Regardless of what you may or may not think the Republicans would/would not have done if McCain wins/won PLEASE show some class in the event that Obama does in fact win this election!
Try to get past all the mud that's been slung and be gracious winners, even if there are sore losers. Put yourself in their position if your candidate had lost.
The temptation will be to gloat, but it will serve NO ONE to do that!
If Obama wins accept that the future of this country will have been placed, by the American people, firmly in the hands of the Democratic party and it is my sincere hope that we do a better job in uniting the people of this country than the previous ruling party did and the first step should be in our grace in victory.
Try to get past all the mud that's been slung and be gracious winners, even if there are sore losers. Put yourself in their position if your candidate had lost.
The temptation will be to gloat, but it will serve NO ONE to do that!
If Obama wins accept that the future of this country will have been placed, by the American people, firmly in the hands of the Democratic party and it is my sincere hope that we do a better job in uniting the people of this country than the previous ruling party did and the first step should be in our grace in victory.