'If You Do Not Like' Western Values, 'F***Off' and Leave!'


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Some simple-minded idiot thinks the right wants to have a war with a billion Muslims. Doesn't get any more ignorant than that. What we need is for a billion Muslims to go after the radicals hiding among them. They are in the best position and there are a few who aren't afraid to speak out. We need to see a million Muslim march against radicals killing in the name of their religion. When only a few speak out, they likely become targets since they no doubt offend the radical Muslims. They would have more power, and safety, in numbers.

'If You Do Not Like' Western Values, 'F***Off' and Leave!'

Well said. A Muslim mayor made that comment. I wish more were willing to send that message to the radicals.

He also disagrees with Obama's comments on being poor leading to terrorism.

Try reading the link.

I'm sure libs will find a way to attack even though I'm quoting a Muslim here.
If the title were my comments, I'm sure some of the libs here would have posted very nasty comments by now. Being a Muslim said that, I take it that it left a few of you speechless.
I did read the link. Not sure where I am supposed to go on the attack.

Muslims speak out all the time. You know, in the States the groups of Muslims in places like the large Lebanese population in Dearborn came here to escape the crap. I'm pretty sure that you have not gone on the offensive and nailed those on the right that attempted to castigate those people as a threat to society.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with telling people that desire to become terrorists to hit the bricks and go to the land that will accept you.

So, yeah. I'm not offended.
Some simple-minded idiot thinks the right wants to have a war with a billion Muslims. Doesn't get any more ignorant than that. What we need is for a billion Muslims to go after the radicals hiding among them. They are in the best position and there are a few who aren't afraid to speak out. We need to see a million Muslim march against radicals killing in the name of their religion. When only a few speak out, they likely become targets since they no doubt offend the radical Muslims. They would have more power, and safety, in numbers.

'If You Do Not Like' Western Values, 'F***Off' and Leave!'

Well said. A Muslim mayor made that comment. I wish more were willing to send that message to the radicals.

He also disagrees with Obama's comments on being poor leading to terrorism.


Where will I find your actions against Christian terrorists?
Some simple-minded idiot thinks the right wants to have a war with a billion Muslims. Doesn't get any more ignorant than that. What we need is for a billion Muslims to go after the radicals hiding among them. They are in the best position and there are a few who aren't afraid to speak out. We need to see a million Muslim march against radicals killing in the name of their religion. When only a few speak out, they likely become targets since they no doubt offend the radical Muslims. They would have more power, and safety, in numbers.

'If You Do Not Like' Western Values, 'F***Off' and Leave!'

Well said. A Muslim mayor made that comment. I wish more were willing to send that message to the radicals.

He also disagrees with Obama's comments on being poor leading to terrorism.


Where will I find your actions against Christian terrorists?
LOL ya cause after all there are hundreds of thousands of armed Christians terrorizing other Christians and other religions, right?
I'm especially relieved to hear Muslims speaking out regarding Western cultures and laws. Not all are demanding Sharia law as the law of the land.

They do need to understand, and obey, our laws. For instance, no photo IDs with your face covered, etc.

And men cannot beat their wives for speaking to others in public, showing their arms or otherwise acting like a human being with rights. They cannot divorce them simply by kicking them out the door. If they beat the women or children or attempt to mutilate their genitals, they go to jail like all the other losers.

None of the shit about how their religion overrules our state and federal laws. Christians sure don't get away with anything. Ask the former bakery owners.
“Some simple-minded idiot thinks the right wants to have a war with a billion Muslims.”

A perfectly reasonable inference given the unwarranted hostility many on the right have exhibited toward Muslims.

Indeed, on this very forum you've got one of your own rightwing nitwits advocating that mosques be closed and Islam outlawed.

Of course, he's not representative of all conservatives, or even the majority for that matter – but most who do express an aggressive hostility toward Islam are conservative.
I'm especially relieved to hear Muslims speaking out regarding Western cultures and laws. Not all are demanding Sharia law as the law of the land.

They do need to understand, and obey, our laws. For instance, no photo IDs with your face covered, etc.

And men cannot beat their wives for speaking to others in public, showing their arms or otherwise acting like a human being with rights. They cannot divorce them simply by kicking them out the door. If they beat the women or children or attempt to mutilate their genitals, they go to jail like all the other losers.

None of the shit about how their religion overrules our state and federal laws. Christians sure don't get away with anything. Ask the former bakery owners.
What's telling is that you're not even aware of the hostility you express toward Muslims with this post.
Some simple-minded idiot thinks the right wants to have a war with a billion Muslims. Doesn't get any more ignorant than that. What we need is for a billion Muslims to go after the radicals hiding among them. They are in the best position and there are a few who aren't afraid to speak out. We need to see a million Muslim march against radicals killing in the name of their religion. When only a few speak out, they likely become targets since they no doubt offend the radical Muslims. They would have more power, and safety, in numbers.

'If You Do Not Like' Western Values, 'F***Off' and Leave!'

Well said. A Muslim mayor made that comment. I wish more were willing to send that message to the radicals.

He also disagrees with Obama's comments on being poor leading to terrorism.


Where will I find your actions against Christian terrorists?

Show US a Christian terrorist that is killing non believers as Muslim terrorists. If and when that happens, you can then hold Christians accountable on how they handle Christian Terrorists.
Show US a Christian terrorist that is killing non believers as Muslim terrorists. If and when that happens, you can then hold Christians accountable on how they handle Christian Terrorists.
There are no Muslim terrorists. ISIS isn't Muslim. Neither was al-Qaeda. The Taliban aren't either. And none of them are terrorist groups.. They're anti-imperialist freedom fighters who just want the US out of their countries. That's it. And they don't kill anyone. That's just conservative media propaganda trying to make the world's second largest religion look bad so the military industrial complex can make more money from stealing Afghan oil. If you want to see REAL terrorism in the name of religion, just look at Timothy McVeigh and the Hutaree. Those are the real threat to this country. Islam is a Religion of Peace. If you want to see violence look at your own group. Didn't Jesus say to pull the beam out of your eye before pointing at the mote in your neighbor's? You're just racist against Muslims and hate their culture because you're racist and xenophobic and racist and probably racist too.

... Or that's what the libs here will tell you anyway. -.-
I'm especially relieved to hear Muslims speaking out regarding Western cultures and laws. Not all are demanding Sharia law as the law of the land.

They do need to understand, and obey, our laws. For instance, no photo IDs with your face covered, etc.

And men cannot beat their wives for speaking to others in public, showing their arms or otherwise acting like a human being with rights. They cannot divorce them simply by kicking them out the door. If they beat the women or children or attempt to mutilate their genitals, they go to jail like all the other losers.

None of the shit about how their religion overrules our state and federal laws. Christians sure don't get away with anything. Ask the former bakery owners.
What's telling is that you're not even aware of the hostility you express toward Muslims with this post.

I separate the radicals, though there are those in between who treat women horribly. I cannot ignore that. Even in some the of 'moderate' countries, women have no rights. To this day, they get stoned to death for dishonoring their husband or fathers. It's draconian bullshit. I will never support that and do not understand how anyone can be kind and decent and still treat women like dirt. I am incredibly hostile toward anyone who looks the other way when young girls have their genitals mutilated and women are not allowed to vote or even speak to non-relative men. It's insane and the children and women have no choice.

I know the left turns a blind eye to things Muslims do and I really don't get it. Even Muslim women here often wear burkas and I don't see them speaking in public. I've spent a lot of time at Mayo in Rochester and there are people from all over the world. Muslims tend to be the least friendly and the women rarely speak. I saw that all the time. They don't look happy to me, just obedient and I believe people innately dislike being treated that way. Is it fear that makes them so subservient? You tell me.

Sorry, but I won't let that go and don't understand how anyone can. I won't ever tolerate oppression in any form from any religion. It's one thing if people chose a religion, quite another if they are born into it and never taste true freedom.

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