If Obama was president when this torture took place, Fox and repubs would be singing a diff tune


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Fox News and the rightwing are such douche bags. Because Bush was president during this time, they are shamelessly defending it because they suck the republican dick. It's so pathetic. Why do they have to make this so partisan?

The UN is outraged by this report for a reason.
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Well you might need to buy a new crystal ball

what makes me sick, Is you Obama/Democrat supporters who has no problems when he KILLS terrorist now don't give a shit if this report ends up doing US HARM
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Fox News and the rightwing are so transparent. Because Bush was president during this time, they are shamelessly defending it because they suck the republican dick. It's so pathetic. Why do they have to make this so partisan?

The UN is outraged by this report for a reason.

LOL. The UN being "outraged" is hilarious. The report is a dangerous, reckless political stunt by the outgoing Democrat majority--reminding us why they are being kicked to the curb. You liberals are outraged enough to produce a self-damaging and meaningless report ( no one is being charged with any crimes as none were committed).

Where is you moral cowards' shame? Since when and under what moral code, are non lethal, interrogation techniques-- dished out to our own special forces agents and soldiers in training--more morally unacceptable than the innocent victims ( " collateral damage") KILLED by drone strikes? A figure said to include HUNDREDS of children.

Do you all have 9/11 amnesia? We were mean to scum who had intell to be gleaned re the murderers who attacked us on 9/11 And you wonder why the dems were kicked to the curb?
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Fox News and the rightwing are so transparent. Because Bush was president during this time, they are shamelessly defending it because they suck the republican dick. It's so pathetic. Why do they have to make this so partisan?

The UN is outraged by this report for a reason.

The only time Democrats are transparent is when they disclose something that happened on Bush's watch. Is the UN outraged about the drone program that was put on steroids in Jan, 2009 and is killing hundreds of innocent people? Where are you bedwetters saying every drone strike creates more terrorists? Do you really think the jihadists really give a ratsass about 3 prisoners that were waterboarded 10 or 11 years ago?

The only thing partisan about this report is it was a product of the Democrats and not a single person that was involved was interviewed, including several CIA Directors. It reminds me of the recent article about the phony gang rape at UVA where no one was interviewed but the accuser.
Fox News and the rightwing are so transparent. Because Bush was president during this time, they are shamelessly defending it because they suck the republican dick. It's so pathetic. Why do they have to make this so partisan?

The UN is outraged by this report for a reason.

LOL. The UN being "outraged" is hilarious. The report is a dangerous, reckless political stunt by the outgoing Democrat majority--reminding us why they are being kicked to the curb. You liberals are outraged enough to produce a self-damaging and meaningless report ( no one is being charged with any crimes as none were committed).

Where is you moral cowards' shame? Since when and under what moral code, are non lethal, interrogation techniques-- dished out to our own special forces agents and soldiers in training--more morally unacceptable than the innocent victims ( " collateral damage") KILLED by drone strikes? A figure said to include HUNDREDS of children.

Do you all have 9/11 amnesia? We were mean to scum who had intell to be gleaned re the murderers who attacked us on 9/11 And you wonder why the dems were kicked to the curb?
Sure the dems probably made the report for political reasons, but that doesn't change what's in the report now is it? Do you notice how not even Bush is disputing the facts themselves? He just says it "doesn't matter"
Obama's drone program has killed hundreds of innocents, including children. But thats just fine with you libtards. But squirting water up the nose of a known murdering terrorist, well, that just terrible.

you libs are such butt sucking hypocrites.
And you would be wrong, as usual.

How do you support drones strikes that kill innocents but cry at sleep deprivation for suspected terrorists? Oh, you're an idiot. Nevermind.
Too bad the UN isn't outraged by the daily kidnapping, torture, and killing done by ISIS. Where is their outrage about the killings in South Africa? They have been slow to express outrage about the downing of the commercial plane in Ukraine. UN outrage is and has always been highly selective.
Fox News and the rightwing are such douche bags. Because Bush was president during this time, they are shamelessly defending it because they suck the republican dick. It's so pathetic. Why do they have to make this so partisan?

The UN is outraged by this report for a reason.
Whats sad about posts like this,they think its not happening now.
Fox News and the rightwing are such douche bags. Because Bush was president during this time, they are shamelessly defending it because they suck the republican dick. It's so pathetic. Why do they have to make this so partisan?

The UN is outraged by this report for a reason.
Yeah...Fox News righties, evangelicals, and Tea Partiers all say they hate Obama. When asked why...they'll say they just do.
And you would be wrong, as usual.

How do you support drones strikes that kill innocents but cry at sleep deprivation for suspected terrorists? Oh, you're an idiot. Nevermind.
You people are so feeble minded. Why do you assume I defend everything Obama has done? Yeah Obama's drone program killed civilians. It's bad. It shoudnt have happened.

It doesn't cancel this out huh?
Obama's drone program has killed hundreds of innocents, including children. But thats just fine with you libtards. But squirting water up the nose of a known murdering terrorist, well, that just terrible.

you libs are such butt sucking hypocrites.

Since I don't consider it torture I wouldn't say anything.

GOP narrative, and the parrotting thereof aside.....

We don't need an out of control CIA, but then again, in WWII, they used battery cables, and torches...but civilians never heard about it.

I can't understand why the CIA can't keep this secret if they're doing it. Is the concept of a secret agent lost on them?

The Bush admin had all this backfire on them. They let it out thinking it would make them look big and tough.

I blame the CIA for having a leaky ship full of loose lips.
The torture report 8217 s one glaring weakness - The Washington Post

Top Democrat lawmakers were well informed of the programs. They are pinning the blame elsewhere because, well, that's what they do. The fact that we think it would be different the other way around is just political football. Both sides of the aisle need to be held accountable for this.
Feinstein was on the select committee for intelligence. Of course the report said the CIA lied to cover her ass.
And you would be wrong, as usual.

How do you support drones strikes that kill innocents but cry at sleep deprivation for suspected terrorists? Oh, you're an idiot. Nevermind.

He's a tool for the Democrat party, that's how
It's stunning that you left wing whack jobs are freaking out over water boarding and other interrogation techniques while not having a lick of worry or consternation over the Assassinator in Chief's drone murder program that takes out men, women and children because there "might be" a potential terrorist among them.

Appalling program to say the very least. Fretting about water boarding versus the murder of innocents is so hypocritical.

But that is the liberal of today.
Fox News and the rightwing are such douche bags. Because Bush was president during this time, they are shamelessly defending it because they suck the republican dick. It's so pathetic. Why do they have to make this so partisan?

The UN is outraged by this report for a reason.
Yeah...Fox News righties, evangelicals, and Tea Partiers all say they hate Obama. When asked why...they'll say they just do.

Bullshit simpleton.


On the conservative side of the aisle when asked why we don't support Obama or his policies we can list all our reasons for our disdain and disapproval of the President and his actions.
Obama's drone program has killed hundreds of innocents, including children. But thats just fine with you libtards. But squirting water up the nose of a known murdering terrorist, well, that just terrible.

you libs are such butt sucking hypocrites.
Republicans are way ahead. Over 3,000 Americans dead from Iraq, over 40,000 maimed for life. There is no terrorists group in the world that has done more to harm America than Republicans.

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