If Biden doesn't run in 2024

Auld Phart

Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 3, 2013
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His replacement will likely be female.

Bernie will likely run again, but is still unlikely to grab the brass ring.

The rest?

not much hope, considering Kamala is the best hope.
On the other hand, if Biden does run in 2024, not even cheating will save his ass this time.
All I know is if they try the same crap again, the blowback needs to be INSTANTANEOUS! Telling observers to go home, they've had to stop counting, kick the damned doors down. They want to cover windows so they can count without observers BREAK the damned windows... whatever it takes, NEVER AGAIN!
All I know is if they try the same crap again, the blowback needs to be INSTANTANEOUS! Telling observers to go home, they've had to stop counting, kick the damned doors down. They want to cover windows so they can count without observers BREAK the damned windows... whatever it takes, NEVER AGAIN!

Yet there are people who still believe it was a legit election. An elementary schooler would know better.
We were told not to leave till the venue was locked down by local LE and to remain outside the venue least the dems try to return and pull a Georgia.....Relief was to be provided till the venue reopened.

Fool us once and all that.
His replacement will likely be female.
We are already being run by a female. Probably Susan Rice. And when you really think of it, most all democrats now in the fed are predominantly female, every if they have a dingy. Democrats are taking on more and more feminine qualities by the day, physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Hillary will probably run again, she can't help herself.

No, neither Joe nor Hillary will be president in '24. Joe is slipping fast and his decline is likely to begin accelerating, forgetting his disastrous record now, Kammy couldn't get support even in the '19 primaries, and Hillary will never get the nomination now, no one wanted her in 2020.

All that leaves is other ranking dem females and the more rank they are, the kookier they are.
The dems have no Plan B if Tater does not run. Their bullpen is empty.

They think Newson is their bitch, but Californians themselves just nearly ousted him from their state! And outside that state, he is even less supportable or defendable. He literally has nothing to run on looking at how Ca is falling apart in every way! The last thing people will want after four years of Joe is an even bigger leftwing crackpot. I've become convinced that the only reason democrats ever win any election is due to either GOP incompetence or GOP RINOS working assiduously FOR the DNC.

In Mitch's case, he's got BOTH bases covered.
His replacement will likely be female.

Bernie will likely run again, but is still unlikely to grab the brass ring.

The rest?

not much hope, considering Kamala is the best hope.
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