If only we had a Media this engaged during Benghazi.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
We would actually know where the hell our Commander In Chief was while Americans were dying. That's right, the Democrats and their media have managed to suppress that critical information for 5 YEARS. I have read he was cowering in another wing of the White House getting text updates. And if I'm wrong then by all means post a link with this information. And send it to Trey Gowdy also.
You brainwashed simpleton, they had EIGHT investigations and turned up …..squadoosh. Nada. Nothing.

Yet you sat and drooled over countless hours of "investigation" on FAUX News and cannot comprehend that there was no there there.
You brainwashed simpleton, they had EIGHT investigations and turned up …..squadoosh. Nada. Nothing.

Yet you sat and drooled over countless hours of "investigation" on FAUX News and cannot comprehend that there was no there there.
Then perhaps you can answer the question. WHERE WAS OBAMA? Of course you can't. You can have 8 thousand investigations and if there is no will from the media to pressure the Democrats they will stonewall.
You brainwashed simpleton, they had EIGHT investigations and turned up …..squadoosh. Nada. Nothing.

Yet you sat and drooled over countless hours of "investigation" on FAUX News and cannot comprehend that there was no there there.
Here are the two leading 'Where was Barry?' theories:

1) He was hiding out in another room in the White House not willing to enter the situation room because the optics would make him look bad.
2) He was getting high with the good Reverend Al Sharpton and was in no condition to fulfill his Commander In Chief duties.
The media has been yelling at democrats all morning because they say they are not at impeachment yet. The media especially over at CNN and MSNBC are pissed. I don't get it, impeachment for what? What am I missing here? Have they all gone crazy?

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