If Giuliani’s Obama Smear Wasn’t Racist, What Was It?

He would say the same of Bill Ayres, Bernadine Dorhn, and many others. Just ask him.

How CAN poor Shitting Bull now claim that Rudy would have to be "racist" to contend that Ayers and Dorhn were also not fond of America?

It llooks like depotoo has concisely exposed the imbecility of Shitting Bull.
to liberals, the truth is always racist. Its all they have, folks. they are pathetic little creatures. pity them--------------------------------then crush them
What was it? Honest and 100% accurate.

Barack Obama hates America and has made that abundantly clear on numerous occassions. First of all, he is on record stating that he wants to "fundamentally change America". Well, you don't "fundamentally change" something you love. You want to perfectly preserve something you love. If you love your wife or husband, you don't go home and tell them that you want them to "fundamentally change". You only do that if you hate them or hate something they are doing (like drinking too much, cheating, etc.).

Second, his autobiogrpahy was written (unfortunately for him) before he realized he would be running for president. As such, it's filled with embarassing things that he tries to lie about now. One of those things is harping on the fact that daddy taught him that the U.S. was the "great imperialist".
While the rest of us are tired of hidden bigoted remarks about this president.
So, back at you and your racist ideology

I've had about enough of you people and your damn racism bullshit being spewed on every damn subject.

Fuck you and the racism horse your stupid ass rode in here.
If Giuliani’s Obama Smear Wasn’t Racist, What Was It?


The truth? Based on what credible evidence?
Fakhota has never read obamas books, his hate for america is in them

Please cite some excerpts from his books that show his "hate for America" - oh, and don't leave out the CONTEXT.
Dreams From My Father pages 99- 101 (paperback)
That was the problem with people like Joyce. They talked about the richness of their multicultural heritage and it sounded real good, until you noticed that they avoided black people. ... To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets.

... But this strategy alone couldn't provide the distance I wanted, from Joyce or my past. After all, there were thousands of so-called campus radicals, most of them white and tenured and happily tolerated. No, it remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names.
Pages 101- 102
Tim was not a conscious brother. Tim wore argyle sweaters and pressed jeans and talked like Beaver Cleaver. He planned to major in business. His white girlfriend was probably waiting for him up in his room, listening to country music.
From page 2 of his wife's senior Thesis:

Earlier in my college career, there was no doubt in my mind that as a member of the Black community I was somehow obligated to this community and would use all of my present and future resources to benefit this community first and foremost. My experiences at Princeton have made me more aware of my "Blackness" than ever before.

Back to Dreams From My Father:
I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites.'
Typical leftist bilge.
The left wants anyone who isn't white treated differently, which makes them the actual racists.

My grin get's wider by the day as we see Obama's reign slowly but surely coming to an end.
It will be a great day when whoever is in the White House can be criticized like any other president in the past without the race card thrown down.
Until then, I am so looking forward to not having a black man in the White House, so I can criticize them freely and openly if they have horrible ideas and policies like this dickwad who is there now.

Now I know the left as we speak is polishing up the sexist card, getting ready to wave it around the first time Hillary is criticized for her policies. However, I would rather play that game when it's dealt, instead of the race card.
That's quite a stretch there, chief. America's Mayor is confuzzled and disgusted with Obama's wimpy attitude towards terrorism...it's like he just stepped out of an episode of Barney and is humming the theme song as he walks the halls of the White House.:lol:
Lakhota likes to wax eloquent on how no one provides examples of Obama unamericanism. Many posters already commented on his wife's comments, his fundamental comment, and his association with anti American terrorists, but there is a cumulative litany of other unamerican actions. Remember, Obama is a product of an extreme liberal college education, a youth way out of the mainstream, and an ideology of globalism vs nationalism.

Cling to their guns and religion. Obama is not a supporter of the second amendment and short of putting on a facade of going to church before 2008 can anyone produce the number of times Obama has gone to church since he was elected? Lots of people don't go to church, and it sure doesn't make you a patriot, but it is something that was intricately woven into the founding of our country and which is not recognized in that sense by Obama.

Benghazi is one of the most significant unamerican moment for Obama in my opinion. One of the credos of the military is to leave no man behind. Apparently Obama never got the memo. It isn't that we could have saved these men, it's the fact that he didn't even try, and off to another fundraiser the next morning after a supposedly good nights sleep.

Obama felt the fort hood murders were workplace violence. This is not the conclusion of a patriot.

An American is beheaded and Obama is off playing golf in twenty minutes. So what was more important, his kinship with another American or his golf game? He made the choice, I didn't. It is what you call showing his true colors.

He does not believe America is exceptional. Reagan thought America could be that shining city on the hill, Obama thinks it is a capitalist ghetto.

Lakhota not everyone here lets their partisanship make judgements for them. I am not of the camp that we cant assess the character of other people. We have had to live with Obama for six years and the idea that we cannot make objective judgements on this president is ludicrous. You may see the same set of facts differently, that's America, but impugning the motives of those that don't agree with you does not invalidate their opinions. Rudy spoke honestly and forthrightly. There is plenty of evidence for his position.
Lakhota likes to wax eloquent on how no one provides examples of Obama unamericanism. Many posters already commented on his wife's comments, his fundamental comment, and his association with anti American terrorists, but there is a cumulative litany of other unamerican actions. Remember, Obama is a product of an extreme liberal college education, a youth way out of the mainstream, and an ideology of globalism vs nationalism.

Cling to their guns and religion. Obama is not a supporter of the second amendment and short of putting on a facade of going to church before 2008 can anyone produce the number of times Obama has gone to church since he was elected? Lots of people don't go to church, and it sure doesn't make you a patriot, but it is something that was intricately woven into the founding of our country and which is not recognized in that sense by Obama.

Benghazi is one of the most significant unamerican moment for Obama in my opinion. One of the credos of the military is to leave no man behind. Apparently Obama never got the memo. It isn't that we could have saved these men, it's the fact that he didn't even try, and off to another fundraiser the next morning after a supposedly good nights sleep.

Obama felt the fort hood murders were workplace violence. This is not the conclusion of a patriot.

An American is beheaded and Obama is off playing golf in twenty minutes. So what was more important, his kinship with another American or his golf game? He made the choice, I didn't. It is what you call showing his true colors.

He does not believe America is exceptional. Reagan thought America could be that shining city on the hill, Obama thinks it is a capitalist ghetto.

Lakhota not everyone here lets their partisanship make judgements for them. I am not of the camp that we cant assess the character of other people. We have had to live with Obama for six years and the idea that we cannot make objective judgements on this president is ludicrous. You may see the same set of facts differently, that's America, but impugning the motives of those that don't agree with you does not invalidate their opinions. Rudy spoke honestly and forthrightly. There is plenty of evidence for his position.

Damn, you're pretty fucked up.

'The original basis for Giuliani’s comments was Obama’s allegedly unusual upbringing. “He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up, through love of this country,” alleged the former mayor.'

Giuliani, the perfect idiot.
The Squaw, and the other RACE HUSTLERS of the CommiecRAT party in here can't get the nuance that the TRUTH isn't racist, it's simply THE TRUTH.... He LOVES everyone BUT Americans...He loves Islam, He Loves invaders from Central and South America, but MOST OF ALL, he LOVES to be able to BUY VOTES to keep his party in power, as the longer they are in power, the more MONEY can be funneled to friends, and other CORRUPT entities that will enhance that power!
The Squaw, and the other RACE HUSTLERS of the CommiecRAT party in here can't get the nuance that the TRUTH isn't racist, it's simply THE TRUTH.... He LOVES everyone BUT Americans...He loves Islam, He Loves invaders from Central and South America, but MOST OF ALL, he LOVES to be able to BUY VOTES to keep his party in power, as the longer they are in power, the more MONEY can be funneled to friends, and other CORRUPT entities that will enhance that power!

Obama is just honest about America - which is a combination of good and shitty. He just doesn't polish the turds like NaziCons do - and I respect him for that. America is just a piece of the planet - not all of it.

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