I'm not liking what I see from Rittenhouse

You’re deliberately dodging my point and it is so transparent.
your point is fantasy. you're a disturbed demofk who hates american law. Sorry, there is no possible discussion point to exchange with you.
Seriously ? There is proof that the two killed and one wounded were looting ? The wounded was a medic running around lending aid. Kyle the shooter is not an LEO and even if he were, he could be tried for murder for shooting looters. Kyle is acquitted because for some unknown reason, there was not enough evidence detail around the original killing and the visual evidence shows HIM being attacked later …which was incriminating to the victims.

By in large, it’s just another situation where most of the time, firearms encourage gun violence, not reduce it. Oh, Retenhouse had every right to be there and armed with an AR15. It just shows us how weak the gun laws in the US are that a 17 year old can go out in public and play video games with an AR15.

he admitted on the stand he had no idea what an AR15 was capable of. That’s the typical response of the ignorant.
Are you really this stupid, or are you just bigoted? There is TONS of evidence, both video and eyewitness about Rosenbaum's UNPROVOKED attack on Rittenhouse. There is eyewitness testimony from several sources about Rosenbaum's threats to kill Rittenhouse. Rittenhouse didn't shoot looters, he shot people who clearly intended to injure or kill him.

Kyle Rittenhouse has withdrawn from online college due to all the Left wing protests, yet the protests persist. They chant to keep the murderer off their campus, even though a court of law found he murdered no one, and despite the fact that Kyle was no their campus, just taking classes online.

Kyle should never have backed down and withdrawn from school, just like he should never have destroyed his AR 15. Kyle needs to understand that there is no appeasing evil, just ask Hitler. These Leftists will see to it that they will make his life hell no matter what he does, and no matter what he really did in the past. These people are incapable of reason, and have no real desire for reason. Their mission is life is socialism, and the article states, which is not constructed on reason since they blindly ignore the history of socialism.


It's a hard lesson for the kid, but now it's time to become a man.

I loved this quote from the article

“University campuses are synonymous with free speech, an environment for the vigorous discussion and debate of ideas. Differences of opinion, from all sides, should be explored in a peaceful exchange,” spokesman Jay Thorne wrote in an email to the news outlet.

What a bold faced lie. Colleges are synonymous only with Left wing speech, all other speech is either shouted down or censored.

What Kyle has to realize, along with the rest of the country, is that they are fighting fascist Brown shirts.

The good news is that he has lawyers who know about all this, and after they are done bankrupting CNN and MSNBC maybe they will go after the school too.

He is a kid, thus into a situation he is not prepared for.
You’re right. By definition it was not a straw purchase. He was advised well how to avoid a straw purchase charge. It shows how anyone underaged in one state can easily acquire this weapon and use it in another…..hence the need for stronger federal laws. Straw purchase prosecutions are easy to avoid….you have to be ignorant to get charge with it. Most firearm advocates know how to a avoid it and many are happy to share it. That’s how Kyle knew.
Ever try to buy a weapon in Illinois? Chicago has zero gun stores.
Ever try to buy a weapon in Illinois? Chicago has zero gun stores.
So you’re confusing cities with states. How does that work ? Chicago is a city, Illinois is a state.
To read your post, youd think Illinois has one city and no where else to live.
If you’re a legal buyer, it’s easy to buy a firearm in ILLINOIS proper. AAMOF , Illinois ranks in the lower end of states in gun violence. Notice I said Illinois. That’s a state. Chicago is a city. See how that works.

So, please don’t confuse the two.
no, no more federal involvement is required. stay home and away from people legally carrying weapons.

I want to know, do you think it's illegal to cross state lines?
I want to know, what does that have to do with Kyle ?
It was demokook talking points! Your answer is?
No it isn’t. I have never heard anything of the kind. No one has ever claimed that I have seen. it was illegal for Retennhouse to cross state lines. You’re making up stuff.
No it isn’t. I have never heard anything of the kind. No one has ever claimed that I have seen. it was illegal for Retennhouse to cross state lines. You’re making up stuff.
Denying that is spectacular. Next you’ll say Xiden didn’t call him a white supremist
Kyle was no where near a dumpster fire when he shot Rosenbaum.

Because Rosenbaum chased him for Christ’s sake.
Are you a law abiding citizzen or a vigilante?
Do you obey curfews?

If you mean will I defend myself and property and that of people I care about then yes, I guess I’m a vigilante.
I have already told you I think the police should shoot vandals, looters and arsonists.

Okay. But that really has nothing to do with what you said about Rittenhouse. You said he had no authority and some say he wasn’t trained. All of this may be true none of it changes the fact that Rosenbaum attacked him and that Kyle had to defend himself.

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