"I'm caught in a trap..."


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Millionaire Taco Bell Owner Has Been Stealing His Dead Mother's Benefits For Decades | I Acknowledge

By way of his defense, O’Dell’s attorney says that the millions he amassed were after he started the scam, but he wasn’t able to stop cashing the checks without exposing himself as a fraud. So he just kept going, hoping the house of cards would never tumble.

Unfortunately for O’Dell, the cards did tumble when a representative from the social security office called O’Dell and gave him a simple yet impossible request: “Can I please speak to your mother?”

O’Dell confessed to the crime once he was found out and a court swiftly found him guilty. He was sentenced to six months in prison and ordered to pay $188,436 in restitution and an additional $20,000 fine. He will also be tried separately for the other $100,000 he stole from the Retirement System.

I get the point about how he wasn't rich when he started this - but at some point, you would think he'd man up. Any earlier than this, if he'd just turned himself in, he wouldn't have been treated as harshly as he is now.
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In this case and others like it, I see no point in jail time. Pay the money back, pay some fines, do some community service. That works for me.

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