If you don’t like paying taxes…..


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
If you don't like paying taxes . . .

Government do not ask for all your money. Do not steal your money. And most of us receive more benefits from taxes paid then we actually pay into the tax system. Taxes are for our protection and an insurance we pay for the right to live in the greatest country in the world. Most of us don’t even pay any taxes and yet complain the loudest. Most of us don’t even know how much we pay in taxes. You people complain about taking care of those who are not able to take care of them selves but if you are ever incapable of taking care of yourself, this government will take care of you. And some of you are being taken care of by taxes other people pay already and yet you complain.

So shut the h*** up and pay your d*** taxes. You have a f******g job because of taxes other people pay.
I have no problem paying taxes.

I have a problem paying exorbitant taxes
I have a problem with government malfeasance in the handling of tax dollars
I have a problem with the government spending more than it collects in revenue
I have a problem with the government compromising my financial future by taking 15% of my income for Social Security
Nobody likes paying taxes, but the grown-ups among us realize it's the price we pay for living in a modern, civilized society.
Nobody likes paying taxes, but the grown-ups among us realize it's the price we pay for living in a modern, civilized society.

And at what point does that price become too expensive to bear?

If we were merely paying to live in a civilized society then we surely would be able to pay less than we do now. The problem is that government has exceeded its charter by leaps and bounds and we are expected to pay for it.
Nobody likes paying taxes, but the grown-ups among us realize it's the price we pay for living in a modern, civilized society.
No, taxes are the price we pay for a Post Office that continues to hemorrhage money, money pit military hardware like the Osprey and JSF, a bloated wasteful welfare state, endless idiotic foreign wars, and education system that issues diplomas to kids who can't read them, and dope liberoidals who claim that the only reason that these complete failures haven't succeeded is because we haven't yet thrown enough money at them.
Granny says dem spend-happy politicians always raisin' taxes...
CBO: Taxes Will ‘Shoot Up by More Than 30 Percent’ Over Next 2 Years
January 31, 2012 - The amount of money the federal government takes out of the U.S. economy in taxes will increase by more than 30 percent between 2012 and 2014, according to the Budget and Economic Outlook published today by the CBO.
At the same time, according to CBO, the economy will remain sluggish, partly because of higher taxes. “In particular, between 2012 and 2014, revenues in CBO’s baseline shoot up by more than 30 percent,” said CBO, “mostly because of the recent or scheduled expirations of tax provisions, such as those that lower income tax rates and limit the reach of the alternative minimum tax (AMT), and the imposition of new taxes, fees, and penalties that are scheduled to go into effect.” The U.S. economy, CBO projects, will perform “below its potential” for another six years and unemployment will remain above 7 percent for another three.

“The pace of the economic recovery has been slow since the recession ended in June 2009, and the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) expects that, under current laws governing taxes and spending, the economy will continue to grow at a sluggish pace over the next two years,” said CBO. “That pace of growth partly reflects the dampening effect on economic activity from the higher tax rates and curbs on spending scheduled to occur this year and especially next. Although CBO projects that growth will pick up after 2013, the agency expects that the economy’s output will remain below its potential until 2018 and that the unemployment rate will remain above 7 percent until 2015.”

According to the CBO report, federal tax revenues equaled $2.302 trillion in fiscal 2011, and will increase to $2,523 trillion in fiscal 2012, $2,988 trillion in fiscal in 2013, and $3,313 trillion in 2014. As a percentage of GDP, according to CBO, federal tax revenues were 15.4 percent in fiscal 2011, and will be 16.3 percent in 2012, 18.8 percent in 2013, and 20.0 percent in fiscal 2014. In dollar terms, the anticipated increase in federal tax revenue from fiscal 2011 ($2.302 trillion) to fiscal 2014 ($3.313 trillion) is $1.011 trillion. That is an increase of 43.9 percent.

From just 2012 to 2014, the increase in federal tax revenues from $2.523 trillion to $3.313 trillion equals $790 billion—or 31.3 percent. The anticipated percentage increase in federal tax revenue is not only large when calculated in dollar terms but also when calculated as a share of GDP. The jump from 15.4 percent of GDP in fiscal 2011 to 20.0 percent of GDP in fiscal 2014 equals an increase of 29.8 percent. The jump from 16.3 percent in fiscal 2012 to 20.0 percent in fiscal 2014 equals an increase over two years of 22.7 percent. Federal tax revenues have averaged “about 18 percent of GDP for the past 40 years,” according to CBO. So, in the next two years federal tax revenues will rise from a level that is below the modern historical average to a level that is above it.

Nobody likes paying taxes, but the grown-ups among us realize it's the price we pay for living in a modern, civilized society.

well at least there is the Social Security tax. If an average American but 13% of his lifetime income in a private account he could retire and die with a $1.5 million estate or $7000/ month.

With Social Security you get $1100 a month if you live to collect a penny and no estate for your kids or charities when you die.

Yep, we love paying our taxes for liberal programs!!!
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Don't hold yer breath - too many campaign-contributing special interests have their mitts in the tax code...
House Republicans to propose major reshuffling of the nation’s tax code
3/20/2012 - House Republicans on Tuesday will propose a dramatic reshuffling of the tax code, suggesting collapsing individual tax brackets into two brackets with lower tax rates and slashing the top corporate tax rate.
The plan also would slash trillions of dollars in federal spending, a move likely to appease conservative, tea-party-backed GOP lawmakers but infuriate the White House, congressional Democrats and some Republicans concerned that spending disagreements could spark threats of a government shutdown just weeks before the November elections.

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) plans to unveil his spending plan Tuesday morning during a Capitol Hill news conference and follow it up later with a speech at the American Enterprise Institute. The proposal would replace the current tax structure’s six brackets with just two tax levels, a 10-percent marginal tax rate for lower income earners and 25-percent for upper income earners.

That would be a reduction from a top marginal rate of 35 percent under the current structure. The plan would also lower the top corporate income tax rate to 25 percent and virtually eliminate taxes on corporate profits brought back from overseas. And it would do away with the Alternative Minimum Tax, which was designed to hit the wealthiest taxpayers but increasingly also affects upper-middle-income earners.

Republicans have been urging an overhaul that would make the tax code simpler and easier to understand while lowering rates, which they believe will spur economic growth and prove a politically potent election -year message. Ryan’s proposal is similar to ones offered by both GOP presidential candidates former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney and former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum.

holy cow...

Government DO NOT ask for ALL YOUR MONEY?

and GOVERNMENT is not suppose to BE THERE, to TAKE CARE OF US..Except for our DEFENSE and where is it MY DUTY to work my ass off to care for my family and then I'm suppose to take CARE of others?

my gawd, some damn commie wrote that, or what? and they can shut the hell up
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I want to pay the same federal taxes as those nearly 50% of people that pay no federal taxes pay.
Even those that complain about taxes accept the services the money provides. Taxes go toward many programs each one of us doesn't like. Military spending needs to be cut. Education needs to be revamped to actually provide an education. Welfare and food stamp programs need to be better protected against fraud and food stamps actually need to be spent on decent foods.
Aside from that I get my garbage picked up on a weekly basis. Police patrol the streets. The roads in most cases are kept in drivable condition. The snow gets plowed the streets are sanded or salted. The street lights go on.
I take the good with the bad. The government certainly isn't going to roll them back. The Republicans and Democrats alike still grow government. This will never change.
Has anyone who has bitched about taxes ever got theirs lowered? I don't think so.
Nobody likes paying taxes, but the grown-ups among us realize it's the price we pay for living in a modern, civilized society.

And at what point does that price become too expensive to bear?

If we were merely paying to live in a civilized society then we surely would be able to pay less than we do now. The problem is that government has exceeded its charter by leaps and bounds and we are expected to pay for it.

I don't think taxes or government spending, per se, is the issue. It's the perceived unfairness. From the rare illegal immigrant on public assistance to the large multi national company paying no federal taxes and then out sourcing whatever jobs are created by that cash flow.

If I were confident that taxes were being collected fairly and the revenue was being used for education, infrastructure and security, I'd be a conservative.

Fair and simple taxes, a budget that's balanced by law, transparency in all things politics and then build an economy that your kids can drive to the stars.

If you don't like paying taxes . . .

Government do not ask for all your money. Do not steal your money. And most of us receive more benefits from taxes paid then we actually pay into the tax system. Taxes are for our protection and an insurance we pay for the right to live in the greatest country in the world. Most of us don’t even pay any taxes and yet complain the loudest. Most of us don’t even know how much we pay in taxes. You people complain about taking care of those who are not able to take care of them selves but if you are ever incapable of taking care of yourself, this government will take care of you. And some of you are being taken care of by taxes other people pay already and yet you complain.

So shut the h*** up and pay your d*** taxes. You have a f******g job because of taxes other people pay.

Come again?
"taxes" are taken, by "Governments", representing "people", who vote. (Governments, i.e. people, who take money, from non-voters, are "pillaging".) If "one man, one vote"; then "one man, one tax". Logically, direct, per-capita, taxes, should be "flat fee" (not "flat rate"), e.g. "$1,000 per voter per year" (to participate, in that year's elections). Income taxes, e.g. "1% on all transactions", affect all voluntary consumers equally, and also seem fair.

Conversely, people who put "more in the pot", i.e. people who have more at stake, should have more say. E.g. somebody who pays $10,000 gets 10 votes that year. (In the case of "class" conflicts, rich voters who had to "outvote" blocs of poor voters, would wind up paying more taxes, amounting to a graduated tax scheme, but being voluntary, and allowing "every dollar to speak equally", i.e. "the rich would pay, yet have their say".)

If corporations do not "vote"; then they should pay no "taxes" (or conversely) -- i.e. "Government, of/by/for voters", "no taxation w/o representation". (Everything I have said, is fair -- and winds up being the way things often work out, anyway, even if people insist on "forcing money to jump through obstacle courses" first.)

Money is power. Taxes are money. Tax-code should be no more complicated, than voters can memorize. Otherwise, cp. "Devil in details", voters are being de facto "fast talked, by lawyers"; and have let slip money-and-power out of their grasp, i.e. "if you cannot comprehend it, you cannot claim to control it". I.e. "K.I.S.S.", "better to admit being 'stupid', than to actually be foolish".
Even those that complain about taxes accept the services the money provides. Taxes go toward many programs each one of us doesn't like. Military spending needs to be cut. Education needs to be revamped to actually provide an education. Welfare and food stamp programs need to be better protected against fraud and food stamps actually need to be spent on decent foods.
Aside from that I get my garbage picked up on a weekly basis. Police patrol the streets. The roads in most cases are kept in drivable condition. The snow gets plowed the streets are sanded or salted. The street lights go on.
I take the good with the bad. The government certainly isn't going to roll them back. The Republicans and Democrats alike still grow government. This will never change.
Has anyone who has bitched about taxes ever got theirs lowered? I don't think so.

Yes, I agree with you. But they are not spending the tax dollars wisely or for what it was earmarked for. Then they want more and more and more. our roads are fairly decent. They opened the new Narrows Bridge in 2007 build with bonds and now it is a toll bridge until it's paid for. So, in that case you don't want to pay the toll, don't cross the bridge. I'm all for user fees. I think if something feels the need to ask for government help such as welfare or food stamps, they should have to perform some sort of job. A job of their choice, retail, construction, etc. and that could count toward training for then a future career. they say 50% don't pay federal income tax. So that means that 50% of us are funding the country. What would happen if 80% did not pay taxes? or more? I don't believe there is any excuse for not graduating high school, not when it's free. No we won't get taxes lowered probably, but we sure could be getting them spent more wisely and get a little more to show for our money.

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