Illinois rep EXPLODES on the House floor! IT's ALL FALLING APART


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
Holly shit giv'em hell

[ame=]Illinois rep EXPLODES on the House floor! IT's ALL FALLING APART... - YouTube[/ame]
Difficult to know what to make of it since there is no context.
Illinois State Rep. Explains His Explosive Rant To Fox News | Mediaite

Illinois state Rep. Mike Bost (R-Murphysboro) engaged in a fiery rant on the floor of the state House where he threw papers and screamed at his fellow representatives over the state’s unfunded pension liabilities and Democrat-lead pension reform measures.

“These damn bills that come out here all the damn time, come out here at the last second,” screamed Bost. “I’ve got to figure out how to vote for my people! You should be ashamed of yourselves! I’m sick of it!”

In an interview with Hemmer, Bost said that he doesn’t “normally act that way.”

“We’re dealing with pension reform because of our large debt, which is tremendous,” said Bost. “Unfortunately, at 7:40 we get a completely changed bill from the Speaker of the House that just decided on his own to create this bill. And it had a tremendous shift to the local taxpayers – to local homeowners onto property tax.”

Hemmer clarified that the bill would shift responsibility for compensating for the state’s debt by shifting the tax burden to downstate homeowners rather than the suburbs of Chicago.
The unions have the states all fucked up..

The public pension payments are killing Illinois.

To pay for the pensions, they enacted the largest income tax increase in history, they raised the cigarette tax by a dollar, and several municipalities have increased their sales taxes.

They have also cut social services and health care for the poor.

About all that is left is to go after property owners. The guy in the OP video is blowing up over that.

New York, Illinois, and California are to the US what Greece, Italy, and Spain are to the EU.
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Illinois is fucked. They are like California but without the nice weather. The main problem is Chicago, which runs the entire state. Give Chicago back to Canada and all will be well.
Difficult to know what to make of it since there is no context.

I think it's pretty self explanatory.

Not really. Some guy is pissed off. Fun to watch, but cannot form opinion of whether his behavior is in the right or wrong.

Needed more information.

He very clearly said one man has too much power, and he was sick of the speaker throwing Bills at them at the last second, I don't really see much else to read between the lines, unless your desire is to lesson the video's impact, which I'm sure you're not trying to do. :lol:

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