I Wouldn't Belong To A Church That Seemed More Concerned With Race Than God


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
From 'about us'. Barak Obama's Church. If it were any other candidate, he'd be stepping away from such. Something strikes me as it not being 'inclusive' enough:


We are a congregation which is Unashamedly Black and Unapologetically Christian... Our roots in the Black religious experience and tradition are deep, lasting and permanent. We are an African people, and remain "true to our native land," the mother continent, the cradle of civilization. God has superintended our pilgrimage through the days of slavery, the days of segregation, and the long night of racism. It is God who gives us the strength and courage to continuously address injustice as a people, and as a congregation. We constantly affirm our trust in God through cultural expression of a Black worship service and ministries which address the Black Community.

Trinity United Church of Christ adopted the Black Value System written by the Manford Byrd Recognition Committee chaired by Vallmer Jordan in 1981. We believe in the following 12 precepts and covenantal statements. These Black Ethics must be taught and exemplified in homes, churches, nurseries and schools, wherever Blacks are gathered. They must reflect on the following concepts:

1. Commitment to God
2. Commitment to the Black Community
3. Commitment to the Black Family
4. Dedication to the Pursuit of Education
5. Dedication to the Pursuit of Excellence
6. Adherence to the Black Work Ethic
7. Commitment to Self-Discipline and Self-Respect
8. Disavowal of the Pursuit of "Middleclassness"
9. Pledge to make the fruits of all developing and acquired skills available to the Black Community
10. Pledge to Allocate Regularly, a Portion of Personal Resources for Strengthening and Supporting Black Institutions
11. Pledge allegiance to all Black leadership who espouse and embrace the Black Value System
12. Personal commitment to embracement of the Black Value System.

The Pastor as well as the membership of Trinity United Church of Christ is committed to a 10-point Vision:

1. A congregation committed to ADORATION.
2. A congregation preaching SALVATION.
3. A congregation actively seeking RECONCILIATION.
4. A congregation with a non-negotiable COMMITMENT TO AFRICA.
5. A congregation committed to BIBLICAL EDUCATION.
6. A congregation committed to CULTURAL EDUCATION.
8. A congregation committed to LIBERATION.
9. A congregation committed to RESTORATION.
10. A congregation working towards ECONOMIC PARITY
given the UCC's roots in puritan -white as snow - new england, and as an active deacon in a new england UCC church myself, I am quite pleased to see the church reaching out to the black community.
given the UCC's roots in puritan -white as snow - new england, and as an active deacon in a new england UCC church myself, I am quite pleased to see the church reaching out to the black community.

So you would think it ok if Hillary belong to a church which identified itself as being for WHITE or GERMAN traditions? Passing that onto their children? I don't think so, if so then things are certainly in worse shape than I thought.
So you would think it ok if Hillary belong to a church which identified itself as being for WHITE or GERMAN traditions? Passing that onto their children? I don't think so, if so then things are certainly in worse shape than I thought.

don't put words in my mouth. I said I think it is good that the UCC is finding ways to reach the black community. I stand by that.
don't put words in my mouth. I said I think it is good that the UCC is finding ways to reach the black community.

I wonder. Will Obama be "reaching out" to the white community? How come nobody ever has to "reach out" to Christians, whites, males? And what exactly constitutes "reaching out," anyway? Reaching out... with the wallet that's been lifted from my pocket? The only time anyone ever reaches out for us, it's to slap us across the face for being white devils.
The UCC isn't the Chruch of Christ, Barack's wasn't even founded until 1957. They call themselves "socially progressive", and are loosely derived from the Congregationalists.


The UCC is one of the few Protestant chruches that have taken a side on Palestine/Israel and guess which side? They pass a resolution called "Tear down this Wall" (how original) clamouring for Israel to dismantle the thing, but makes no demand for Palestinians to stop their terrorism -the reason for the wall in the first place.

It's not just his "church", it's him. Barry's the darling of the moveon left, they'll jump all over anyone who dares to criticize Barack Hussein Obama:

A string of Democrats have reacted angrily to Mr Howard's comments which have received widespread media coverage in the US.

Terry McAuliffe, a former chairman of the Democratic National Convention, criticised Mr Howard's strong links to US President George W. Bush.

"The prime minister has been a great friend of George Bush's, he has been with him lock-step from day one on this war in Iraq," Mr McAuliffe said.

"He and George Bush, they can go off and talk to each other, we don't care what he says."

Democrat senator Ron Wyden said it was hard to be polite about Mr Howard.

"The most charitable thing you can say about Mr Howard's comment is bizarre," Senator Wyden said.

Boo frickin' hoo, they're never going to be able to get this person even nominated - he's a whiner and a race-baiter:

Acknowledging that his presidential campaign has opened a racial debate, Sen. Barack Obama, who has a white mother and an African father, says if you look African-American, you are treated like one. Obama and his wife, Michelle, who also addresses the race issue, appear in an interview with Steve Kroft to be broadcast on 60 MINUTES, Sunday Feb. 11 (7:00-8:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS television Network. If, as expected, Obama declares his formal candidacy for the Democratic presidential nomination tomorrow, it will be his first interview to be broadcast after that event.

When asked by Kroft if growing up in a white household had caused him to make a decision to be black, Obama replies, "I'm not sure I decided it. I think... if you look African American in this society, you're treated as an African-American.Ó "It's interesting though, that now I feel very comfortable and confident in terms of who I am and where I stake my ground. But I notice that... I've become a focal point for a racial debate," says Obama.

Obama's wife also addresses the race issue when asked by Kroft whether she fears for her husband's life as a black candidate. "I don't lose sleep over it because the realities are that... as a black man... Barack can get shot going to the gas station," says Michelle Obama. "You can't make decisions based on fear and the possibility of what might happen."

Will being African-American hold him back as a candidate? "No.... If I don't win this race it will be because of other factors --[that] I have not shown to the American people a vision for where the country needs to goÉthat they can embrace," Obama tells Kroft.


He's full of himself, isn't he? "I'm the focal point of a racial debate", he needs to keep talking.
don't put words in my mouth. I said I think it is good that the UCC is finding ways to reach the black community. I stand by that.

Sorry, I just do not see any reaching out of white to black or vice vera:

...We are an African people, and remain "true to our native land," the mother continent, the cradle of civilization. God has superintended our pilgrimage through the days of slavery, the days of segregation, and the long night of racism. It is God who gives us the strength and courage to continuously address injustice as a people, and as a congregation. We constantly affirm our trust in God through cultural expression of a Black worship service and ministries which address the Black Community.

Trinity United Church of Christ adopted the Black Value System written by the Manford Byrd Recognition Committee chaired by Vallmer Jordan in 1981. We believe in the following 12 precepts and covenantal statements. These Black Ethics must be taught and exemplified in homes, churches, nurseries and schools, wherever Blacks are gathered. They must reflect on the following concepts: ...
your point?

I think the point is that Church's shouldnt be segregated. Especially those espousing Christian ideals.

We are all children of God and should all sit in the same congregation regardless of skin color.
I think the point is that Church's shouldnt be segregated. Especially those espousing Christian ideals.

We are all children of God and should all sit in the same congregation regardless of skin color.

the church isd NOT segregated...it is trying to reach a population that has not heard its message. What about the tenets of that church are "bad"? I would LOVE to go to that church if I were in the Chicago area and I have absolutely NO DOUBT that they would be warm and welcoming of a visiting congregationalist.
the church isd NOT segregated...it is trying to reach a population that has not heard its message. What about the tenets of that church are "bad"? I would LOVE to go to that church if I were in the Chicago area and I have absolutely NO DOUBT that they would be warm and welcoming of a visiting congregationalist.

Oooohhhhh, where is the 'outreach'? All I see is 'we are Africans...' Give me a break, you always struck me as honest and this just isn't!
Oooohhhhh, where is the 'outreach'? All I see is 'we are Africans...' Give me a break, you always struck me as honest and this just isn't!

I can only tell you that, as a member of long standing in the United Chuch of Christ, I applaud the efforts of this church to reach out to the african american community and that I have absolutely NO DOUBT (to steal a phrase from Dubya) that, were I ever to be in the neighborhood of that church, that I would feel warm and welcomed there if I showed up on Sunday morning to worship with them.
I can only tell you that, as a member of long standing in the United Chuch of Christ, I applaud the efforts of this church to reach out to the african american community and that I have absolutely NO DOUBT (to steal a phrase from Dubya) that, were I ever to be in the neighborhood of that church, that I would feel warm and welcomed there if I showed up on Sunday morning to worship with them.

I understand what you are saying, I think. Would you wish to belong to a church of that congregation, IF they had a similar 'about us' but pertaining to your own ethnicity or racial group? Do you think Obama should belong to a church that is so adamently non-inclusive?
I understand what you are saying, I think. Would you wish to belong to a church of that congregation, IF they had a similar 'about us' but pertaining to your own ethnicity or racial group? Do you think Obama should belong to a church that is so adamently non-inclusive?

In the tradition of separation of church and state, IMO, he's free to worship at whatever church he wishes. I don't hold a public servant's religious beliefs against them as long as they don't interfere with their duties of office. If his church has declared an intent to focus on "uplifting" the black neighborhood in which the church resides, it sounds more like a long-overdue effort rather than a poke at whitey.
In the tradition of separation of church and state, IMO, he's free to worship at whatever church he wishes. I don't hold a public servant's religious beliefs against them as long as they don't interfere with their duties of office. If his church has declared an intent to focus on "uplifting" the black neighborhood in which the church resides, it sounds more like a long-overdue effort rather than a poke at whitey.

I wouldn't vote for an atheist that belonged to an organization that advocated for one race or ethnicity inclusivness either. It's not a matter of the church, but of the decision made by that church.
From 'about us'. Barak Obama's Church. If it were any other candidate, he'd be stepping away from such. Something strikes me as it not being 'inclusive' enough:


You disappoint me, dear lady. Trinity United Church of Christ is a member of the larger United Church of Christ, a broadly based affiliation of protestant churches. Their creed is, "that they may all be one", Jesus' prayer for the unity of the church. And it should be noted that the UCC is one of the most diverse Christian churches around. Also of note, is that the local churches are locally governed. So it should come as no surprise to ANYONE, that a church in a largely African-American community would serve a largely African-American congregation and represent the cultural heritage of that community.

Nobody complains about a Greek Orthodox church serving the the Greco-American community and representing their cultural heritage, now do they? Complaints about Obama's church and its affirmation of African-American cultural heritage smacks, more than a little, of race baiting. But that's why the boll-weevil democrats defected to the GOP in the 60's. They simply couldn't stand to be a member of a political party that pledged to help all those uppity colored folks secure voting rights and civil rights. Seems some in the GOP, as well as no small minority of its supporters, would favor a return to Jim Crowe segregation. After all, the whole civil rights movement was nothing but "...a racket that is used to exploit primarily heterosexual, Christian, white males' birthright and steal from them what is their birthright... - Michael Savage".
You disappoint me, dear lady. Trinity United Church of Christ is a member of the larger United Church of Christ, a broadly based affiliation of protestant churches. Their creed is, "that they may all be one", Jesus' prayer for the unity of the church. And it should be noted that the UCC is one of the most diverse Christian churches around. Also of note, is that the local churches are locally governed. So it should come as no surprise to ANYONE, that a church in a largely African-American community would serve a largely African-American congregation and represent the cultural heritage of that community.

Nobody complains about a Greek Orthodox church serving the the Greco-American community and representing their cultural heritage, now do they? Complaints about Obama's church and its affirmation of African-American cultural heritage smacks, more than a little, of race baiting. But that's why the boll-weevil democrats defected to the GOP in the 60's. They simply couldn't stand to be a member of a political party that pledged to help all those uppity colored folks secure voting rights and civil rights. Seems some in the GOP, as well as no small minority of its supporters, would favor a return to Jim Crowe segregation. After all, the whole civil rights movement was nothing but "...a racket that is used to exploit primarily heterosexual, Christian, white males' birthright and steal from them what is their birthright... - Michael Savage".

Bully, my argument is not with local churches being what they would be. The problem comes with a policy of exclusiveness, but I guess that kind of thinking is ok with 'progressives'? As for agreeing with M. Savage, that would be your province, not mine. This thread though is doing swimmingly at presenting WJ's arguments for reverse discrimination being the norm to be expected. Surprised you guys are going there.
Bully, my argument is not with local churches being what they would be. The problem comes with a policy of exclusiveness, but I guess that kind of thinking is ok with 'progressives'? As for agreeing with M. Savage, that would be your province, not mine. This thread though is doing swimmingly at presenting WJ's arguments for reverse discrimination being the norm to be expected. Surprised you guys are going there.

the UCC is not an exclusive denomination. The fact that this particular church in a black community tries to minister to the specific needs of that community does not bother me in the least. This seems like a tempest in a teapot about Barak.... much like the Faux News "reports" about him attending a radical islamic madrassa.

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