Allegory of the Cave - Faculty Washington

The only way to judge serious and important issues, such as who should lead our nation, are by the media. And you know who owns and controls the media….the same powers that own and control government schooling.

This is the is socialist regime's function: to misinform, mislead, misdirect. It has something to be gained by this plan, much like Fagin
had his own aggrandizement in mind when he ‘raised’ the poor children. And power, control of other people, is exactly what the Democrat Party is all about.

“Equality, rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences; wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism”
Barry Goldwater
And conformity is what the, Democrats, demand.
12. If being raised by Fagin, by Democrat government, isn’t the optimum for a free people….what is?

The Family. The traditional nuclear family. Those who gave birth to you. The normal occurrence in Western Civilization.

Perhaps you believe that eliminating, outlawing, the concept of ‘family’ is absurd, not possible, a bridge too far?
What you suppose normal folks once said when the Liberal off-shoot mistakenly called ‘feminism’ told women that no father was necessary?
Among the catechisms demanded by the left of its adherents is a radical feminism, whose pillars include the views that any difference between men and women is merely a 'social construct,' and that women and families don't need men.
Or, as Patricia Dunn and Gloria Steinem popularized it.... "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle."
Just a few years back normal folks would laugh if you told them men could become women and women, men. Now, you’ll lose your job if you deny it.

“Leftist: Let's use coronavirus to eliminate 'the family'
'The time of corona is an excellent time to practice abolishing it'

Leftist: Let's use coronavirus to eliminate 'the family'

Government in place of family. Fagin.

“Her father had suffered a massive stroke and had died on the way to Kremlyovka Clinic in Kuntsevo, reserved for citizens of privilege and wealth. He had been the most important person in her life, her guide, her protector, and now he was gone. She would have held his hand to her cheek, told him of her re- lease from the ballet academy, of the treachery of her classmates. She would have asked him for advice, for him to tell her what she should do. She could not know it, but Vassily would have whispered to his idealistic daughter that one may fall in love with the State, but the State does not reciprocate, ever.” “Red Sparrow,” by Jason Matthews
13. When government becomes the father, the population becomes as children. No responsibility, no planning for the future, no need to accomplish. Leftist governments infantilize their citizenry. They promise to take care of the electorate from cradle to grave. The Welfare State inhibits the maturation of youth into responsible adults.
In earlier times, the view of males was to earn a living and use same to support a wife and family.

Obama: "if you're a young adult, you can stay on your parent's health insurance policy until you are 26." So much for the view of being independent at the age of 21. Bet there would be applause if he had announced 'until 36!'
This is what the Liberal Welfare State encourages: dependence.
So....where are all the men? Ask the Liberals what happened to them.

Now, you’re an adult, a 20-something and some stranger opens the door for you OK, ‘thanks.’ But when that becomes every day, and they insist on sweeping the path to your car as well, shouldn’t you start to as ask yourself ‘What the heck does this person want from me?’

They want to make you happy according to their definition, your whole life. That’s Liberalism.

And it starts at school breakfasts for your children...something you should be doing.

From Brad Thor's novel, "The Last Patriot."

" Up until the 1950s, American children yearned for adulthood. When their time came to be adults they stepped into the role proudly, leaving childhood behind and taking up the mantles of responsibility, honor, and dignity. They embraced and championed the ideals of those who came before them while valiantly tackling new ideas and problems that their families, communities and nations faced. Those days were long gone.

Americans now shunned adulthood, preferring to remain in a state of perpetual adolescence. By failing to move forward with grace and dignity, they left a gaping hole in American society. They treated relationships like disposable lighters, tossing marriages away when they ran out of gas. Children were left without families, and even worse, they were left without adults who could be role models of responsible behavior.

With this lack of willingness to seep forward and embrace adulthood, the nation had lost sight of its core values and ideals. In its place had morphed an 'every man and woman for himself' mentality in which materialism was placed before spirituality and submission to God."

Black playwright Zora Neale Hurston: “Throughout the New Deal era the relief program was the biggest weapon ever placed in the hands of those who sought power and votes…Dependent upon government for their daily bread, men gradually relaxed their watchfulness and submitted to the will of the “Little White Father,”WORLD | History turned right side up | Marvin Olasky | Feb. 13, 2010

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