iI System Wiper 2.1


Aug 28, 2003
Reaction score
New York
Handy little utility allowing you to clean up your system. Will clear temporary internet files (Both Netscape and IE), cookies, history, typed URL's, Media Player history, MS Office history...

I have mine set to delete just temporary internet files, recent documents from Windows, empty trash bin & delete Windows temp files. I don't delete cookies usually, then I get logged out of my favorite sites!

Much faster than doing all the above manually.

And Janeen, don't you download and install, I'm not bailing you out again! :rolleyes:

Well what the hell did you refer this for? hahahaaha! I shouldn't use then? jerk! :)
Nah, you can if you want. Just be careful what options you check off! You can always call me tomorrow to go through it with you if you like.
Jim do you ever learn? Here we go again " I don't know what happend Jim, I just told it to erase and I have no computer now". Does this sound familiar? ha ha
Wise guy! ahhahahah! I didn't load it. I guess if I want it, I will call Jim later on.
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