"If Christian, Bad. If Muslim, No Comment"

You and your entire Shtick of being anti-liberal.
Seriously, you project as a huge CUUUNtt.
Which I suspect you are.

You pretend to be a music teacher.
You could be.
Are YOU?

It is Nearing Dec 25th, Do you teach your students ALL the Religious Songs?

Go to bed. You're drunk again.
Mid-life insomnia, thanks for asking.

Why are you drunk again and calling me vile names?
Im unsure of the constant "drunk again" posts by you.
You understand that your claims are false.
What does this have to do with the thread at all?
It has to do with your OP and what is taught in schools...where Christianity is "bad", muslim "good" and a multitude of other connections that go with the thread. Don't like it? Tough shit.
Mid-life insomnia, thanks for asking.

Why are you drunk again and calling me vile names?
You didn't ask me, but I will answer. Why are you name calling yourself, and why are you accusing of a dissenting view as someone being drunk? Self projection perhaps? STFU and deal with the topic going along with the thread in general or YOU stumble off to your bed with your own bottle.

See how that goes, SourSue?
Simply typing it does not make it true. The "will be opposed" part. Because you all adore you some Muslims. Again, I think the brown skin and "exotic" clothing mesmerizes you. You're that superficial, sadly.

ETA: Come to think of it this probably explains the liberal love for the Amish, even though they're lily white. They're "green" and they wear hats and stuff. Mostly liberals love societies where people wear "exotic" hats. Nevermind that the Amish shun their own children if they so much as have zippers on their clothes
Bigot much?
You didn't ask me, but I will answer. Why are you name calling yourself, and why are you accusing of a dissenting view as someone being drunk? Self projection perhaps? STFU and deal with the topic going along with the thread in general or YOU stumble off to your bed with your own bottle.

See how that goes, SourSue?

It's not the "dissenting view" it's the incoherence and the outsized anger.
You didn't ask me, but I will answer. Why are you name calling yourself, and why are you accusing of a dissenting view as someone being drunk? Self projection perhaps? STFU and deal with the topic going along with the thread in general or YOU stumble off to your bed with your own bottle.

See how that goes, SourSue?

Leftists have employed this double standard for decades now, but never more apparent then in their demonization of parents at board meetings--but only CHRISTIAN parents. Nevermind the hubbub going on in Dearborn, Michigan, where Muslim parents are voicing concern with indoctrination re: gender and sexuality in schools.

Leftists are hypocrites like they breathe, of course.

If Christian, Then …

The first hypothetical proposition says that if the traditional moral beliefs are coming from Christians (or Jews for that matter), they are dangerously bad. It is urgent that we repress such violent speech at once. We’re talking, of course, about the kind of beliefs that have been until recently almost universal across time and culture. Consider the simple proposition that male and female are distinct genders, that their differences are objective in nature rather than social constructions, and that the two constitute the entire category called “gender.”

This would have been taken as obvious by nearly all of the thousands of distinct ethnic peoples across the globe throughout the centuries. Today’s progressives won’t say aloud that they think all of those people across all of those cultures were and are vile bigots. They will say it about Christians, though. The logic is clear: If Christian (or Jewish), then evil.....

If Muslim, Then …

The second hypothetical proposition goes like this: If it’s Muslims speaking traditional views of gender or sexuality, then … (clears throat softly, looks around nervously, checks watch, smiles awkwardly, whistles a tune, hears crickets).

Maybe you were under the impression that the only parents who have protested pedophilic indoctrination in their schools are reprehensible evangelical types who need to be investigated as terrorists by the FBI. In fact there were plenty of angry parents in the majority-Muslim city of Dearborn, Michigan, who came out in force to against pornographic material in their kids’ schools.

I doubt you heard as much about that one. I doubt the FBI went after any of them. I’m sure you didn’t read about Muslims’ “bigoted, retrograde views about sexuality” and the grave threat that poses. No talk of Muslims threatening democracy, nothing about their wanting to force their views on us in a repressive “Handmaid’s Tale” theocracy.

Don't worry, all Abrahamic religions are bigoted and oppressive.
Truthfully? Islamic Fundamentalists and the Marxist atheist left have so much in common, they're two sides of the same coin, and neither has anything in common with Christianity. That's why Russia and China are allies with Iran.
Your ignorance is not fact.
Which religion belongs so-called 'lefts' to?
Just think about
Their religion will never stop bullying until the last Christian dies

Let's get real. Christians are 80% of the population, and protections against religious crazy protect you as much as it protects those of us who reject your Bronze Age superstitions.

Left to your own devices, you "Christians" would slaughter each other over whether or not the Eucharist really turns into Jesus or not. Which is something that has actually happened.

Not even by a longshot. Keep calling me names referring to what's in my pants? Guaranteed
Um, yeah, let me know when you can actually refute a point I made, M'kay.

If it were Christian it would absolutely be "official scripture" according to you.

Well, no, because I clearly stated that Christians in North Africa (mostly the Coptics) practice female circumcision's, and I know that it isn't endorsed. It's a regional practice, not a religious one. I'm the first one to take a religion to task for it's stupidity... but this simply wasn't the case.

I'm sorry the nuns hurt you so badly. Back to ignore you go.
Yes, more truth than you can handle, Islamophobic Twat.

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