If you support companies firing people for not getting the jab?

Because the unvaxxed cause health care costs to go up.......then what about


and a multitude of other things? All of those things mentioned cause health care costs to go up. So in your mind, shouldn't they result in being fired?

It will be interesting to see the excuses liberals have and the hypocrisy they show while trying to explain this.

Go!!!!!! :stir:

I run 6 miles a day and work out 4 days per week, watch what I eat and I have no underlying conditions.

If people can be fired for no vax….I say fatties should be fired.

Just in case you haven't heard what we've said about a billion times, FUCK YOUR COLLECTIVE, which still does not, and if I have my way will NEVER have, the ability to mandate what I choose to put into my body. MY BODY, MY CHOICE, asshole. Come back and talk to me when you personally are willing to risk coming to my front door with your jab. Until then, you continue to be an impotent internet cowboy and I continue to laugh at you.

We don't have to come to your house.

All we have to do is make sure that employers and businesses mandate the jab. I'm sure you can hide in your house, just don't expect to go to work or the store.
If you can fire someone for not getting a vaccine going foreward what other medical acts will you be able to fire someone for if they don't do it where do you draw the line on this type of stuff? How much of our personal freedom and right to make our own decisions in regards our health are we willing to have taken away from us before we say enough? That is a far more interesting question to me.

Actually, you can't light up in a workplace or restaurant in most of the country now... there's always going to be a point where the collective good outweighs individual rights.

This is clearly one of them.
I run 6 miles a day and work out 4 days per week, watch what I eat and I have no underlying conditions.

If people can be fired for no vax….I say fatties should be fired.


Actually, they already do... or to the point, they don't hire fatty to start with.

Now, here's the thing... no one is going to catch my obesity. They aren't going to have to shut down the office for a day and bring in a cleaning crew because i'm overweight.
If we had a sane society and were not in the grip of a Moral Panic, this debate would be over when everyone realized the vaccines are massively leaky, wear off much too fast, etc.

But, a secular society like ours was just clamoring for a new religion. So dumb liberals--ever dumb--adopted the Covid Cult as every fundamentalist sect they rail against.

I laugh, but their zealotry is really not that funny.

Except you can prove Covid exists.

You can't prove God exists.

The funny thing is you do all sorts of shit to show your fealty to an invisible fairy in the sky, but you don't want to do the simple thing of getting an injection that has proven health benefits.
We don't have to come to your house.

All we have to do is make sure that employers and businesses mandate the jab. I'm sure you can hide in your house, just don't expect to go to work or the store.
So much for your death cult fantasies. I live in a sane red state where the governor pushes back. So sad for you. Put it back in your pants -- no gratification from my suffering for you.

Put up or shut up. Until you're willing to wager something of your own, you are not even in this fight. Sitting on your fat ass typing out your death cult bullshit does nothing to me. You lose. Run away fast, coward.
So much for your death cult fantasies. I live in a sane red state where the governor pushes back. So sad for you. Put it back in your pants -- no gratification from my suffering for you.

Put up or shut up. Until you're willing to wager something of your own, you are not even in this fight. Sitting on your fat ass typing out your death cult bullshit does nothing to me. You lose. Run away fast, coward.

Again, employers are going to start insisting on vaccinations because the cost of even one covid infection is too high.

It won't matter what your whackadoodle governor wants
Again, employers are going to start insisting on vaccinations because the cost of even one covid infection is too high.

It won't matter what your whackadoodle governor wants
I'm retired and financially independent. I live only a short drive from a religious colony where I can get endless amounts of clean food. I will not starve. The Hutterites don't believe in the Covid Religion.
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Well, my niece's husband had it... so we know it exists.

So did Trump, for that matter. Or do you think Trump was just making it up along with the other 43 million people who had it. (700,000 of whom died....I guess they are all faking it, those scamps.)
Well, my niece's husband had it... so we know it exists.

So did Trump, for that matter. Or do you think Trump was just making it up along with the other 43 million people who had it. (700,000 of whom died....I guess they are all faking it, those scamps.)
Don't be coy. Until you can give me what I will accept as scientific proof that the organism SARSCov2 exists, your belief in Covid is no more valid than SweetSue92's belief in God. Same thing.

I've challenged many of you Covid Believers on this board to prove the organism even exists, and you have all failed.
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Are you fucking retarded? Did you eat paint chips as a child?
So, you can't meet the challenge and choose to spew invective instead, like all the other losers.

It's funny how you all believe in science, but when asked to prove your science, you turn into thuggish third graders.
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So, you can't meet the challenge and choose to spew invective instead, like all the other losers.

It's funny how you all believe in science, but when asked to prove your science, turn into thuggish third graders.

The problem is, I could explain it to you and you still wouldn't understand it...because of your lead-induced brain damage.

Because the unvaxxed cause health care costs to go up.......then what about


and a multitude of other things? All of those things mentioned cause health care costs to go up. So in your mind, shouldn't they result in being fired?

It will be interesting to see the excuses liberals have and the hypocrisy they show while trying to explain this.

Go!!!!!! :stir:
So, are ANY of those maladies contagious?

'All of those things mentioned cause health care costs to go up. So in your mind, shouldn't they result in being fired'?

NO, but possibly from even being hired in the first place.
Then, say you are employed you smoke, drink or get obese during your term of employment, they might offer to pay to correct it, like the vaccine, then you don't succeed, then the company has a right to fire you.

Credit: Republicans.....................for passing all those right to 'work' (fire) laws.
NOW, they whine about their bills, that became law.

The irony.
But then I'd be here all morning explaining the big words to you, Chippy.

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The more you keep flinging shit, the stupider you look. I take comfort in the fact that, by your very behavior, you are helping me make the point that Covid is nothing but a religion, and if one person sees the truth in this and skips the Fauci Ouchy, I will feel that you've done a good thing. So keep talking.

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