If we don't fight back we will deserve our fate.

What is it you would like to fight? Why do you feel the need to fight? The election was not stolen from you. Your candidate lost. And you've allowed the alt-right media to spin you a narrative that you swallow without question. So much so that you start seeing boogeymen around every corner. And then you get together and vent your years of grievance in a group setting and it turns ugly. Donald Trump is a poison. But people like you willingly injested that poison. And kept drinking it. So much so that eventually, you couldn't tell fact from spun fiction. We had seditious acts performed on Wednesday and police treated it like a Trump pep rally. Meanwhile, we see rubber bullets, tear gas, and batons used on a peaceful demonstration because an authoritarian dictator wanted a photo op.

I hate broad brushing but I get a bit irritated when I hear a lot of Boomers talk. Between the screwed up economic policies, the massive debts and deficits, and stoking the social unrest over the last half century, it's a wonder your heads can fit through a door. I'm not sure how you could have screwed things up worse than you have. And now you want to burn the house down on your way out the door? Haven't you done enough damage?
Why are you afraid of free speech?

Google Kicks Parler Off App Store, Apple Ban May Soon Follow (gizmodo.com)

Trump banned from social media - and may be 'forced out of office early' (thesouthafrican.com)

Twitter bans Trump, citing risk of violent incitement (apnews.com)

Twitter Says It Permanently Banned Trump (nymag.com)

Donald Trump's Twitter account permanently banned 'due to risk of more violence' - Mirror Online

you just a sore loser. Get over it.
What is it you would like to fight? Why do you feel the need to fight? The election was not stolen from you. Your candidate lost. And you've allowed the alt-right media to spin you a narrative that you swallow without question. So much so that you start seeing boogeymen around every corner. And then you get together and vent your years of grievance in a group setting and it turns ugly. Donald Trump is a poison. But people like you willingly injested that poison. And kept drinking it. So much so that eventually, you couldn't tell fact from spun fiction. We had seditious acts performed on Wednesday and police treated it like a Trump pep rally. Meanwhile, we see rubber bullets, tear gas, and batons used on a peaceful demonstration because an authoritarian dictator wanted a photo op.

I hate broad brushing but I get a bit irritated when I hear a lot of Boomers talk. Between the screwed up economic policies, the massive debts and deficits, and stoking the social unrest over the last half century, it's a wonder your heads can fit through a door. I'm not sure how you could have screwed things up worse than you have. And now you want to burn the house down on your way out the door? Haven't you done enough damage?
Why are you afraid of free speech?

Google Kicks Parler Off App Store, Apple Ban May Soon Follow (gizmodo.com)

Trump banned from social media - and may be 'forced out of office early' (thesouthafrican.com)

Twitter bans Trump, citing risk of violent incitement (apnews.com)

Twitter Says It Permanently Banned Trump (nymag.com)

Donald Trump's Twitter account permanently banned 'due to risk of more violence' - Mirror Online

Free speech has its limits. We've had this discussion numerous times. The 1st Amendment is not a blanket protection to say and do anything you want without consequence. Fomenting insurrection and propagating hate speech to whip people up into a mob..is inciting to riot. Again, as usual, Trump is his own worst enemy. He can't help himself. So he got banned. These are private companies. They can set their own rules and TOS. Parler isn't being shut down. They can still operate. But high profile companies that facilitate distributing their platform are going to drop the hammer on them. Sorry, that's just life. Part of the big reason is pliant lemmings like yourself. Your minds are soft, weak, malleable. If something like the election being stolen from you (it wasn't) is repeated in closed circles to enough people, it becomes truth. I believe Rush Limbaugh quoted that phrase. :)

I am surprised you did not use the the cliché about yelling fire in a crowded theater. Where were you when businesses were burned in cities with BLM rioting? Those incidents were orchestrated and organized with social media. You cannot cherry pick examples of limitations on free speech. It is an illusion in the Saul Alinsky tradition.
We won the Potus and the Senate.
BFD- so, now I guess you feel you're special and entitled to be stupid, ignorant and arrogant in public- oh wait, you felt that way before you called yourself being a winner- out with the old, in with the same old, same old- how original and safe you mest feel now that you're helpful in being a hack for the Establishment Duopoly Party-

Fucking idiot- good lord-
Trump's 1st term was a miracle in itself, the biggest upset in US election history
Do you remember how Clinton refuses to concede and had a rally in DC which ended in a riot running through the Capitol so as to prevent the certification of Trump’s electoral victory?

Me neither.
Do you remember how Clinton refuses to concede and had a rally in DC which ended in a riot running through the Capitol so as to prevent the certification of Trump’s electoral victory?

Me neither.
Maybe Trump was following Hillarys advice to Joe.
Dont concede under any circumstances.
What people to come to grips with is that this attack on free speech will not end with the president. The impact of thought silencing will propagate throughout society until everyone is afraid to depart from the state position. Any of us could lose our jobs if a fellow employee mines our comments on social media and then goes to company management with a complaint signed by coworkers demanding that we be fired.

If you do not believe this is coming then just sit back and watch.

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Do you remember how Clinton refuses to concede and had a rally in DC which ended in a riot running through the Capitol so as to prevent the certification of Trump’s electoral victory?

Me neither.
Maybe Trump was following Hillarys advice to Joe.
Dont concede under any circumstances.
Trump doesn’t listen to anyone, especially Hillary.
Whatever happens to seditionists is on their own head. If that means a bullet through it, we only regret any air pollution that results.
The time to fight was well before the election. Once they started changing the way the run the E.C in some states, and, just announced "we are sending millions of ballots in the mail to people", it was going to be a serious problem. You fight by election. You lose, you pay the price for not winning.

I.D requirements and serious penalties to anyone breaking the law in elections would be wise if you're serious. No election enforcement, no accountability for powerful abusers and politicians, spells the end of Americas global influence. It will be rapid, there is no question. It started the day after Trump lost.

Mail out ballots were probably always going to ensure Trump lost. I figured he might be able to still win a slight victory, but I knew the inability to ensure legitimate votes was going to backfire.

The GOP, in particular, deserve their losses now and in the future. Listen to all the people blaming Trump for their own inability to get things done. For many of them, straight cowardice. They are to blame for not supporting their voters and defending American Interests, especially your election process.

Did the issues with apps in the Democratic Primaries not wake them up? GOP career politicians follow guys like Romney when they should have been following Trump and his administration. They will be voted out in their next Primaries. Romney wont care, he is safe and secure in Utah.
Trump's 1st term was a miracle in itself, the biggest upset in US election history. Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, the "Steele Dossier". Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. Operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles, probably twice!!
Trump's 1st term was a miracle in itself, the biggest upset in US election history
Do you remember how Clinton refuses to concede and had a rally in DC which ended in a riot running through the Capitol so as to prevent the certification of Trump’s electoral victory? Me neither.
I remember the slanted MSM promoting Biden and damaging Trump at every opportunity.
I remember Hillary and the democrats calling Trump "illegitimate" due to "Russian meddling".
Deja Vu all over agin...remember this?
Trump's 1st term was the biggest upset in US election history. Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, via the "Steele Dossier". Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. Operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles, probably twice!!
The time to fight was well before the election. Once they started changing the way the run the E.C in some states, and, just announced "we are sending millions of ballots in the mail to people", it was going to be a serious problem. You fight by election. You lose, you pay the price for not winning.

I.D requirements and serious penalties to anyone breaking the law in elections would be wise if you're serious. No election enforcement, no accountability for powerful abusers and politicians, spells the end of Americas global influence. It will be rapid, there is no question. It started the day after Trump lost.

Mail out ballots were probably always going to ensure Trump lost. I figured he might be able to still win a slight victory, but I knew the inability to ensure legitimate votes was going to backfire.

The GOP, in particular, deserve their losses now and in the future. Listen to all the people blaming Trump for their own inability to get things done. For many of them, straight cowardice. They are to blame for not supporting their voters and defending American Interests, especially your election process.

Did the issues with apps in the Democratic Primaries not wake them up? GOP career politicians follow guys like Romney when they should have been following Trump and his administration. They will be voted out in their next Primaries. Romney wont care, he is safe and secure in Utah.
You are quite correct. The Republican Party was not behind Trump, it was behind his back.
What people to come to grips with is that this attack on free speech will not end with the president. The impact of thought silencing will propagate throughout society until everyone is afraid to depart from the state position. Any of us could lose our jobs if a fellow employee mines our comments on social media and then goes to company management with a complaint signed by coworkers demanding that we be fired.

If you do not believe this is coming then just sit back and watch.
Things are happening quickly. The partnership of US leadership with the People’s Republic of China has never been clearer. Millions of voters rejected the ugly brotherhood of US Congress with communist world domination in 2016 by electing a populist president promising to return America to real democracy. The mean intelligence of America had been systematically lowered by academia, the Fourth Estate, politics, social media, and the entertainment industry.

Four years of a politically correct color-coded leader had come to an ignominious end and the state was confident that the people were adequately stupefied to elect a corrupt disciple of Saul Alinsky, a nasty community organizer from the 1960’s that advocated for the destruction of a functioning system from the inside out. Hillary Clinton lost that election.

The corporate entities in America that had gone over to the dark side along with America’s political elite vowed that this would never happen again. The kinds of people that sellout the masses do not win by convincing minds, they attack the process the people use to reject them just like Soviet Russia did for seven decades. The wicked forces aligned immediately upon Donald Trump’s election and energized propaganda campaigns concocting conspiracies and false impeachment proceedings to incite the lowest common denominator of indoctrinated citizens. This hamstringing lasted for the duration of the president’s administration.

Reasonable minds can draw any conclusions they like from the release of a global pathogen from the very ideological enemy that stood the most to gain from the removal of the American antagonist that stood in their way. The fact remains that this allowed the US political aristocracy to attack the process again and rig the election to steal the control of the country’s future from 75 million American voters.

The oppression is well underway, and they now have a lock on all the information sources. “Good riots” in the cities are ignored and “bad riots” in Washington are propagandized as seditious insurrections. Remember the Reichstag. In a nation built on free speech, speech is now censored by corporate masters favoring the “Alinsky way” to overthrow a functioning democracy.

Boomers were warned in school about this 60 years ago. Now the schools are the jack-booted hordes sweeping over the people with an ideological revolution in every sense of the word. If we want to save our democracy we need to fight back. If not we will deserve our fate.

People like you...making statements like that


Absolutely, but current America is dying. You need to defend yourself and your own community first and foremost and put in people who do not enforce the leftist crap that they are trying to spoon feed through everyone's throats.

After the leftists have destroyed their own communities then there can be discussions of what to do.

Religion is probably a good idea. Religious communities are doing significantly better, it tends to keep women from going insane and demanding free shit at the cost of the society - building families instead and depending on men's resources more. Plus, this seems to keep the parasites at bay.
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Things are happening quickly. The partnership of US leadership with the People’s Republic of China has never been clearer. Millions of voters rejected the ugly brotherhood of US Congress with communist world domination in 2016 by electing a populist president promising to return America to real democracy. The mean intelligence of America had been systematically lowered by academia, the Fourth Estate, politics, social media, and the entertainment industry.

Four years of a politically correct color-coded leader had come to an ignominious end and the state was confident that the people were adequately stupefied to elect a corrupt disciple of Saul Alinsky, a nasty community organizer from the 1960’s that advocated for the destruction of a functioning system from the inside out. Hillary Clinton lost that election.

The corporate entities in America that had gone over to the dark side along with America’s political elite vowed that this would never happen again. The kinds of people that sellout the masses do not win by convincing minds, they attack the process the people use to reject them just like Soviet Russia did for seven decades. The wicked forces aligned immediately upon Donald Trump’s election and energized propaganda campaigns concocting conspiracies and false impeachment proceedings to incite the lowest common denominator of indoctrinated citizens. This hamstringing lasted for the duration of the president’s administration.

Reasonable minds can draw any conclusions they like from the release of a global pathogen from the very ideological enemy that stood the most to gain from the removal of the American antagonist that stood in their way. The fact remains that this allowed the US political aristocracy to attack the process again and rig the election to steal the control of the country’s future from 75 million American voters.

The oppression is well underway, and they now have a lock on all the information sources. “Good riots” in the cities are ignored and “bad riots” in Washington are propagandized as seditious insurrections. Remember the Reichstag. In a nation built on free speech, speech is now censored by corporate masters favoring the “Alinsky way” to overthrow a functioning democracy.

Boomers were warned in school about this 60 years ago. Now the schools are the jack-booted hordes sweeping over the people with an ideological revolution in every sense of the word. If we want to save our democracy we need to fight back. If not we will deserve our fate.

People like you...making statements like that


You were perhaps absent when US leadership gifted control of our pharmaceutical infrastructure to the People's Republic of China? If you have an enemy is it a good strategy to give that enemy control of the medicine cabinet you use for your own people? Do you think this might weaken you and strengthen your enemy? Suddenly many of your people are getting sick from something that originated from the land of your enemy at a time when one of your leaders angered that enemy.
Any connection? Ask yourself that.

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