If the Muslim Brotherhood stands its ground

"Jake in your dislike of me you simply can't comprehend what you read, if you even actually read ."

Your hatred of me, Roo, is material when it blocks your creative thinking. Get over it.

So it is the Iraqis' fault that neo-conservatism invasion of their country failed.

You no longer believe constitutional republicanism by ME's is possible.

You wish to continue western colonialism then in the ME.

Thank you for being honest.

You are REALLY bad at this Jake , you really are.
"Jake in your dislike of me you simply can't comprehend what you read, if you even actually read ."

Your hatred of me, Roo, is material when it blocks your creative thinking. Get over it.

So it is the Iraqis' fault that neo-conservatism invasion of their country failed.

You no longer believe constitutional republicanism by ME's is possible.

You wish to continue western colonialism then in the ME.

Thank you for being honest.

You are REALLY bad at this Jake , you really are.

Recognizing that the Age of Colonialism requires no great skill, but suggesting that is the answer to jihadism in the 21st Century reveals a lack of reality.
"Jake in your dislike of me you simply can't comprehend what you read, if you even actually read ."

Your hatred of me, Roo, is material when it blocks your creative thing. Get over it.

So it is the Iraqis' fault that neo-conservatism invasion of their country failed.

You no longer believe constitutional republicanism by ME's is possible.

You wish to continue western colonialism then in the ME.

Thank you for being honest.

"You wish to continue western colonialism then in the ME."

If that is the only way to make the Jihadists play nice with others, I'm all for it.

We have neither the military might, the American citizens' support, or support of our allies do reinstitute colonization of the Middle East or Asia or even Central America.

You are about eighty years behind the times.

Thank you, Roo. The charges are very general. So give us specific evidence that the following is criminal and or unlawful:

1. conversion of secular schools to religious schools (our religious right in America would approve)

2. women should have the right to wear headscarves, if they wish, as they do here in the work place

3. the jailing of secular-minded people for what reasons

4. document the diplomatic shifting from Europe to the ME

No such thing as "conversion of secular schools to religious schools".

But under Erdogan's reign there were constructed more than 157.000 new schools and the education-ministry budget was raised more than 500 %.
The number of Universities also more than doubled.




Orange = Private Universities
Blue = State Universities
He's already backing the MB. Not surprising.

As much as the MB suck, we could end up getting something even worse in power.
He's already backing the MB. Not surprising.

As much as the MB suck, we could end up getting something even worse in power.

Actually no. Military reign in those regions is nothing new and it is the only one which effectively controls the violence.
And military are usually much more maneuverable - therefore traditionally the US prefers to deal with them than with a weak government which is unable to control violence.
It might not be all ideologically nice and peachy but it does make perfect sense from practical standpoint.
The previous decade with the idealistic views of W upon the possibility of democratic nation-building in Iraq and Afghanistan resulted in hate towards him from all ends of spectrum - would he govern the issue from the standpoint of strong fist - there would be much less of all that bickering all over the world.
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The problem in Egypt is mostly about food prices, it had nothing to do with REAL politics. If all the Egyptians had cheap enough food, if they all had cheap enough cable TV and iphones, this . . . this democracy thing? It would have come off as a startling success.

Prices of main food crops such as wheat and maize are now close to those that sparked riots in 25 countries in 2008. FAO figures released this week suggest that 870 million people are malnourished and the food crisis is growing in the Middle East and Africa. Wheat production this year is expected to be 5.2% below 2011, with yields of most other crops, except rice, also falling, says the UN.

The figures come as one of the world's leading environmentalists issued a warning that the global food supply system could collapse at any point, leaving hundreds of millions more people hungry, sparking widespread riots and bringing down governments. In a shocking new assessment of the prospects of meeting food needs, Lester Brown, president of the Earth policy research centre in Washington, says that the climate is no longer reliable and the demands for food are growing so fast that a breakdown is inevitable, unless urgent action is taken.

"Food shortages undermined earlier civilisations. We are on the same path. Each country is now fending for itself. The world is living one year to the next," he writes in a new book.

It's all about keeping people happy, bread and circuses. Otherwise, they'll be in the streets. When my boy was five, a box of Mac-n-Cheese was fifty cents. Now it's a buck ten. When it hits two fifty, see if there aren't riots in the inner cities of America. And it won't matter if a Democrat or a Republican is in office.

Morsi will be back in power within a month is my bet.

The MB would not have let Morsi push this to the brink if they were not prepared. This is a game of chess and the question of who comes out on top is decided by who most accurately anticipated the actions of their opponent and prepared a response.

The MB has been doing circles around the military for decades.

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