Through a couple extremely Curb Your Enthusiasm-type situations, I ended up definitely pissing off one of my close friends earlier this week and probably pissing off another earlier tonight. I won't bore you with them, but the situations are just beyond ridiculous, karma is just crapping all over me right now.
EDIT: I realized this post came across a little down, I'm not really too upset over either situation, the first one got sorted out, the one tonight will probably get sorted out. It's just funny the way some people just can't catch a break.
For those who know what I'm talking about, have you ever had a Larry David type situation happen to you?
EDIT: I realized this post came across a little down, I'm not really too upset over either situation, the first one got sorted out, the one tonight will probably get sorted out. It's just funny the way some people just can't catch a break.
For those who know what I'm talking about, have you ever had a Larry David type situation happen to you?