Ilhan Omar op-ed: Minnesota Nurses Are Ready to Strike. I Stand With Them

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I was talking about fighting for her country you little cuck boy, but nevermind because here's the thing, immigrants are kicking your ass. At the end of this Somalis will still have their country, but you wont. 😁

Yes, her country is Somalia.

She should go back and fight to keep the Al Qaeda dream alive in her home.

And you SURE you want to be so open about waging war against us? I mean, if you piss us off, we'll squash you like a bug - you do grasp that, right?
Yes, her country is Somalia.

She should go back and fight to keep the Al Qaeda dream alive in her home.

And you SURE you want to be so open about waging war against us? I mean, if you piss us off, we'll squash you like a bug - you do grasp that, right?
How much more open can we get? 😄 Every year your demographic majority dwindles, as does your social standing, when is the great reset coming? I'm guessing never.
How much more open can we get? 😄 Every year your demographic majority dwindles, as does your social standing, when is the great reset coming? I'm guessing never.

You know stupid, blacks are declining as a percentage of the population much faster than Der Juden, the hated whites are.

How's that illegal immigration working out for you?

In 2010 Blacks were 13%, in 2020 12%. 2030 projects blacks to be about 9%.

You should about two black babies to celebrate - and bring in some more Guatemalans.
You know stupid, blacks are declining as a percentage of the population much faster than Der Juden, the hated whites are.

How's that illegal immigration working out for you?

In 2010 Blacks were 13%, in 2020 12%. 2030 projects blacks to be about 9%.

You should about two black babies to celebrate - and bring in some more Guatemalans.

Only white people have actually lost people. There are 8% fewer white people today than there were a decade ago. Black population numbers are growing just not as fast as Hispanic or Asian numbers but they're all being smoked by mixed race births. Also the black population increased in a few key places, mainly, Dallas, Fort Worth, San Antonio and Houston. 😁 You're going to lose Texas like you did Georgia and then it's game over for you cucks.
How much more open can we get? 😄 Every year your demographic majority dwindles, as does your social standing, when is the great reset coming? I'm guessing never.

Almost forgot, as a Somali - are you proud of what your people did to Minnesota?

In the 1970's, a million Vietnamese came to America. Many of them to my area in Southern California.

Thing is, they were/are fiercely patriotic, worked hard and got along with others in their new home.

Not so much the Somalis.

So are you proud of your people?
Almost forgot, as a Somali - are you proud of what your people did to Minnesota?

In the 1970's, a million Vietnamese came to America. Many of them to my area in Southern California.

Thing is, they were/are fiercely patriotic, worked hard and got along with others in their new home.

Not so much the Somalis.

So are you proud of your people?
I'm not Somali. My family came from Jamaica but yes, I am proud to part of the immigrant waving invading your shores and taking your country from you. Are you proud that you and your fellow whites are sitting on your hands as it happens? 😂

Only white people have actually lost people. There are 8% fewer white people today than there were a decade ago. Black population numbers are growing just not as fast as Hispanic or Asian numbers but they're all being smoked by mixed race births. Also the black population increased in a few key places, mainly, Dallas, Fort Worth, San Antonio and Houston. 😁 You're going to lose Texas like you did Georgia and then it's game over for you cucks.

You may be a racist, but you have some really stupid fantasies. "Lost Georgia." :lmao:
I'm not Somali. My family came from Jamaica

Sure, I believe you.

but yes, I am proud to part of the immigrant waving invading your shores and taking your country from you. Are you proud that you and your fellow whites are sitting on your hands as it happens? 😂

Some days I think the whole Muslim Supremacist thing is an act, that you're trying to stir up a race war to destroy the black population in America.
It's not a fantasy that year after year you whites are losing numbers. You're leaking cuck and there's nothing you can do about it but watch. 😁

Did Governor Abrams tell you that. Goat Curious?

See. You don't have real shit. You clowns are always projecting. Ilhan never married a family member in real life but Rudy did. 😁

Archie Bunker was a fictional character. You're not, and you're exactly like him. At least Archie Bunker worked and supported his wife as well as his left wing freeloader daughter and her deadbeat husband. You have your black hand out for treats and free shit.

Another analogy is how much you are like the Democrat KKK members in Alabama in the 50s. They are all dead now, but you're still fighting that war, only you decided that the 120 year old Alabamans who voted in the 50s are alive and voting Republican now because you're a racist and an idiot
Archie Bunker was a fictional character. You're not, and you're exactly like him. At least Archie Bunker worked and supported his wife as well as his left wing freeloader daughter and her deadbeat husband. You have your black hand out for treats and free shit.

Another analogy is how much you are like the Democrat KKK members in Alabama in the 50s. They are all dead now, but you're still fighting that war, only you decided that the 120 year old Alabamans who voted in the 50s are alive and voting Republican now because you're a racist and an idiot
I'm not making analogies you short bus riding moron. Rudy married his cousin. That's a fact.
I'm not making analogies you short bus riding moron. Rudy married his cousin. That's a fact.

FucksGoats: It's OK Omar married her brother, Giuliani married his second cousin.

Dude, those aren't remotely the same. His second cousin? That's your comeback?

And you're a racist, you're as consumed with racism as much as Archie Bunker. At least he was fictional.

You hate Whitie because a bunch of dead black people were screwed by a bunch of dead white people. And you hold a grudge that doesn't find it important that someone have committed that sin or any other, we're white, the bad people are white, same thing.

You really sound like Archie Bunker
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