If you let them...

People in Sweden are getting letters from ISIS saying that they have to pay taxes and convert to Islam or else they will be beheaded.

Several residents of the municipality of Sigtuna has received threatening letters in their mailboxes.

They will try to over run you first, and if you resist, you will become intolerant racist and bigot.

But the fact is that whites most tolerant people on the planet, which is easily seen by the amount of non-whites they allow to share the prosperity and order of the nations they created.

This is coming to America.

(X)Indeed. If white people are suppose to be so racist, why do they allow more non-white immigrants into their countries than white people? Personally, I think that the white people have lost their freakin' minds. They are out to commit racial suicide, and it is working for them who are pushing it. Will they ever wake up before it is too late? Sigh.
They will try to over run you first, and if you resist, you will become intolerant racist and bigot.

But the fact is that whites most tolerant people on the planet, which is easily seen by the amount of non-whites they allow to share the prosperity and order of the nations they created.

This is coming to America.

This is as moronic and as wrong today as it was last August.

(X)And the whites surrender to these muslim thugs instead of standing up to them. Whites have been taught by zionist multiculturalists that they must accept multicultural Islam and not fight back. How can these muzzy thugs get away with this in Britain, and not one politician will say or do anything about it? Let some white Britain deny a muslim to be in their neighbourhood and they will be warned by the police to stop. Whites have become a bunch of wimps and cowards, and they will pay for it one day.

When they say "Libyan refugee" or "Syrian refugee" you would expect defenseless women and children. One would think that women from these areas are in much greater need of refugee status. I find it odd that almost all the refugees are healthy fighting age males.

(X)It is interesting as to how many of these so-called immigrants have cellphones? How are they paying for these phones? White people wake the hell up will you.
No, you cant be against illegal immigration.

Here, from yesterday. After opening refugee shelters in Berlin, Cologne, Munich, Hamburg, Bergisch Gladbach, Düsseldorf and Castrop-Brauxel, people are protesting against new refugee shelter in Heidenau, Germany.

Guess how those protesters are called today? Haters, racists, Nazis, you name it.

(X)The German people can thank that biotch Merkel for the problems that she has now created for the people of Germany. She should be booted out of office for her crimes against the German taxpayer's.
According to the link, the % of approval and rejections will remain virtually the same.

IOW, there is no change in policy, so there is no story.

How long will that take before the politicians get around to doing that? Another 5 years? It must hurt some of those politicians to have to do that who love the third world so much. After all, isn't Sweden the multicultural capital of the world? But besides that I hope they do if they want to survive as a people and save their culture.

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