If they can't prove a crime

They want to ruin someone with no proof. That has been proven.
They want to ruin him simply for 2 reasons. He was selected by Trump, and he is a moderate Constitutionalist, unlike Ginsberg, etc.

That would indicate they actually gave a damn. They want to ruin him because of the midterms. They have nothing else to run on.

What about higher taxes and contraceptive abortions?
I don't see how they even allowed Ford to speak!!!!!!!!!!! and !!!!!!!!
she had no proof or anything
...might as well let some bum off the street claim whatever and allowed to speak at SCOTUS hearings
...here, grab some of these guys and let's have them give their opinion on the SCOTUS nomination
Many of the liberals all over are going crazy because Kavanaugh hasn't been destroyed. Many have stated that even though no proof can be found linking Kavanaugh that a crime has still been committed and they are very upset. My question is, who do they want to pin these unsolved crimes on(if they even exist) and why don't they give a damn if there is any actual proof or not?

The "crime" is a farce. It is about abortion, nothing else.

Abortion is a multi-billion dollar industry that the Nazis are deeply invested in. They will do ANYTHING, including violence, to protect abortion.
Many of the liberals all over are going crazy because Kavanaugh hasn't been destroyed. Many have stated that even though no proof can be found linking Kavanaugh that a crime has still been committed and they are very upset. My question is, who do they want to pin these unsolved crimes on(if they even exist) and why don't they give a damn if there is any actual proof or not?

They do this because this tactic has worked before. . I couldn't even convince half of the so called conservatives on this board that the accusations against Roy Moore were bullshit for crying out loud.

WaPo actually sent reporters to try to find accusers against Moore. Those accusers had no credibility whatsoever. The accusations were decades old. Never had come up before. The press kept claiming there were multiple accusers when in fact there were only three. And all the women had some sort of bizarre grudge against him.

But it worked right? Lost a Senate seat over it.

The charges against Moore were lies. Liberals play fucking dirty. And sadly on "our side" you have too many "holier than thous" among us who believe in throwing people under the bus over a hint of a scandal.

Because we have to "take the high road" like McCain was fond of saying. Despite of lack of evidence or credibility.

Makes me want to bazooka barf.

Glad that R's FINALLY got some testicular fortitude with this one.
They want to ruin someone with no proof. That has been proven.
They want to ruin him simply for 2 reasons. He was selected by Trump, and he is a moderate Constitutionalist, unlike Ginsberg, etc.

That would indicate they actually gave a damn. They want to ruin him because of the midterms. They have nothing else to run on.

What about higher taxes and contraceptive abortions?

What about them?

Look now, here is the deal. Most people don't give a damn about court rulings or opinions. It's very easy to take advantage of a population who prefers a bunch of Nancy Grace drama as opposed to reading shit for themselves. This allows people like Kamala Harris to distort shit.
Many of the liberals all over are going crazy because Kavanaugh hasn't been destroyed. Many have stated that even though no proof can be found linking Kavanaugh that a crime has still been committed and they are very upset. My question is, who do they want to pin these unsolved crimes on(if they even exist) and why don't they give a damn if there is any actual proof or not?

The Burden of Proof in a job interview is not the same as the burden of proof in a criminal or civil trial. Kavanaugh was not on trial, the matter before the Senate Committee was to decide if he was fit to be hired to a life time appointment.

If Merick Garland has been vetted by the Senate, and had whined about a vast right wing conspiracy against him, would you have supported his confirmation?

[I don't expect an honest answer]
Many of the liberals all over are going crazy because Kavanaugh hasn't been destroyed. Many have stated that even though no proof can be found linking Kavanaugh that a crime has still been committed and they are very upset. My question is, who do they want to pin these unsolved crimes on(if they even exist) and why don't they give a damn if there is any actual proof or not?

The Burden of Proof in a job interview is not the same as the burden of proof in a criminal or civil trial. Kavanaugh was not on trial, the matter before the Senate Committee was to decide if he was fit to be hired to a life time appointment.

If Merick Garland has been vetted by the Senate, and had whined about a vast right wing conspiracy against him, would you have supported his confirmation?

[I don't expect an honest answer]
I would not support anything promoted by the traitor Obama. Hows that for honesty, troll?

You mean vetted by the senate liberals. That's like a fox appointed to guard the hen house being "vetted" by the foxes. You talk about honesty, yet you scum prove daily how dishonest you are. So why do you want to ruin someone with no proof whatsoever? Note, I don't expect an honest answer because these troll are not capable of it.
The Rs will win the senate bigly, if they win the house in October it will be by a narrow margin. In the house state defaults and loss of state and local officials who support sanctuary status will be the big problem. (lower courts have already decided that sanctuary status is unconstitutional.) Fine revenues do not have to be approved by congress. Employer fines added to state and local fines will hurt like crazy and Trump will blame the Democrats in the house.

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