If the Never Trumpers prevail, and Sleepy Joe is triumphant

Americas Transformation will be moved to the 1 yard line, if not to a Communist Touchdown
That is such garbage. Grow up and move on from the petty fear tactics.
How does it feel to be so incompetent in the area of knowledge?
Revolutionary Communist Party USA leader endorses Biden
Revolutionary Communist Party USA leader endorses Biden, warns followers against 'protest vote'
Ask yourself, why are the Communists trying to help Trump win? They can't actually think their endorsement will help Biden. THAT would be incompetent. If you really think they want Biden, you don't understand Communist tactics. The don't want center-left leadership, they want hard rightists in office to increase friction, which Trumps adds to on a daily basis.

That may have been 50 years ago.
Today, Globalism is the passphrase, but it all eventually ends up at the same place.

All it takes is honesty to reveal that democrats today are FAR closer to Communists than not.
They prevent free speech at Universities. Strive to kill free enterprise. Demand gun Confiscation (YES, Biden said that)
And a host of other Communist leanings and agendas.

You can put lipstick on a pig and take it on a date if you like (Communism), but it's still a pig.
We aren’t even close to communism. Get a dictionary and look it up... not even close

LAST TIME.......

They are CLOSER to Communism/Authoritarianism than I (and most Americans) could ever be comfortable with.
What was that Billionaire dolts name in NY who wanted to legislate what size drink you could buy? Yeah. like that. Oh, Bloomberg

How about AOC?

I wonder if you will comprehend the difference?
Closer? So what?! You are running around yelling communism like a hyperbolic jerk off when we aren’t even in the same Ball park. Lose the hyperbole and just stick to reality. Things will work out better for you

I just realized, you have no clue what Communism is.
I know exactly what it is... and now you do Mr Lazy. You’re welcome
Definition of communism

1a: a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed
b: a theory advocating elimination of private property
a: a doctrine based on revolutionary Marxian socialismand Marxism-Leninism that was the official ideology of the U.S.S.R.
b: a totalitarian system of government in which a single authoritarian party controls state-owned means of production
c: a final stage of society in Marxist theory in which the state has withered away and economic goods are distributed equitably

Yeah, I posted that 3 posts ago...you're welcome.

Now that you know what it is.....exactly which of those are NOT Democrat goals?

You're also unaware of the United Nations Agenda21 I take it?

Need a link for that too?
Americas Transformation will be moved to the 1 yard line, if not to a Communist Touchdown
That is such garbage. Grow up and move on from the petty fear tactics

How does it feel to be so incompetent in the area of knowledge?

Revolutionary Communist Party USA leader endorses Biden
Revolutionary Communist Party USA leader endorses Biden, warns followers against 'protest vote'

The KKK endorsed Trump in 2016 and probably will again. So what?
Americas Transformation will be moved to the 1 yard line, if not to a Communist Touchdown
If Biden's a commie, why are all these Republicans, many who voted for Trump in 2016, going to vote for Joe this time? Listen to these people. Some are local Republican officials, others veterans disgusted with his treatment of McCain and failure to do anything about Russian bounties, Christians shocked by his lack of morals and ordinary people, many older, angered by his lack of leadership during the pandemic.

Republican Voters Against Trump

I think a LOT of what you hear is propaganda. And some of these "republicans" really are not. Look at Mitt Romney. John McCain.
I have people in my own family who think Trump is the anti-Christ. They are just off the deep end.

When I press them to have a logical reasonable discussion, they say they will, but NEVER have any facts to back up their emotions.
Then, when I present facts and they cannot dispute, they get indignant and angry. It's bizarre.
I ask "How is trump the Anti-Christ"? the response is always the same...."He just is"
but what evidence? "He just is"

I am convinced that most people who hate Trump are operating on a purely emotional foundation.

I disagree. The biggest problem with Trump is his knee her reactions. He refuses to play the game smart. He just will not do it.

Take any of his screwups. The accept the results of the election. Any city councilman could have answered that with one year of experience. The answer is. “I have faith that the American People will re-elect me and show that they know I am working for them. If however, they choose another I of course accept their wisdom and choice.”

Trumps answer. No.

Every single thing seems to be an unforced error. A stupid mistake. One that further polarizes the public against him. Instead of learning this Trump fires anyone who tries to help him avoid these stupid mistakes.

You may cheer this as proof that Trump is not a Politician. Everyone else looks at it and sees a petulant child throwing a tantrum. It does not reassure them. Here is how bad Trump is. Biden looks like a serious contender. And Biden can barely finish a sentence, when he does manage to finish it.

This is not emotional. This is an opinion based upon Trump’s own actions.

I'm sorry, please go over your post and fix the typos. Not being mean. Just read it carefully. Lot of typos that make no sense.
Americas Transformation will be moved to the 1 yard line, if not to a Communist Touchdown
That is such garbage. Grow up and move on from the petty fear tactics

How does it feel to be so incompetent in the area of knowledge?

Revolutionary Communist Party USA leader endorses Biden
Revolutionary Communist Party USA leader endorses Biden, warns followers against 'protest vote'

The KKK endorsed Trump in 2016 and probably will again. So what?

Is the KKK Communist?
I think we're talking about Communism right now. Not racism. And there is nothing to support that Trump is racist but PLENTY proving he is not.
Americas Transformation will be moved to the 1 yard line, if not to a Communist Touchdown
That is such garbage. Grow up and move on from the petty fear tactics.
How does it feel to be so incompetent in the area of knowledge?
Revolutionary Communist Party USA leader endorses Biden
Revolutionary Communist Party USA leader endorses Biden, warns followers against 'protest vote'
Ask yourself, why are the Communists trying to help Trump win? They can't actually think their endorsement will help Biden. THAT would be incompetent. If you really think they want Biden, you don't understand Communist tactics. The don't want center-left leadership, they want hard rightists in office to increase friction, which Trumps adds to on a daily basis.

That may have been 50 years ago.
Today, Globalism is the passphrase, but it all eventually ends up at the same place.

All it takes is honesty to reveal that democrats today are FAR closer to Communists than not.
They prevent free speech at Universities. Strive to kill free enterprise. Demand gun Confiscation (YES, Biden said that)
And a host of other Communist leanings and agendas.

You can put lipstick on a pig and take it on a date if you like (Communism), but it's still a pig.
We aren’t even close to communism. Get a dictionary and look it up... not even close

LAST TIME.......

They are CLOSER to Communism/Authoritarianism than I (and most Americans) could ever be comfortable with.
What was that Billionaire dolts name in NY who wanted to legislate what size drink you could buy? Yeah. like that. Oh, Bloomberg

How about AOC?

I wonder if you will comprehend the difference?
Closer? So what?! You are running around yelling communism like a hyperbolic jerk off when we aren’t even in the same Ball park. Lose the hyperbole and just stick to reality. Things will work out better for you

I just realized, you have no clue what Communism is.
I know exactly what it is... and now you do Mr Lazy. You’re welcome
Definition of communism

1a: a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed
b: a theory advocating elimination of private property
a: a doctrine based on revolutionary Marxian socialismand Marxism-Leninism that was the official ideology of the U.S.S.R.
b: a totalitarian system of government in which a single authoritarian party controls state-owned means of production
c: a final stage of society in Marxist theory in which the state has withered away and economic goods are distributed equitably

Yeah, I posted that 3 posts ago...you're welcome.

Now that you know what it is.....exactly which of those are NOT Democrat goals?

You're also unaware of the United Nations Agenda21 I take it?

Need a link for that too?
Umm the core of communism to control the means and distribution of industry and eliminate private property. Spin all you want but that’s not a goal of the democrat party. You’re a loon
Americas Transformation will be moved to the 1 yard line, if not to a Communist Touchdown
That is such garbage. Grow up and move on from the petty fear tactics.
How does it feel to be so incompetent in the area of knowledge?
Revolutionary Communist Party USA leader endorses Biden
Revolutionary Communist Party USA leader endorses Biden, warns followers against 'protest vote'
Ask yourself, why are the Communists trying to help Trump win? They can't actually think their endorsement will help Biden. THAT would be incompetent. If you really think they want Biden, you don't understand Communist tactics. The don't want center-left leadership, they want hard rightists in office to increase friction, which Trumps adds to on a daily basis.

That may have been 50 years ago.
Today, Globalism is the passphrase, but it all eventually ends up at the same place.

All it takes is honesty to reveal that democrats today are FAR closer to Communists than not.
They prevent free speech at Universities. Strive to kill free enterprise. Demand gun Confiscation (YES, Biden said that)
And a host of other Communist leanings and agendas.

You can put lipstick on a pig and take it on a date if you like (Communism), but it's still a pig.
We aren’t even close to communism. Get a dictionary and look it up... not even close

LAST TIME.......

They are CLOSER to Communism/Authoritarianism than I (and most Americans) could ever be comfortable with.
What was that Billionaire dolts name in NY who wanted to legislate what size drink you could buy? Yeah. like that. Oh, Bloomberg

How about AOC?

I wonder if you will comprehend the difference?
Closer? So what?! You are running around yelling communism like a hyperbolic jerk off when we aren’t even in the same Ball park. Lose the hyperbole and just stick to reality. Things will work out better for you

I just realized, you have no clue what Communism is.
I know exactly what it is... and now you do Mr Lazy. You’re welcome
Definition of communism

1a: a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed
b: a theory advocating elimination of private property
a: a doctrine based on revolutionary Marxian socialismand Marxism-Leninism that was the official ideology of the U.S.S.R.
b: a totalitarian system of government in which a single authoritarian party controls state-owned means of production
c: a final stage of society in Marxist theory in which the state has withered away and economic goods are distributed equitably

Yeah, I posted that 3 posts ago...you're welcome.

Now that you know what it is.....exactly which of those are NOT Democrat goals?

You're also unaware of the United Nations Agenda21 I take it?

Need a link for that too?
Umm the core of communism to control the means and distribution of industry and eliminate private property. Spin all you want but that’s not a goal of the democrat party. You’re a loon

Yep, you folks are insane.
This is EXACTLY what the Left is doing TODAY. Shutting down business. Eliminating rights.

And he can't see it......oh this is good !

please continue........
Americas Transformation will be moved to the 1 yard line, if not to a Communist Touchdown
That is such garbage. Grow up and move on from the petty fear tactics.
How does it feel to be so incompetent in the area of knowledge?
Revolutionary Communist Party USA leader endorses Biden
Revolutionary Communist Party USA leader endorses Biden, warns followers against 'protest vote'
Ask yourself, why are the Communists trying to help Trump win? They can't actually think their endorsement will help Biden. THAT would be incompetent. If you really think they want Biden, you don't understand Communist tactics. The don't want center-left leadership, they want hard rightists in office to increase friction, which Trumps adds to on a daily basis.

That may have been 50 years ago.
Today, Globalism is the passphrase, but it all eventually ends up at the same place.

All it takes is honesty to reveal that democrats today are FAR closer to Communists than not.
They prevent free speech at Universities. Strive to kill free enterprise. Demand gun Confiscation (YES, Biden said that)
And a host of other Communist leanings and agendas.

You can put lipstick on a pig and take it on a date if you like (Communism), but it's still a pig.
We aren’t even close to communism. Get a dictionary and look it up... not even close

LAST TIME.......

They are CLOSER to Communism/Authoritarianism than I (and most Americans) could ever be comfortable with.
What was that Billionaire dolts name in NY who wanted to legislate what size drink you could buy? Yeah. like that. Oh, Bloomberg

How about AOC?

I wonder if you will comprehend the difference?
Closer? So what?! You are running around yelling communism like a hyperbolic jerk off when we aren’t even in the same Ball park. Lose the hyperbole and just stick to reality. Things will work out better for you

I just realized, you have no clue what Communism is.
I know exactly what it is... and now you do Mr Lazy. You’re welcome
Definition of communism

1a: a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed
b: a theory advocating elimination of private property
a: a doctrine based on revolutionary Marxian socialismand Marxism-Leninism that was the official ideology of the U.S.S.R.
b: a totalitarian system of government in which a single authoritarian party controls state-owned means of production
c: a final stage of society in Marxist theory in which the state has withered away and economic goods are distributed equitably

Yeah, I posted that 3 posts ago...you're welcome.

Now that you know what it is.....exactly which of those are NOT Democrat goals?

You're also unaware of the United Nations Agenda21 I take it?

Need a link for that too?
Umm the core of communism to control the means and distribution of industry and eliminate private property. Spin all you want but that’s not a goal of the democrat party. You’re a loon

Yep, you folks are insane.
This is EXACTLY what the Left is doing TODAY. Shutting down business. Eliminating rights.

And he can't see it......oh this is good !

please continue........
There’s a fucking pandemic genius and we have a Republican President... who do you think you’re fooling?!
Americas Transformation will be moved to the 1 yard line, if not to a Communist Touchdown
That is such garbage. Grow up and move on from the petty fear tactics.
How does it feel to be so incompetent in the area of knowledge?
Revolutionary Communist Party USA leader endorses Biden
Revolutionary Communist Party USA leader endorses Biden, warns followers against 'protest vote'
Ask yourself, why are the Communists trying to help Trump win? They can't actually think their endorsement will help Biden. THAT would be incompetent. If you really think they want Biden, you don't understand Communist tactics. The don't want center-left leadership, they want hard rightists in office to increase friction, which Trumps adds to on a daily basis.

That may have been 50 years ago.
Today, Globalism is the passphrase, but it all eventually ends up at the same place.

All it takes is honesty to reveal that democrats today are FAR closer to Communists than not.
They prevent free speech at Universities. Strive to kill free enterprise. Demand gun Confiscation (YES, Biden said that)
And a host of other Communist leanings and agendas.

You can put lipstick on a pig and take it on a date if you like (Communism), but it's still a pig.
We aren’t even close to communism. Get a dictionary and look it up... not even close

LAST TIME.......

They are CLOSER to Communism/Authoritarianism than I (and most Americans) could ever be comfortable with.
What was that Billionaire dolts name in NY who wanted to legislate what size drink you could buy? Yeah. like that. Oh, Bloomberg

How about AOC?

I wonder if you will comprehend the difference?
Closer? So what?! You are running around yelling communism like a hyperbolic jerk off when we aren’t even in the same Ball park. Lose the hyperbole and just stick to reality. Things will work out better for you

I just realized, you have no clue what Communism is.
I know exactly what it is... and now you do Mr Lazy. You’re welcome
Definition of communism

1a: a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed
b: a theory advocating elimination of private property
a: a doctrine based on revolutionary Marxian socialismand Marxism-Leninism that was the official ideology of the U.S.S.R.
b: a totalitarian system of government in which a single authoritarian party controls state-owned means of production
c: a final stage of society in Marxist theory in which the state has withered away and economic goods are distributed equitably

Yeah, I posted that 3 posts ago...you're welcome.

Now that you know what it is.....exactly which of those are NOT Democrat goals?

You're also unaware of the United Nations Agenda21 I take it?

Need a link for that too?
Umm the core of communism to control the means and distribution of industry and eliminate private property. Spin all you want but that’s not a goal of the democrat party. You’re a loon

Yep, you folks are insane.
This is EXACTLY what the Left is doing TODAY. Shutting down business. Eliminating rights.

And he can't see it......oh this is good !

please continue........
There’s a fucking pandemic genius and we have a Republican President... who do you think you’re fooling?!

Right on cue....when you folks see you're losing an argument........the insults start flying. So predictable.

FYI, the death rate for ONLY covid19 is remarkably LOW. You've simply bought the BS line hook line and sinker.
You listen to CNN and ABC and CBS and they are Fear Mongering 24/7 and emotional minds are easily swayed.
They use the word 'Grim" as often as the conjunction "And". Pure Fear Mongering Left tactics.

This "Pandemic" in a historic scale is a total NOTHING BURGER. One day I will be able to put the proof right in front of you
in terms even you can't refute.
You also bought into the Russian Collusion hoax 100%. It would seem you would eventually learn from those mistakes.

You are free to continue to think you are right, but were you right about anything trump related yet? No. You only believe you were.
Americas Transformation will be moved to the 1 yard line, if not to a Communist Touchdown
That is such garbage. Grow up and move on from the petty fear tactics.
How does it feel to be so incompetent in the area of knowledge?
Revolutionary Communist Party USA leader endorses Biden
Revolutionary Communist Party USA leader endorses Biden, warns followers against 'protest vote'
Ask yourself, why are the Communists trying to help Trump win? They can't actually think their endorsement will help Biden. THAT would be incompetent. If you really think they want Biden, you don't understand Communist tactics. The don't want center-left leadership, they want hard rightists in office to increase friction, which Trumps adds to on a daily basis.

That may have been 50 years ago.
Today, Globalism is the passphrase, but it all eventually ends up at the same place.

All it takes is honesty to reveal that democrats today are FAR closer to Communists than not.
They prevent free speech at Universities. Strive to kill free enterprise. Demand gun Confiscation (YES, Biden said that)
And a host of other Communist leanings and agendas.

You can put lipstick on a pig and take it on a date if you like (Communism), but it's still a pig.
We aren’t even close to communism. Get a dictionary and look it up... not even close

LAST TIME.......

They are CLOSER to Communism/Authoritarianism than I (and most Americans) could ever be comfortable with.
What was that Billionaire dolts name in NY who wanted to legislate what size drink you could buy? Yeah. like that. Oh, Bloomberg

How about AOC?

I wonder if you will comprehend the difference?
Closer? So what?! You are running around yelling communism like a hyperbolic jerk off when we aren’t even in the same Ball park. Lose the hyperbole and just stick to reality. Things will work out better for you

I just realized, you have no clue what Communism is.
I know exactly what it is... and now you do Mr Lazy. You’re welcome
Definition of communism

1a: a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed
b: a theory advocating elimination of private property
a: a doctrine based on revolutionary Marxian socialismand Marxism-Leninism that was the official ideology of the U.S.S.R.
b: a totalitarian system of government in which a single authoritarian party controls state-owned means of production
c: a final stage of society in Marxist theory in which the state has withered away and economic goods are distributed equitably

Yeah, I posted that 3 posts ago...you're welcome.

Now that you know what it is.....exactly which of those are NOT Democrat goals?

You're also unaware of the United Nations Agenda21 I take it?

Need a link for that too?
Umm the core of communism to control the means and distribution of industry and eliminate private property. Spin all you want but that’s not a goal of the democrat party. You’re a loon

Yep, you folks are insane.
This is EXACTLY what the Left is doing TODAY. Shutting down business. Eliminating rights.

And he can't see it......oh this is good !

please continue........
There’s a fucking pandemic genius and we have a Republican President... who do you think you’re fooling?!

Right on cue....when you folks see you're losing an argument........the insults start flying. So predictable.

FYI, the death rate for ONLY covid19 is remarkably LOW. You've simply bought the BS line hook line and sinker.
You listen to CNN and ABC and CBS and they are Fear Mongering 24/7 and emotional minds are easily swayed.

This "Pandemic" in a historic scale is a total NOTHING BURGER. One day I will be able to put the proof right in front of you.
You also bought into the Russian Collusion hoax 100%. It would seem you would eventually learn from those mistakes.

You are free to continue to think you are right, but were you right about anything trump related yet? No. You only believe you were.
The argument ended the moment you wrote EXACTLY. At this point you’re just making delusional claims. You also ignored my point that we have a Republican President and it’s not just the Dems shutting everything down which seemed to be your only “proof” of their commie agenda.
Americas Transformation will be moved to the 1 yard line, if not to a Communist Touchdown
That is such garbage. Grow up and move on from the petty fear tactics.
How does it feel to be so incompetent in the area of knowledge?
Revolutionary Communist Party USA leader endorses Biden
Revolutionary Communist Party USA leader endorses Biden, warns followers against 'protest vote'
Ask yourself, why are the Communists trying to help Trump win? They can't actually think their endorsement will help Biden. THAT would be incompetent. If you really think they want Biden, you don't understand Communist tactics. The don't want center-left leadership, they want hard rightists in office to increase friction, which Trumps adds to on a daily basis.

That may have been 50 years ago.
Today, Globalism is the passphrase, but it all eventually ends up at the same place.

All it takes is honesty to reveal that democrats today are FAR closer to Communists than not.
They prevent free speech at Universities. Strive to kill free enterprise. Demand gun Confiscation (YES, Biden said that)
And a host of other Communist leanings and agendas.

You can put lipstick on a pig and take it on a date if you like (Communism), but it's still a pig.
We aren’t even close to communism. Get a dictionary and look it up... not even close

The Communist Party USA has endorsed Sleepy Joe for President- just like they endorsed him for VP in 08 and 12. Those are actual facts. Biden will be moving the country right there
Whither the GOP?

Who do the Never Trumper Lincoln Project support, and how do they achieve victory?

They find a real conservative to lead thier platform. Trump sure as hell aint it.. Maybe even a guy smart enough to know you dont inject yourself with cleaners. This president is an embarrassment.
Whither the GOP?

Who do the Never Trumper Lincoln Project support, and how do they achieve victory?

They find a real conservative to lead thier platform. Trump sure as hell aint it.. Maybe even a guy smart enough to know you dont inject yourself with cleaners. This president is an embarrassment.

A "real conservative" like whom? Who do you think could lead to defeating the Libs and reversing the extremism of the Obama-Biden Regime?

President Trump hasn't eliminated Gay Marriage or Abortion at least not yet. Maybe during his 2nd term he can sign an executive order to that effect.
Whither the GOP? Who do the Never Trumper Lincoln Project support, and how do they achieve victory?
They want the return of a small government party. Trump has turned the repubs socialist with all his deficits and bailouts.
So who is their candidate, and what is their plan to vanquish the Democrats?
These people aren't sociopaths like hardline Trumpistas. They aren't out to vanquish anyone. They just believe Trump is incompetent and an embarrassment to the country.

Normal People saw initially that Trump was very impropriate person to be President. they initially held fears that US would have it's institutions would be eroded and US would be unprepared to defend itself in case of attack.

Trump has spent 4 years eroding institutions especially in Justice. The GOP has been corrupted to the point you have to be Trump supporter or considered disloyal and gone... Hyper support for Trump is rewarded especially if that support ignores allegiance to US.

The US was attacked and was woefully undefended. The enemy is a virus and Trump weakened the defence to this attack, first by assigning an unqualified guy to lead(Redfield) the CDC, this led to cutting the pandemic CDC team. The CDC also messed up testing under him too... Redfield is a Trump loyalist.

Normal People now that Trump will get worse when backed into a corner. He is under serious pressure with what is going on New York investigation. Trump is going into a serious financial investigation when his Presidency comes to an end.

Let's be clear. Obama did not direct an investigation for Bush for war crimes (especially starting one), he felt this would divide the country and dominate his first term. It was a smart move. Trump is totally different, mainly it is a state leading the investigating. If a federal investigation started it would be because he didn't stop it rather than direct it.
If Trump looses in November he will be investigated and he will not enjoy the protection he had as President. No kicking a can around the courts for 3-4 years... The DA is a democrat and no amount of Trump grand standing will help him. No bitching and complaining, gag orders will issued quickly...
Americas Transformation will be moved to the 1 yard line, if not to a Communist Touchdown
That is such garbage. Grow up and move on from the petty fear tactics.
How does it feel to be so incompetent in the area of knowledge?
Revolutionary Communist Party USA leader endorses Biden
Revolutionary Communist Party USA leader endorses Biden, warns followers against 'protest vote'
Ask yourself, why are the Communists trying to help Trump win? They can't actually think their endorsement will help Biden. THAT would be incompetent. If you really think they want Biden, you don't understand Communist tactics. The don't want center-left leadership, they want hard rightists in office to increase friction, which Trumps adds to on a daily basis.

That may have been 50 years ago.
Today, Globalism is the passphrase, but it all eventually ends up at the same place.

All it takes is honesty to reveal that democrats today are FAR closer to Communists than not.
They prevent free speech at Universities. Strive to kill free enterprise. Demand gun Confiscation (YES, Biden said that)
And a host of other Communist leanings and agendas.

You can put lipstick on a pig and take it on a date if you like (Communism), but it's still a pig.
We aren’t even close to communism. Get a dictionary and look it up... not even close

The Communist Party USA has endorsed Sleepy Joe for President- just like they endorsed him for VP in 08 and 12. Those are actual facts. Biden will be moving the country right there

So what? The KKK endorsed Trump in 2016. No doubt they will endorse him again. Who cares?

If you honestly think that Biden is going to turn the country Communist in four years, you are as big of a loon as those Flat Earth idiots.
Whither the GOP? Who do the Never Trumper Lincoln Project support, and how do they achieve victory?
They want the return of a small government party. Trump has turned the repubs socialist with all his deficits and bailouts.
So who is their candidate, and what is their plan to vanquish the Democrats?
These people aren't sociopaths like hardline Trumpistas. They aren't out to vanquish anyone. They just believe Trump is incompetent and an embarrassment to the country.

Normal People saw initially that Trump was very impropriate person to be President. they initially held fears that US would have it's institutions would be eroded and US would be unprepared to defend itself in case of attack.

Trump has spent 4 years eroding institutions especially in Justice. The GOP has been corrupted to the point you have to be Trump supporter or considered disloyal and gone... Hyper support for Trump is rewarded especially if that support ignores allegiance to US.

The US was attacked and was woefully undefended. The enemy is a virus and Trump weakened the defence to this attack, first by assigning an unqualified guy to lead(Redfield) the CDC, this led to cutting the pandemic CDC team. The CDC also messed up testing under him too... Redfield is a Trump loyalist.

Normal People now that Trump will get worse when backed into a corner. He is under serious pressure with what is going on New York investigation. Trump is going into a serious financial investigation when his Presidency comes to an end.

Let's be clear. Obama did not direct an investigation for Bush for war crimes (especially starting one), he felt this would divide the country and dominate his first term. It was a smart move. Trump is totally different, mainly it is a state leading the investigating. If a federal investigation started it would be because he didn't stop it rather than direct it.
If Trump looses in November he will be investigated and he will not enjoy the protection he had as President. No kicking a can around the courts for 3-4 years... The DA is a democrat and no amount of Trump grand standing will help him. No bitching and complaining, gag orders will issued quickly...

Oh FFS. Your arguments are all CT nonsense and desire to see the enemy frog marched in handcuffs. It's idiocy. Your New York Prosecutor will spend half the annual budget trying to prosecute Trump, and still come up short. Because Trump will have a hundred high priced defense attorneys who are tearing every piece of evidence to shreds. Best case scenario for the Prosecution is hung jury in all honesty.

It is the same idiocy that the RW screams they want to see with Hillary or Obama locked up. It is the same idiocy that the LW wanted to see Cheney or Bush marched out of the White House in cuffs. It was and is nonsense.

You know, there are a lot of good an common sense reasons to oppose what Trump has done here or there. But the problem is that for you Hate Trump idiots is that you oppose everything. No matter what. For you all, if he walked into a Hospital, and healed people by placing his hands upon them, you idiots would demand he be arrested for practicing Medicine without a License.

The CDC went with a different test than Europe had. They didn't like the European one. Whatever? I bet you a dime to a dollar that they can defend that choice. They made a mistake and went with a flawed one at first. OK, mistakes happen. The trick is to admit it and move on as quickly as possible after you see the mistake.

The CDC is full of people who are doing the best job that they can, but now nobody will listen to them because they technically work for Trump. Well ignore him. Think about the positions the Left has taken since Trump has taken office. Just recently. Brady Rule Violations are so common as to be ignored by the courts. That was the position the LW took with Flynn. The desire to see him in prison is so great that you are willing to rewrite judicial procedures and rules to get him. Fuck the Constitution, and the sixty year old Brady Rule. We have to get Trump and his Allies.. So what if that means that the Prosecution is free to cheat and lie to get people convicted. It doesn't matter. The new Flynn Rule will imprison tens of thousands of wrongfully convicted, and that won't matter either. It is all about getting Trump and his allies.

Want to win in November? Here's a clue how to win an overwhelming majority. Clue? Hell it is a blueprint. Run on issues. Ignore Trump. That will drive him insane. Just run on issues. If you do that, you're going to win in November. If you don't, you make the election a coin toss. Heads he wins, tails he loses. Take your pick which of the candidates is the "he" in that sentence.

Run on the Constitution. Run on defending the Constitution. Run on defending Civil Rights, and individual liberties. Hey, try this. It worked for Obama in 2008. Run on revoking the PATRIOT ACT. That was part of the reason I voted for Obama. That and getting us out of Afghanistan. Neither of which happened by the way.

Run on the issues, and then govern the way you ran. Democrats would be unbeatable for decades if they did that just once.
Americas Transformation will be moved to the 1 yard line, if not to a Communist Touchdown
That is such garbage. Grow up and move on from the petty fear tactics.
How does it feel to be so incompetent in the area of knowledge?
Revolutionary Communist Party USA leader endorses Biden
Revolutionary Communist Party USA leader endorses Biden, warns followers against 'protest vote'
Ask yourself, why are the Communists trying to help Trump win? They can't actually think their endorsement will help Biden. THAT would be incompetent. If you really think they want Biden, you don't understand Communist tactics. The don't want center-left leadership, they want hard rightists in office to increase friction, which Trumps adds to on a daily basis.

That may have been 50 years ago.
Today, Globalism is the passphrase, but it all eventually ends up at the same place.

All it takes is honesty to reveal that democrats today are FAR closer to Communists than not.
They prevent free speech at Universities. Strive to kill free enterprise. Demand gun Confiscation (YES, Biden said that)
And a host of other Communist leanings and agendas.

You can put lipstick on a pig and take it on a date if you like (Communism), but it's still a pig.
We aren’t even close to communism. Get a dictionary and look it up... not even close

The Communist Party USA has endorsed Sleepy Joe for President- just like they endorsed him for VP in 08 and 12. Those are actual facts. Biden will be moving the country right there

So what? The KKK endorsed Trump in 2016. No doubt they will endorse him again. Who cares?

If you honestly think that Biden is going to turn the country Communist in four years, you are as big of a loon as those Flat Earth idiots.

Actually, the KKK from the biggest state in the nation endorsed Hillary Clinton in 2016. Grand Dragon Will Quigg of California enthusiastically gave his approval to the former Arkansas First Lady, and was able to deliver California and its 55 electoral votes to the D column.
Americas Transformation will be moved to the 1 yard line, if not to a Communist Touchdown
If Biden's a commie, why are all these Republicans, many who voted for Trump in 2016, going to vote for Joe this time? Listen to these people. Some are local Republican officials, others veterans disgusted with his treatment of McCain and failure to do anything about Russian bounties, Christians shocked by his lack of morals and ordinary people, many older, angered by his lack of leadership during the pandemic.

Republican Voters Against Trump

I think a LOT of what you hear is propaganda. And some of these "republicans" really are not. Look at Mitt Romney. John McCain.
I have people in my own family who think Trump is the anti-Christ. They are just off the deep end.

When I press them to have a logical reasonable discussion, they say they will, but NEVER have any facts to back up their emotions.
Then, when I present facts and they cannot dispute, they get indignant and angry. It's bizarre.
I ask "How is trump the Anti-Christ"? the response is always the same...."He just is"
but what evidence? "He just is"

I am convinced that most people who hate Trump are operating on a purely emotional foundation.

Did it ever occur to you that they DO give valid reasons but you can't hear them? You block it all off and just here white noise. To you, they don't say a thing. Sort of like when the battle cry was WALL, WALL, WALL, WALL and nothing else. You still hear WALL, WALL, WALL, WALL when the rest of are talking about boots on the ground, electronics, security methods, and more.

boots on the ground, electronics, security methods, and more WALL, WALL, WALL, WALL and Mexico is going to pay for it.

It's not them that get indignant and angry, it's you. This is just more of your.
boots on the ground, electronics, security methods, and more WALL, WALL, WALL, WALL routine.
Whither the GOP?

Who do the Never Trumper Lincoln Project support, and how do they achieve victory?

They find a real conservative to lead thier platform. Trump sure as hell aint it.. Maybe even a guy smart enough to know you dont inject yourself with cleaners. This president is an embarrassment.

A "real conservative" like whom? Who do you think could lead to defeating the Libs and reversing the extremism of the Obama-Biden Regime?

President Trump hasn't eliminated Gay Marriage or Abortion at least not yet. Maybe during his 2nd term he can sign an executive order to that effect.
Fuck if I know only the fringe has been served on both sides for a good many years. We do not know who the real moderates are, they have gotton no attention for years. I kinow realy good technocrats in both parties but good policy makers are rare right now. I no longer go to the events to meet them personally I would rather just fish or work. I did my time going to all the dinners now I am old and would rather concentrate on my own life than public service. I never trusted a one of them unless I could shake thier hand and look them in the eye. I JUST DO NOT HAVE THE FUNDS,TIME NOR CARE THAT I USED TO TO SHOW UP TO THE EVENTS. I seemed to have lost that inner voice that tells me some one is bad news also. I actually liked the guy that just got indicted in Ohio for taking the bribes. I found the water! What happens on land does not interest me like it used to. I guess I am jaded to the point of almost not caring anymore.

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