Ignoring Vaccines

To people who don't trust vaccines: What other modern medical miracles don't you trust?
None. Until they're spoonfed a load of horseshit by the likes of RFK Jr & others who get their medical advice from clowns on FB & other social media sites.
Ignorance, brainwashing, and stupidity are why so many got vaxxed.
And why so many died from it after listening to dopes like you & Rand Paul Jr., the failed opthamologist or whatever that assclown claims to be.
The mRNA experimental treatment didn't do a thing for the preexisting conditions that actually made covid dangerous to begin with. Biggest scam in history.

I support everyone getting the small pox vaccine, other real vaccines at individual discretion.
To people who don't trust vaccines: What other modern medical miracles don't you trust?

Mesh for hernia repair
The FDA food pyramid from the 80s
Seldane (don't take it w/grapefruit juice!)
Darvocet (You may die of a heart attack, but you won't feel pain!)

....I mean how many more do you want? The list is hundreds and hundreds of withdrawn drugs long.

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