If Biden Does Lose The Election


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
With all this concern over what if Trump loses the election, I had to ask myself what will America look like if Biden loses the election?

I think the picture is pretty clear:


If Trump loses the election, it will be an all out war on whites, conservatives, families, capitalism, religion and guns.

But if Biden loses the election, the Left will never accept it. It is going to be a war against the cities of America, plus still a war against whites and conservatives.

The operative word is that either way, we have allowed a generation of malcontents to grow up who want war with itself.

We better decide real fast what to do with them.
If Trump loses the election

What do you mean "if?"

I think Trump will have the worst loss of any Republican presidential candidate since Goldwater.
Do you even care that Biden is now PROVEN to have sold out the United States, its foreign policy, and allies in exchange for personal wealth??? And before you answer with your silly ass denials, it is now positively indisputable that Biden is head of a crime syndicate, no Russian this, no Russian that, it is irrefutably proven he committed the highest order political crimes since we executed the Rosenbergs! Now, knowing that, do you even care??? o_O
Well considering that we had marches and riots before Trump even took office. Not because of anything he said or did but because the left made up in their imagination what he might do.
Considering that they still have not accepted the last election.
Considering Hillary has already told Biden not to concede.

i am guessing that it there will be worse riots, the democrats will attempt to try any underhanded thing they can think of to remove him either legally or illegally.
Many of the blue cities and states will re-elect their local and state reps in 2022, right? To include the mayors, city councils, DAs, judges, governors, etc., and not to mention the state legislatures. SO - if the dems allow this shit to happen and Trump has to call in the military then you have to ask yourself how many of those guys will be voted out of office for not doing their jobs. Which IMHO should happen anyway, they can't use the George Floyd excuse any more, that's ancient history; any rioting after election day is obviously political and THAT is insurrection.

You know, I used to think all this talk about a civil war was way out there, couldn't happen. But now it looks possible, even likely in some places. People are shooting people, and starting fires; and I believe the violence and destruction could be headed for residential areas. Who could blame Trump for stepping in to put and end to this shit?
All Americans should consider all individuals who engage in hostile rioting, terrorizing individuals and families, and destroying public and private property as domestic terrorists.

Domestic terrorism: Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature.

If a person claims to support a fair and just society, it follows that correctly defining criminal activity should be a given. These thugs, oh I'm sorry, these "angry and tired people" have chosen to take things too far. Where are the true journalists who are reporting the facts without bias? I know where they aren't, but it's hard to place the blame entirely on the left-leaning mouth-pieces as they know their audience well. Where is the public outcry from peaceful citizens at these protests calling out the thugs and telling them to stay home they don't want them at their rallies? Can you imagine a court deciding that acts of domestic terrorism are partly justified when the persons involved are "just angry and tired"? Unfortunately, I can.

The political pendulum of a two-party system (yes, over 100 others but referencing two major ones-Dems/Reps) is working when it moves back and forth attempting to find equilibrium, that is unless it swings too far left or right. The US can still decide how far left or right we allow it to go. At least for now.
Do you see how the fascist democrats do not care that Biden is a proven criminal traitor to the nation, do you see? They do not care, now knowing that this vermin do not concern selves over even a pretense of "rule of law," how can any American allow them to live free of our immediate retribution?

You cannot afford to allow them freedom, or access, they must be dealt with, former political relationship is now wholly untenable, November 4th is coming.... :banana:
if donny loses:


That's easy to claim now, just remember, even if Trump loses, he still has about another 1/4 year still in office, that's assuming the election isn't contested, and after that, another matter to see next what Joey actually does and what 2021 brings!

Might not be what you expect!
Do you see how the fascist democrats do not care that Biden is a proven criminal traitor to the nation, do you see?

The Left does not care. Biden IS what they claimed of Donnie: Biden could raise their taxes, put us in another war, send us into a depression and shoot somebody right in the middle of the street and they would still support him.

THEY HAVE TO. To do otherwise would be to admit their own hypocrisy.

Just so long as Joey is loved by the people of Europe . . .
if donny loses:


That's easy to claim now, just remember, even if Trump loses, he still has about another 1/4 year still in office, that's assuming the election isn't contested, and after that, another matter to see next what Joey actually does and what 2021 brings!

Might not be what you expect!

the most dangerous time for america will be between election day & the inauguration.

even IF the election is CONtested - a president must be sworn in on jan 20, 2021 per the constitution.

the most extreme case - if you didn't realize it - will be

president nancy pelosi.

if donny loses:


That's easy to claim now, just remember, even if Trump loses, he still has about another 1/4 year still in office, that's assuming the election isn't contested, and after that, another matter to see next what Joey actually does and what 2021 brings!

Might not be what you expect!

the most dangerous time for america will be between election day & the inauguration.

even IF the election is CONtested - a president must be sworn in on jan 20, 2021 per the constitution.

the most extreme case - if you didn't realize it - will be

president nancy pelosi.


You can't REMOVE a sitting president from office until you can demonstrate that he has actually LOST an election.
if donny loses:


That's easy to claim now, just remember, even if Trump loses, he still has about another 1/4 year still in office, that's assuming the election isn't contested, and after that, another matter to see next what Joey actually does and what 2021 brings!

Might not be what you expect!

the most dangerous time for america will be between election day & the inauguration.

even IF the election is CONtested - a president must be sworn in on jan 20, 2021 per the constitution.

the most extreme case - if you didn't realize it - will be

president nancy pelosi.


You can't REMOVE a sitting president from office until you can demonstrate that he has actually LOST an election.

ummm..... no.

nancy pelosi, or whoever is elected as speaker of the house ( being the next in the chain of succession ) would be seated in the interim unless or until the election has been decided one way or the other.

20th amendment, section1:

The terms of the President and the Vice President shall end at noon on the 20th day of January, and the terms of Senators and Representatives at noon on the 3d day of January, of the years in which such terms would have ended if this article had not been ratified; and the terms of their successors shall then begin.
What do you mean "if?"

I think Trump will have the worst loss of any Republican presidential candidate since Goldwater.
Do you even care that Biden is now PROVEN to have sold out the United States, its foreign policy, and allies in exchange for personal wealth???

Of course I care. What does that have to do with anything?
So, if Trump wins, then what happens aside from the rioting? Depends on who wins the Senate and the House, right? Assume for the moment that the Dems retain their majority in the House, but the Senate appears to be in play. Sooo,

If the GOP keeps their Senate majority, then it is possible Trump fills one or maybe 2 more seats if the Senate remains in the GOP's hands for the next 4 years. Which would be huge if that happens, not so much the court would always swing right on every case, cuz Roberts, Gorsuch, and even Kavanaugh have not always voted in Trump's favor. But it does mean that the SCOTUS would NOT always swing Left if Biden wins and gets to put 1 or 2 more Lefties on the Court. A left-leaning Court could spell disaster for this country if everything they want to do is rubber-stamped by the court as constitutional.

Beyond that, if the Senate remains in Repub hands then otherwise it's business as usual. I do not see the GOP killing the filibuster, even though Trump may want that to happen; so, the Dems will filibuster just about everything and nothing much will get done. At least not until 2022, IF the midterms result in the Dems losing the House and some seats in the Senate. Maybe nothing gets done anyway, but with any luck Nancy Pelosi fades away.

Now, if Trump wins but the Dems take the Senate then of course Trump won't get to fill any seats on the SCOTUS should any come open. My guess is that the Dem's Senate majority would be a narrow one, like 51-49 but they'll send legislation to the president who will veto it and setup a showdown in the 2022 midterms. Although, Trump doesn't really care about fiscal sanity so he might make some deals and sign big spending bills that the Dems might offer. Interesting to see if the Senate Repubs would filibuster any Dem Senate bills that Trump wants. I can see Trump shutting out the Senate GOPers in negotiations with the Dems, just like he's doing now with the COVID Relief Bill.
What do you mean "if?"

I think Trump will have the worst loss of any Republican presidential candidate since Goldwater.
Do you even care that Biden is now PROVEN to have sold out the United States, its foreign policy, and allies in exchange for personal wealth???

Of course I care. What does that have to do with anything?
Oh stop it, you're supposed to be some kind of authority figure here, stop the silliness, "what does that have to do with anything," you cannot vote for, or otherwise support such a naked & dire threat to the United States if you were to actually care, you utterly lack the courage of your convictions when you hide ass behind such BS! Just be fucking honest, you could care less about this nation, what drives you is your own "confirmation biases," and you are willing to sign off upon any evil deed, or doer, to achieve them!

Just be fucking honest about it, you do not care one whit that that man is a traitor, and you are not nearly alone in that bit of pathology! :wink:

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