If Rubio drops after FL, will Cruz catch Trump?

I believe the odds are slightly better than 50-50 he will as most states go to a closed primary, where Democratic voters will not be able to help Mr Trump. Now of course, that is assuming that Rubio isn't propped up by the GOP attempting everything possible to get to a brokered convention as they despise Cruz as much, or more than Trump.

As of this particular time, it appears that Cruz would beat Hillary, and the same scenario goes for Cruz as for Trump; Kasich as VP takes Ohio, Cruz makes it slightly more difficult to secure Florida, although being of Cuban descent will have it's impact there for sure.

This is the only scenario that gives the GOP a non Trump nomination, that will not send Trump supporters off the deep end, unless anyone believes that Kasich or Rubio can catch him. Send this to a brokered convention and not choose Trump if he has the most delegates, and watch all hell break loose if he is not the nominee. But if he loses fair and square, tranquility may very well be restored to the GOP ranks, although the GOP establishment will surely be grinding their teeth! And yet, they really can't complain much, since their whole shtick has been to depose Trump; it is just they couldn't get "Little Marco" in that position-)

Rubio will win Florida and be right back in the thick of things. And Cruz doesn't speak espanol and that's a deal-breaker with the Miami Cubans. The only problem with the Florida outcome is that thousands of absentee voters may have voted for Trump before Marco pulled the con man's pants down in the last two debates.
Geeze dude, you are playing popular vote politics, instead of electoral politics. I am not interested in New York, nor California. Ronald Reagan could be reincarnated today and lose those big!

Trump has a path to electoral victory, even if 100% of the people in California, New York, and Massachusetts vote for Hillary. In essence, that is all that matters.

I'm not playing "popular vote politics." Ohio and FL are where the general election will be won. Trump can't win either in a general election. Both states have moderate electorates that went blue for the past two elections. They're not going to flip red for a radical like Trump.

And just in case you doubted me, (which I am sure you did)-------->

2016 Trump vs. Clinton Colorado Presidential Polls
Geeze dude, you are playing popular vote politics, instead of electoral politics. I am not interested in New York, nor California. Ronald Reagan could be reincarnated today and lose those big!

Trump has a path to electoral victory, even if 100% of the people in California, New York, and Massachusetts vote for Hillary. In essence, that is all that matters.

I'm not playing "popular vote politics." Ohio and FL are where the general election will be won. Trump can't win either in a general election. Both states have moderate electorates that went blue for the past two elections. They're not going to flip red for a radical like Trump.

And just in case you doubted me, (which I am sure you did)-------->

2016 Trump vs. Clinton Colorado Presidential Polls

Newest Data on Colorado, internals say Trump by 7. So there you have it!

I would prefer someone besides Trump, BUT.................trying to convinve everyone he has no path to 270 is just bogus, lefty, wishful, thinking!
Geeze dude, you are playing popular vote politics, instead of electoral politics. I am not interested in New York, nor California. Ronald Reagan could be reincarnated today and lose those big!

Trump has a path to electoral victory, even if 100% of the people in California, New York, and Massachusetts vote for Hillary. In essence, that is all that matters.

I'm not playing "popular vote politics." Ohio and FL are where the general election will be won. Trump can't win either in a general election. Both states have moderate electorates that went blue for the past two elections. They're not going to flip red for a radical like Trump.

OK, whatever you say, sorry for bringing it up!

2016 Trump vs. Clinton Florida Presidential Polls

2016 Trump vs. Clinton Ohio Presidential Polls

Next question?

Your links show nothing more than a statistical tie. That is not surprising, telling us nothing more than the fact that both states are swing states. We saw the same thing in 2008 and 2012. Nonetheless, they both went blue, authoritatively at that.

The only way a candidate Trump would ever win either state in a general election would be when facing an equally lunatic candidate on the Democrat side. If the Democrats were serving up Nancy Pelosi, then sure, there would be a chance for a Trump win. But they're not, and whether we like Clinton or not, we both know that she's just as much of a savvy politician to generate the same kind of get-the-vote-out campaign in those states that secured both for Obama twice. Trump can't do that. He'll threaten to sue anyone who doesn't vote for him, and all the centrists and undecideds will give them the finger.
Cruz is my number one choice to go up against Hillary.

The safer of two crazies. :lol:

What makes Cruz "Crazy"? So far all I've heard about Cruz is "he's mean, he's not liked, he's nutters" but most people don't know why. Its more of "I've heard this about him, or "everyone says it about him".

The man was elected Senator after all.

Let's take his filibuster shenanigans. It was nothing but a big loss. Cruz is too stubborn, and would rather lose for his own vanity than compromise and get things done for the good of the country.

So that one event makes him "crazy"?

I am one of those people who do see stubbornness as a bad thing. And "for the good of the country" and "compromise" has for far too often meant that progressives expect people who disagree with them to roll over and accept whatever crumbs they graciously are willing to give them.
Geeze dude, you are playing popular vote politics, instead of electoral politics. I am not interested in New York, nor California. Ronald Reagan could be reincarnated today and lose those big!

Trump has a path to electoral victory, even if 100% of the people in California, New York, and Massachusetts vote for Hillary. In essence, that is all that matters.

I'm not playing "popular vote politics." Ohio and FL are where the general election will be won. Trump can't win either in a general election. Both states have moderate electorates that went blue for the past two elections. They're not going to flip red for a radical like Trump.

And just in case you doubted me, (which I am sure you did)-------->

2016 Trump vs. Clinton Colorado Presidential Polls

Newest Data on Colorado, internals say Trump by 7. So there you have it!

I would prefer someone besides Trump, BUT.................trying to convinve everyone he has no path to 270 is just bogus, lefty, wishful, thinking!

And finally I submit this, which is just an opinion piece. The logic is sound, very sound. Neither one of us has to agree with his assumptions at all, but one thing it proves is that THERE is a path. If he wins and the GOP gets behind him, the path widens. Vice-versa, the path surely shrinks. Surmising what the GOP will do is pure speculation at this point. And so, the only thing I am suggesting is.........there is a path for ALL GOP contenders if they play their cards correctly, as there is for Mrs Clinton.

All I am rejecting is............that there is no path for anyone BUT Clinton or Bernie, and when using the electoral map, my science proves it out, as does the polls.

Get Ready to Say President Trump
Rubio will not win Florida and will have to leave the race. Kasich has a decent shot at winning Ohio. If he wins he'll stay in. But assuming Trump takes Florida and Kasich takes Ohio that 99 delegates for Trump compared to 66 for Kasich which means Cruz needs to take Illinois.
Geeze dude, you are playing popular vote politics, instead of electoral politics. I am not interested in New York, nor California. Ronald Reagan could be reincarnated today and lose those big!

Trump has a path to electoral victory, even if 100% of the people in California, New York, and Massachusetts vote for Hillary. In essence, that is all that matters.

I'm not playing "popular vote politics." Ohio and FL are where the general election will be won. Trump can't win either in a general election. Both states have moderate electorates that went blue for the past two elections. They're not going to flip red for a radical like Trump.

OK, whatever you say, sorry for bringing it up!

2016 Trump vs. Clinton Florida Presidential Polls

2016 Trump vs. Clinton Ohio Presidential Polls

Next question?

Your links show nothing more than a statistical tie. That is not surprising, telling us nothing more than the fact that both states are swing states. We saw the same thing in 2008 and 2012. Nonetheless, they both went blue, authoritatively at that.

The only way a candidate Trump would ever win either state in a general election would be when facing an equally lunatic candidate on the Democrat side. If the Democrats were serving up Nancy Pelosi, then sure, there would be a chance for a Trump win. But they're not, and whether we like Clinton or not, we both know that she's just as much of a savvy politician to generate the same kind of get-the-vote-out campaign in those states that secured both for Obama twice. Trump can't do that. He'll threaten to sue anyone who doesn't vote for him, and all the centrists and undecideds will give them the finger.

My good man, all I am responding to is to your assertion he can't win and will get hammered. My science proves that your statement; at this time anyway, is patently false. I don't claim it as a victory, I am just showing everyone that ANYONE who insists he can't win, is blowing smoke, nothing more, nothing less.
So that one event makes him "crazy"?

No, it's the other way around. Being a lunatic makes him do things like filibuster the government into a shutdown in a futile hope to repeal a law that isn't going to be repealed. It proves that Cruz has no idea how to get along with other people. It's his way, or no way.

I am one of those people who do see stubbornness as a bad thing. And "for the good of the country" and "compromise" has for far too often meant that progressives expect people who disagree with them to roll over and accept whatever crumbs they graciously are willing to give them.

Committing the same mistakes is no solution. Getting a reasonable conservative into the White House who knows how to govern and lead is the solution. Trying to force our way in with a lunatic whose adult behavior in the 21st century mirrors his take-over-the-world goals expressed as a teenager, who stands minimal chance of defeating the Democrats, is not the way to go.
Geeze dude, you are playing popular vote politics, instead of electoral politics. I am not interested in New York, nor California. Ronald Reagan could be reincarnated today and lose those big!

Trump has a path to electoral victory, even if 100% of the people in California, New York, and Massachusetts vote for Hillary. In essence, that is all that matters.

I'm not playing "popular vote politics." Ohio and FL are where the general election will be won. Trump can't win either in a general election. Both states have moderate electorates that went blue for the past two elections. They're not going to flip red for a radical like Trump.

OK, whatever you say, sorry for bringing it up!

2016 Trump vs. Clinton Florida Presidential Polls

2016 Trump vs. Clinton Ohio Presidential Polls

Next question?

Your links show nothing more than a statistical tie. That is not surprising, telling us nothing more than the fact that both states are swing states. We saw the same thing in 2008 and 2012. Nonetheless, they both went blue, authoritatively at that.

The only way a candidate Trump would ever win either state in a general election would be when facing an equally lunatic candidate on the Democrat side. If the Democrats were serving up Nancy Pelosi, then sure, there would be a chance for a Trump win. But they're not, and whether we like Clinton or not, we both know that she's just as much of a savvy politician to generate the same kind of get-the-vote-out campaign in those states that secured both for Obama twice. Trump can't do that. He'll threaten to sue anyone who doesn't vote for him, and all the centrists and undecideds will give them the finger.

My good man, all I am responding to is to your assertion he can't win and will get hammered. My science proves that your statement; at this time anyway, is patently false. I don't claim it as a victory, I am just showing everyone that ANYONE who insists he can't win, is blowing smoke, nothing more, nothing less.


There is no "science" to what you are saying. Don't get me wrong, I understand your point. But it's based on a limited analysis. You are being hopeful, at best.
Geeze dude, you are playing popular vote politics, instead of electoral politics. I am not interested in New York, nor California. Ronald Reagan could be reincarnated today and lose those big!

Trump has a path to electoral victory, even if 100% of the people in California, New York, and Massachusetts vote for Hillary. In essence, that is all that matters.

I'm not playing "popular vote politics." Ohio and FL are where the general election will be won. Trump can't win either in a general election. Both states have moderate electorates that went blue for the past two elections. They're not going to flip red for a radical like Trump.

OK, whatever you say, sorry for bringing it up!

2016 Trump vs. Clinton Florida Presidential Polls

2016 Trump vs. Clinton Ohio Presidential Polls

Next question?

Your links show nothing more than a statistical tie. That is not surprising, telling us nothing more than the fact that both states are swing states. We saw the same thing in 2008 and 2012. Nonetheless, they both went blue, authoritatively at that.

The only way a candidate Trump would ever win either state in a general election would be when facing an equally lunatic candidate on the Democrat side. If the Democrats were serving up Nancy Pelosi, then sure, there would be a chance for a Trump win. But they're not, and whether we like Clinton or not, we both know that she's just as much of a savvy politician to generate the same kind of get-the-vote-out campaign in those states that secured both for Obama twice. Trump can't do that. He'll threaten to sue anyone who doesn't vote for him, and all the centrists and undecideds will give them the finger.

My good man, all I am responding to is to your assertion he can't win and will get hammered. My science proves that your statement; at this time anyway, is patently false. I don't claim it as a victory, I am just showing everyone that ANYONE who insists he can't win, is blowing smoke, nothing more, nothing less.


There is no "science" to what you are saying. Don't get me wrong, I understand your point. But it's based on a limited analysis. You are being hopeful, at best.

That is like me saying you are looking at everything positive, then using it to create a negative, lol. But we can agree to disagree at this time, no harm, no foul. Political discourse is supposed to be fun, and I do respect your opinion. Thnx for being civil!
Trump will get the nomination but can't win a general election without the minority vote, which he doesn't have, and never will.

repeat this ..

Yes Madam President.
So that one event makes him "crazy"?

No, it's the other way around. Being a lunatic makes him do things like filibuster the government into a shutdown in a futile hope to repeal a law that isn't going to be repealed. It proves that Cruz has no idea how to get along with other people. It's his way, or no way.

I am one of those people who do see stubbornness as a bad thing. And "for the good of the country" and "compromise" has for far too often meant that progressives expect people who disagree with them to roll over and accept whatever crumbs they graciously are willing to give them.

Committing the same mistakes is no solution. Getting a reasonable conservative into the White House who knows how to govern and lead is the solution. Trying to force our way in with a lunatic whose adult behavior in the 21st century mirrors his take-over-the-world goals expressed as a teenager, who stands minimal chance of defeating the Democrats, is not the way to go.

Obama is the same freaking way Again progressive see compromise as "getting what I want, and you can save face some how".

I still don't see how Cruz can be labelled a "lunatic" without realizing that the label is nothing but a progressive construct, which is aided by more establishment republicans.
So that one event makes him "crazy"?

No, it's the other way around. Being a lunatic makes him do things like filibuster the government into a shutdown in a futile hope to repeal a law that isn't going to be repealed. It proves that Cruz has no idea how to get along with other people. It's his way, or no way.

I am one of those people who do see stubbornness as a bad thing. And "for the good of the country" and "compromise" has for far too often meant that progressives expect people who disagree with them to roll over and accept whatever crumbs they graciously are willing to give them.

Committing the same mistakes is no solution. Getting a reasonable conservative into the White House who knows how to govern and lead is the solution. Trying to force our way in with a lunatic whose adult behavior in the 21st century mirrors his take-over-the-world goals expressed as a teenager, who stands minimal chance of defeating the Democrats, is not the way to go.

Obama is the same freaking way Again progressive see compromise as "getting what I want, and you can save face some how".

I still don't see how Cruz can be labelled a "lunatic" without realizing that the label is nothing but a progressive construct, which is aided by more establishment republicans.

anyone that stands up and PRETENDS to be conducting a filibuster, and talks about his poor daddy, is indeed a lunatic.
So that one event makes him "crazy"?

No, it's the other way around. Being a lunatic makes him do things like filibuster the government into a shutdown in a futile hope to repeal a law that isn't going to be repealed. It proves that Cruz has no idea how to get along with other people. It's his way, or no way.

I am one of those people who do see stubbornness as a bad thing. And "for the good of the country" and "compromise" has for far too often meant that progressives expect people who disagree with them to roll over and accept whatever crumbs they graciously are willing to give them.

Committing the same mistakes is no solution. Getting a reasonable conservative into the White House who knows how to govern and lead is the solution. Trying to force our way in with a lunatic whose adult behavior in the 21st century mirrors his take-over-the-world goals expressed as a teenager, who stands minimal chance of defeating the Democrats, is not the way to go.

Obama is the same freaking way Again progressive see compromise as "getting what I want, and you can save face some how".

I still don't see how Cruz can be labelled a "lunatic" without realizing that the label is nothing but a progressive construct, which is aided by more establishment republicans.

anyone that stands up and PRETENDS to be conducting a filibuster, and talks about his poor daddy, is indeed a lunatic.

I rest my case. All you guys have is a bunch of presumptions that fits a narrative, i.e. "cruz is a stinky doody head".

And then you run with it.
So that one event makes him "crazy"?

No, it's the other way around. Being a lunatic makes him do things like filibuster the government into a shutdown in a futile hope to repeal a law that isn't going to be repealed. It proves that Cruz has no idea how to get along with other people. It's his way, or no way.

I am one of those people who do see stubbornness as a bad thing. And "for the good of the country" and "compromise" has for far too often meant that progressives expect people who disagree with them to roll over and accept whatever crumbs they graciously are willing to give them.

Committing the same mistakes is no solution. Getting a reasonable conservative into the White House who knows how to govern and lead is the solution. Trying to force our way in with a lunatic whose adult behavior in the 21st century mirrors his take-over-the-world goals expressed as a teenager, who stands minimal chance of defeating the Democrats, is not the way to go.

Obama is the same freaking way Again progressive see compromise as "getting what I want, and you can save face some how".

I still don't see how Cruz can be labelled a "lunatic" without realizing that the label is nothing but a progressive construct, which is aided by more establishment republicans.

anyone that stands up and PRETENDS to be conducting a filibuster, and talks about his poor daddy, is indeed a lunatic.

I rest my case. All you guys have is a bunch of presumptions that fits a narrative, i.e. "cruz is a stinky doody head".

And then you run with it.

Marty, they have to keep shoveling poop as fast as they can on GOP candidates, because Hillary has so much of the stinky stuff on her, if they don't it will be akin to the GOP being the modern toilet, and Clinton being the Arkansas outhouse-) And standing right next to her? Why the Arkansas cathouse, but since it is not yet the general, we will keep our powder dry for when we need a good salvo-)
If Rubio drops after FL, will Cruz catch Trump?

I think if Rubio would not have been in the race, or if he had dropped out 'long ago', I think Cruz would have caught Trump. I've read quite a bit of Cruz followers claiming they will go Cruz.

The Washington establishment hates Cruz and Trump, though, which is why they want Rubio to stay in, ensuring a brokered Convention.
If Rubio drops after FL, will Cruz catch Trump?

I think if Rubio would not have been in the race, or if he had dropped out 'long ago', I think Cruz would have caught Trump. I've read quite a bit of Cruz followers claiming they will go Cruz.

The Washington establishment hates Cruz and Trump, though, which is why they want Rubio to stay in, ensuring a brokered Convention.

You know what Easy, after thinking about it, I do not think the GOP wants to try and force a brokered convention, unless Trump loses both Florida and Ohio. If Trump loses only 1, they have to take Cruz instantly, or it will be Trump 100%, for sure; and even then, the odds aren't great they can stop him.

I am so looking forward to March 15th, 16th, and 17th, as we will all be able to read the tea leaves by what transpires, and how the GOP and the candidates respond on that day, and the couple following.

When you think about it clearly, it almost doesn't seem fair------------>again, just as in the general election, Florida and Ohio are going to choose, what we are going to have to deal with in the months leading up to November. Oh well, at least I am making money, lol.

By the way.............my counterpart in Ohio tells me that Trump/Kasich is a statistical tie. In Florida, Trump's lead is fading, and Thursday nights debate is going to have a big impact on who wins Florida. I am projecting at this time, a 7 point spread, and that can close, or open, depending upon the debate. REMEMBER.......taking from Trump does not means it goes to Rubio, and vice-versa since it is not 1 v 1. Cruz could steal from Trump, Rubio could steal from Cruz, and Kasich could steal from them all.

Watch the debate Thursday night, because this could be for the whole enchilada depending upon who falters, and who does not!