"I'm Lebanese": if Trump goes to jail, let's all renounce our American citizenship and find a new country, because America as we know it is dead


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
America is now a 3rd world country, China is rising. I don't want to be American anymore. I'm Lebanese!

America is very much alive and well and Constitutionally sound.

It's your Orange Baboon-God whose political career is at-risk of going on life-support sometime soon.

The idiot Democrats in New York should have held-off on charging Rump until the GEORGIA grand jury has completed its work.

Now... THAT set of charges... Conspiracy, Election Interference, Attempted Election Fraud, etc... will have some teeth, should they materialize as expected.

Ditto for the grand jury that sits to determine Rump's culpability as the one who summoned, incited and aimed the Insurrection of January 6, 2021.

The New York charges are a minor accent in a MUCH larger symphony of criminal charges likely to be filed against that Orange POS in the coming months.

Rump is an existential threat to American representative democracy... the POS actually tried to use a mob to delay his removal from power... un-American.

He must never again be allowed anywhere NEAR the White House... we saw his TRUE nature (power-mad liar) after the November 2020 election and beyond.

America (barely) dodged a bullet when the Joint Chiefs explicitly declared that the military would not obey any unlawful order of his, on his way out.

As to the New York charges... whatever lies within the boundaries of the law that helps to constitutionally bar him from ever again being President is OK.

Couldn't happen to a nicer modern-day Benedict Arnold.

No man is above the law... and no scumbag can (metaphorically) shoot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue and get away with it.

Serves him right... the fat, arrogant bastard... he has no one to blame but himself... although he lacks the courage to admit that ANYTHING is HIS fault.
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America is now a 3rd world country, China is rising. I don't want to be American anymore. I'm Lebanese!
Trump's weird worshipers insist he is above the law.

They are wrong.

We are a nation of laws not of men, and this poor excuse for a man is subject to the laws of evidence like everyone else.
What country would you suggest?
They are all ran by corrupt megalomaniacal lunatics at this point.
Given the deep affection the trump Nazis have shown for Putin, it is amazing they didn't move en masse to Russia following the loss (by a landslide) by their lord and savior, trump, in the 2020 election.

Was it their blind faith that every judge in the U.S. was drunk when trump launched his idiocy trying to get the courts to rule in favor of his Big Lie? If that is true, which it probably is, the trump Nazis aren't just stupid, they're also delusional.


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