If MILK were alive today the rightwingers would call his a race hustler


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
Hey Ravioli! Long time, no smell. MLK WAS a demagogue. He did have big balls. I mean, not that he was a philandering narcissist or anything. I can’t post about how bad Illegal aliens are without being crucified by somebody, if I had a death wish, I would have been shot TOO, years ago. I Do have bullets in mi casa…So, IF I die before I wake…But HIS brand of philosophical self promotion? He wasn’t nor ever WAS a saint. Blacks hate on ME because I am NOT black…Poor poor ME. It is and always has been JUST fucking human nature, sweet pea. Please don’t build me a shrine, I ain’t dead YET. I am neither a philandering prick or a self aggrandizing suicidal jerk with dark skin, either.
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Any fool can ring down accolades, and smother with praise, too. So? MLK hasn’t saved ME from black racism. Don't let that disturb YOU and your little white gated mindset or nothing’. Go on, tell me how good ALL dem Nigras ARE. And you think YOU know this? Did you marry one? Live in a black ghetto? What? I have, it wasn’t pretty. It isn’t black any more, it’s MEXICAN and hate is a constant. Everybody does it. Get a life.
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Hey Ravioli! Long time, no smell. MLK WAS a demagogue. He did have big balls. I mean, not that he was a philandering narcissist or anything. I can’t post about how bad Illegal aliens are without being crucified by somebody, if I had a death wish, I would have been shot TOO, years ago. I Do have bullets in mi casa…So, IF I die before I wake…But HIS brand of philosophical self promotion? He wasn’t nor ever WAS a saint. Blacks hate on ME because I am NOT black…Poor poor ME. It is and always has been JUST fucking human nature, sweet pea. Please don’t build me a shrine, I ain’t dead YET. I am neither a philandering prick or a self aggrandizing suicidal jerk with dark skin, either.
Swishy! I see the Mexicans haven't killed you yet!

Dunno what the rest of your rant was about.
Hey, Ravi. Doing well? It's been a while. I am still alive, despite my wonderful neighbors, still HERE. Don't let my death stop you, please. We are on the same page here, accept, you strike me more as an unconscious enabler than some one with the chutzpa to stop mean hateful people of ANY race/creed/culture/inclination jazminztsrrt. Sorry, made that last one up. My spelling has never been good, as you know. Fare well, kiddo.

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