I'm glad to see DeSantis and Trump do battle

Just remember, I called the 2020 election to be won by a ham sandwich. Nothing has changed. When push comes to shove, both Rump and Meatball Ron can only musted less than half of the voters and not enough ECs to win.
Hmmm....Let's see....16 months from the election, and you think you have it all figured out, eh? Smart money would not be anywhere near you....
Hmmm....Let's see....16 months from the election, and you think you have it all figured out, eh? Smart money would not be anywhere near you....

Hell, I can't predict whether Biden will be a candidate or not. Even Biden can't predict that. If he doesn't run, they just might find a ham sandwich on rye with Mustard and your two candidates will lose even worse.
Hell, I can't predict whether Biden will be a candidate or not. Even Biden can't predict that. If he doesn't run, they just might find a ham sandwich on rye with Mustard and your two candidates will lose even worse.
I think I'll wait for the results, if it's all the same to you, thanks...
The left LOVES their political opposition beating the hell out of each other.

Personally I find it distasteful and rather pathetic.

As a politician, tell me what YOU stand for, what YOUR plan is, why I should votecfor YOU, then shut tbe hell up.

When politicians start bashing their opponent I start shutting down / stop listening becsuse it doesn't tell me much about this candidate. Then again, sometimes it tells you all you need to know.
Well, it at least tells me more about the candidate

When I see Joe Biden hide in his basement refusing to suffer being questioned by upstarts from his own party, it speaks volumes

For you see, Joe suffers from dementia, among other things.
I'd like to see Trump with DeSantis for four years. Let's call it advanced training for DeSantis. Then we could have 8 years of DeSantis and Ramaswami. Then 8 years of Ramaswami and whomever. Sounds like a plan. MAGA
What we are going to see is HOPEFULLY the downfall of Trump.
Trump is going to be Trump. And what he is going to do, as he already has, is act like a school yard bully and call DeSantis names and attempt to make fun of him without any basis whatsoever for any of it. Just name-calling.
And then we will see DeSantis being the adult and not react to it and want to stick with issues.
People will see this. HOPEFULLY enough conservatives will see this and dump Trump.
He has got to go. His fault or not, he is a massively divisive figure and that is not going to win an election.
Trump is the candidate. A Democrat will be President again. It is that simple.
The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. I wonder when I see these people talk if they ever attended any of their college classes and paid for their diplomas.
College? College is for liberal losers ESPECIALLY east coast liberal colleges attended by Ronda, CheetoMan, Wheels, Cuba Cruz...

Here's a Maga Cum Stupid graduate of Trump U

Well, it at least tells me more about the candidate

When I see Joe Biden hide in his basement refusing to suffer being questioned by upstarts from his own party, it speaks volumes

For you see, Joe suffers from dementia, among other things.

Funny, Biden has given more news get to gethers in 1 year than Rump did in 4. Now, tell us again who is hiding in the Basement?
Well Votto,

We've agreed in the past, but this is not one of those times...Just take a look around today....True American's better hope that the GOP has a chance...The alternative is disastrous....
If you stopped referring to yourselves as true, or real Americans, you might have a better chance. The implication of that, is that the rest of us aren't Americans. We love to prove you wrong on that, every time.
If you stopped referring to yourselves as true, or real Americans, you might have a better chance. The implication of that, is that the rest of us aren't Americans. We love to prove you wrong on that, every time.
Well, I have no control over your delusions. But I will say this, When you are against our sovereignty, our free market, free speech, our constitution, and view your fellow American's as sub humans who need to be imprisoned, then yes, I'd say that you are against this country, and thus UNAmerican....
Well, I have no control over your delusions. But I will say this, When you are against our sovereignty, our free market, free speech, our constitution, and view your fellow American's as sub humans who need to be imprisoned, then yes, I'd say that you are against this country, and thus UNAmerican....
Being called "UNAmerican" by a red hat is meaningless. I'm not against the first four things at all. I also don't view J6ers as subhuman. I do think that they need to serve some time, so they'll know better next time.
Whether Trump or DeSantis, the fact is no matter how dirty it gets it's nothing compared to what the liberal hate machine will be churning out.

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